A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 """
2 Backend to the console plugin.
4 @author: Eitan Isaacson
5 @organization: IBM Corporation
6 @copyright: Copyright (c) 2007 IBM Corporation
7 @license: BSD
9 All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made
10 available under the terms of the BSD which accompanies this distribution, and
11 is available at U{http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php}
12 """
13 # this file is a modified version of source code from the Accerciser project
14 # http://live.gnome.org/accerciser
16 import gtk, gobject
17 import re
18 import sys
19 import os
20 from gi.repository import Pango
21 from StringIO import StringIO
22 import IPython
24 from pkg_resources import parse_version
26 try:
27  import IPython
28 except ImportError:
31  IPython = None
74  def __init__(self,argv=None,user_ns=None,user_global_ns=None,
75  cin=None, cout=None,cerr=None, input_func=None):
76  """! Initializer
78  @param self: this object
79  @param argv: Command line options for IPython
80  @param user_ns: User namespace.
81  @param user_global_ns: User global namespace.
82  @param cin: Console standard input.
83  @param cout: Console standard output.
84  @param cerr: Console standard error.
85  @param input_func: Replacement for builtin raw_input()
86  @return none
87  """
88  io = IPython.utils.io
89  if input_func:
90  if parse_version(IPython.release.version) >= parse_version("1.2.1"):
91  IPython.terminal.interactiveshell.raw_input_original = input_func
92  else:
93  IPython.frontend.terminal.interactiveshell.raw_input_original = input_func
94  if cin:
95  io.stdin = io.IOStream(cin)
96  if cout:
97  io.stdout = io.IOStream(cout)
98  if cerr:
99  io.stderr = io.IOStream(cerr)
101  # This is to get rid of the blockage that occurs during
102  # IPython.Shell.InteractiveShell.user_setup()
104  io.raw_input = lambda x: None
106  os.environ['TERM'] = 'dumb'
107  excepthook = sys.excepthook
109  from IPython.config.loader import Config
110  cfg = Config()
111  cfg.InteractiveShell.colors = "Linux"
113  # InteractiveShell's __init__ overwrites io.stdout,io.stderr with
114  # sys.stdout, sys.stderr, this makes sure they are right
115  #
116  old_stdout, old_stderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr
117  sys.stdout, sys.stderr = io.stdout.stream, io.stderr.stream
119  # InteractiveShell inherits from SingletonConfigurable, so use instance()
120  #
121  if parse_version(IPython.release.version) >= parse_version("1.2.1"):
122  self.IP = IPython.terminal.embed.InteractiveShellEmbed.instance(\
123  config=cfg, user_ns=user_ns)
124  else:
125  self.IP = IPython.frontend.terminal.embed.InteractiveShellEmbed.instance(\
126  config=cfg, user_ns=user_ns)
128  sys.stdout, sys.stderr = old_stdout, old_stderr
130  self.IP.system = lambda cmd: self.shell(self.IP.var_expand(cmd),
131  header='IPython system call: ')
132 # local_ns=user_ns)
133  #global_ns=user_global_ns)
134  #verbose=self.IP.rc.system_verbose)
136  self.IP.raw_input = input_func
137  sys.excepthook = excepthook
138  self.iter_more = 0
139  self.history_level = 0
140  self.complete_sep = re.compile('[\s\{\}\[\]\(\)]')
141  self.updateNamespace({'exit':lambda:None})
142  self.updateNamespace({'quit':lambda:None})
143  self.IP.readline_startup_hook(self.IP.pre_readline)
144  # Workaround for updating namespace with sys.modules
145  #
146  self.__update_namespace()
149  """!
150  Update self.IP namespace for autocompletion with sys.modules
151  """
152  for k, v in list(sys.modules.items()):
153  if not '.' in k:
154  self.IP.user_ns.update({k:v})
156  def execute(self):
157  """!
158  Executes the current line provided by the shell object.
159  """
160  self.history_level = 0
161  orig_stdout = sys.stdout
162  sys.stdout = IPython.utils.io.stdout
164  orig_stdin = sys.stdin
165  sys.stdin = IPython.utils.io.stdin;
166  self.prompt = self.generatePrompt(self.iter_more)
168  self.IP.hooks.pre_prompt_hook()
169  if self.iter_more:
170  try:
171  self.prompt = self.generatePrompt(True)
172  except:
173  self.IP.showtraceback()
174  if self.IP.autoindent:
175  self.IP.rl_do_indent = True
177  try:
178  line = self.IP.raw_input(self.prompt)
179  except KeyboardInterrupt:
180  self.IP.write('\nKeyboardInterrupt\n')
181  self.IP.input_splitter.reset()
182  except:
183  self.IP.showtraceback()
184  else:
185  self.IP.input_splitter.push(line)
186  self.iter_more = self.IP.input_splitter.push_accepts_more()
187  self.prompt = self.generatePrompt(self.iter_more)
188  if (self.IP.SyntaxTB.last_syntax_error and
189  self.IP.autoedit_syntax):
190  self.IP.edit_syntax_error()
191  if not self.iter_more:
192  if parse_version(IPython.release.version) >= parse_version("2.0.0-dev"):
193  source_raw = self.IP.input_splitter.raw_reset()
194  else:
195  source_raw = self.IP.input_splitter.source_raw_reset()[1]
196  self.IP.run_cell(source_raw, store_history=True)
197  self.IP.rl_do_indent = False
198  else:
199  # TODO: Auto-indent
200  #
201  self.IP.rl_do_indent = True
202  pass
204  sys.stdout = orig_stdout
205  sys.stdin = orig_stdin
207  def generatePrompt(self, is_continuation):
208  """!
209  Generate prompt depending on is_continuation value
211  @param is_continuation
212  @return: The prompt string representation
214  """
216  # Backwards compatibility with ipyton-0.11
217  #
218  ver = IPython.__version__
219  if '0.11' in ver:
220  prompt = self.IP.hooks.generate_prompt(is_continuation)
221  else:
222  if is_continuation:
223  prompt = self.IP.prompt_manager.render('in2')
224  else:
225  prompt = self.IP.prompt_manager.render('in')
227  return prompt
230  def historyBack(self):
231  """!
232  Provides one history command back.
234  @param self this object
235  @return: The command string.
236  """
237  self.history_level -= 1
238  if not self._getHistory():
239  self.history_level +=1
240  return self._getHistory()
242  def historyForward(self):
243  """!
244  Provides one history command forward.
246  @param self this object
247  @return: The command string.
248  """
249  if self.history_level < 0:
250  self.history_level += 1
251  return self._getHistory()
253  def _getHistory(self):
254  """!
255  Gets the command string of the current history level.
257  @param self this object
258  @return: Historic command string.
259  """
260  try:
261  rv = self.IP.user_ns['In'][self.history_level].strip('\n')
262  except IndexError:
263  rv = ''
264  return rv
266  def updateNamespace(self, ns_dict):
267  """!
268  Add the current dictionary to the shell namespace.
270  @param ns_dict: A dictionary of symbol-values.
271  @return none
272  """
273  self.IP.user_ns.update(ns_dict)
275  def complete(self, line):
276  """!
277  Returns an auto completed line and/or possibilities for completion.
279  @param line: Given line so far.
280  @return: Line completed as for as possible, and possible further completions.
281  """
282  split_line = self.complete_sep.split(line)
283  if split_line[-1]:
284  possibilities = self.IP.complete(split_line[-1])
285  else:
286  completed = line
287  possibilities = ['', []]
288  if possibilities:
289  def _commonPrefix(str1, str2):
290  """!
291  Reduction function. returns common prefix of two given strings.
293  @param str1: First string.
294  @param str2: Second string
295  @return: Common prefix to both strings.
296  """
297  for i in range(len(str1)):
298  if not str2.startswith(str1[:i+1]):
299  return str1[:i]
300  return str1
301  if possibilities[1]:
302  common_prefix = reduce(_commonPrefix, possibilities[1]) or line[-1]
303  completed = line[:-len(split_line[-1])]+common_prefix
304  else:
305  completed = line
306  else:
307  completed = line
308  return completed, possibilities[1]
311  def shell(self, cmd,verbose=0,debug=0,header=''):
312  """!
313  Replacement method to allow shell commands without them blocking.
315  @param cmd: Shell command to execute.
316  @param verbose: Verbosity
317  @param debug: Debug level
318  @param header: Header to be printed before output
319  @return none
320  """
321  stat = 0
322  if verbose or debug: print header+cmd
323  # flush stdout so we don't mangle python's buffering
324  if not debug:
325  input, output = os.popen4(cmd)
326  print output.read()
327  output.close()
328  input.close()
331 class ConsoleView(Gtk.TextView):
342  """
343  Specialized text view for console-like workflow.
345  @cvar ANSI_COLORS: Mapping of terminal colors to X11 names.
346  @type ANSI_COLORS: dictionary
348  @ivar text_buffer: Widget's text buffer.
349  @type text_buffer: Gtk.TextBuffer
350  @ivar color_pat: Regex of terminal color pattern
351  @type color_pat: _sre.SRE_Pattern
352  @ivar mark: Scroll mark for automatic scrolling on input.
353  @type mark: Gtk.TextMark
354  @ivar line_start: Start of command line mark.
355  @type line_start: Gtk.TextMark
356  """
357  ANSI_COLORS = {'0;30': 'Black', '0;31': 'Red',
358  '0;32': 'Green', '0;33': 'Brown',
359  '0;34': 'Blue', '0;35': 'Purple',
360  '0;36': 'Cyan', '0;37': 'LightGray',
361  '1;30': 'DarkGray', '1;31': 'DarkRed',
362  '1;32': 'SeaGreen', '1;33': 'Yellow',
363  '1;34': 'LightBlue', '1;35': 'MediumPurple',
364  '1;36': 'LightCyan', '1;37': 'White'}
366  def __init__(self):
367  """
368  Initialize console view.
369  """
370  GObject.GObject.__init__(self)
371  self.modify_font(Pango.FontDescription('Mono'))
372  self.set_cursor_visible(True)
373  self.text_buffer = self.get_buffer()
374  self.mark = self.text_buffer.create_mark('scroll_mark',
375  self.text_buffer.get_end_iter(),
376  False)
377  for code in self.ANSI_COLORS:
378  self.text_buffer.create_tag(code,
379  foreground=self.ANSI_COLORS[code],
380  weight=700)
381  self.text_buffer.create_tag('0')
382  self.text_buffer.create_tag('notouch', editable=False)
383  self.color_pat = re.compile('\x01?\x1b\[(.*?)m\x02?')
384  self.line_start = \
385  self.text_buffer.create_mark('line_start',
386  self.text_buffer.get_end_iter(), True)
387  self.connect('key-press-event', self.onKeyPress)
389  def write(self, text, editable=False):
390  """!
391  Write given text to buffer.
393  @param text: Text to append.
394  @param editable: If true, added text is editable.
395  @return none
396  """
397  GObject.idle_add(self._write, text, editable)
399  def _write(self, text, editable=False):
400  """!
401  Write given text to buffer.
403  @param text: Text to append.
404  @param editable: If true, added text is editable.
405  @return none
406  """
407  segments = self.color_pat.split(text)
408  segment = segments.pop(0)
409  start_mark = self.text_buffer.create_mark(None,
410  self.text_buffer.get_end_iter(),
411  True)
412  self.text_buffer.insert(self.text_buffer.get_end_iter(), segment)
414  if segments:
415  ansi_tags = self.color_pat.findall(text)
416  for tag in ansi_tags:
417  i = segments.index(tag)
418  self.text_buffer.insert_with_tags_by_name(self.text_buffer.get_end_iter(),
419  segments[i+1], str(tag))
420  segments.pop(i)
421  if not editable:
422  self.text_buffer.apply_tag_by_name('notouch',
423  self.text_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(start_mark),
424  self.text_buffer.get_end_iter())
425  self.text_buffer.delete_mark(start_mark)
426  self.scroll_mark_onscreen(self.mark)
428  def showPrompt(self, prompt):
429  """!
430  Prints prompt at start of line.
432  @param prompt: Prompt to print.
433  @return none
434  """
435  GObject.idle_add(self._showPrompt, prompt)
437  def _showPrompt(self, prompt):
438  """!
439  Prints prompt at start of line.
441  @param prompt: Prompt to print.
442  @return none
443  """
444  self._write(prompt)
445  self.text_buffer.move_mark(self.line_start,
446  self.text_buffer.get_end_iter())
448  def changeLine(self, text):
449  """!
450  Replace currently entered command line with given text.
452  @param text: Text to use as replacement.
453  @return none
454  """
455  GObject.idle_add(self._changeLine, text)
457  def _changeLine(self, text):
458  """!
459  Replace currently entered command line with given text.
461  @param text: Text to use as replacement.
462  @return none
463  """
464  iter = self.text_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(self.line_start)
465  iter.forward_to_line_end()
466  self.text_buffer.delete(self.text_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(self.line_start), iter)
467  self._write(text, True)
469  def getCurrentLine(self):
470  """!
471  Get text in current command line.
473  @return Text of current command line.
474  """
475  rv = self.text_buffer.get_slice(
476  self.text_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(self.line_start),
477  self.text_buffer.get_end_iter(), False)
478  return rv
480  def showReturned(self, text):
481  """!
482  Show returned text from last command and print new prompt.
484  @param text: Text to show.
485  @return none
486  """
487  GObject.idle_add(self._showReturned, text)
489  def _showReturned(self, text):
490  """!
491  Show returned text from last command and print new prompt.
493  @param text: Text to show.
494  @return none
495  """
496  iter = self.text_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(self.line_start)
497  iter.forward_to_line_end()
498  self.text_buffer.apply_tag_by_name(
499  'notouch',
500  self.text_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(self.line_start),
501  iter)
502  self._write('\n'+text)
503  if text:
504  self._write('\n')
505  self._showPrompt(self.prompt)
506  self.text_buffer.move_mark(self.line_start,self.text_buffer.get_end_iter())
507  self.text_buffer.place_cursor(self.text_buffer.get_end_iter())
509  if self.IP.rl_do_indent:
510  indentation = self.IP.input_splitter.indent_spaces * ' '
511  self.text_buffer.insert_at_cursor(indentation)
513  def onKeyPress(self, widget, event):
514  """!
515  Key press callback used for correcting behavior for console-like
516  interfaces. For example 'home' should go to prompt, not to beginning of
517  line.
519  @param widget: Widget that key press accored in.
520  @param event: Event object
521  @return Return True if event should not trickle.
522  """
523  insert_mark = self.text_buffer.get_insert()
524  insert_iter = self.text_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(insert_mark)
525  selection_mark = self.text_buffer.get_selection_bound()
526  selection_iter = self.text_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(selection_mark)
527  start_iter = self.text_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(self.line_start)
528  if event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Home:
529  if event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK or event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.MOD1_MASK:
530  pass
531  elif event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK:
532  self.text_buffer.move_mark(insert_mark, start_iter)
533  return True
534  else:
535  self.text_buffer.place_cursor(start_iter)
536  return True
537  elif event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Left:
538  insert_iter.backward_cursor_position()
539  if not insert_iter.editable(True):
540  return True
541  elif not event.string:
542  pass
543  elif start_iter.compare(insert_iter) <= 0 and \
544  start_iter.compare(selection_iter) <= 0:
545  pass
546  elif start_iter.compare(insert_iter) > 0 and \
547  start_iter.compare(selection_iter) > 0:
548  self.text_buffer.place_cursor(start_iter)
549  elif insert_iter.compare(selection_iter) < 0:
550  self.text_buffer.move_mark(insert_mark, start_iter)
551  elif insert_iter.compare(selection_iter) > 0:
552  self.text_buffer.move_mark(selection_mark, start_iter)
554  return self.onKeyPressExtend(event)
556  def onKeyPressExtend(self, event):
557  """!
558  For some reason we can't extend onKeyPress directly (bug #500900).
559  @param event key press
560  @return none
561  """
562  pass
565 class IPythonView(ConsoleView, IterableIPShell):
580  """
581  Sub-class of both modified IPython shell and L{ConsoleView} this makes
582  a GTK+ IPython console.
583  """
584  def __init__(self):
585  """
586  Initialize. Redirect I/O to console.
587  """
588  ConsoleView.__init__(self)
589  self.cout = StringIO()
590  IterableIPShell.__init__(self, cout=self.cout,cerr=self.cout,
591  input_func=self.raw_input)
592  self.interrupt = False
593  self.execute()
594  self.prompt = self.generatePrompt(False)
595  self.cout.truncate(0)
596  self.showPrompt(self.prompt)
598  def raw_input(self, prompt=''):
599  """!
600  Custom raw_input() replacement. Gets current line from console buffer.
602  @param prompt: Prompt to print. Here for compatibility as replacement.
603  @return The current command line text.
604  """
605  if self.interrupt:
606  self.interrupt = False
607  raise KeyboardInterrupt
608  return self.getCurrentLine()
610  def onKeyPressExtend(self, event):
611  """!
612  Key press callback with plenty of shell goodness, like history,
613  autocompletions, etc.
615  @param event: Event object.
616  @return True if event should not trickle.
617  """
619  if event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK and event.keyval == 99:
620  self.interrupt = True
621  self._processLine()
622  return True
623  elif event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Return:
624  self._processLine()
625  return True
626  elif event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Up:
627  self.changeLine(self.historyBack())
628  return True
629  elif event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Down:
630  self.changeLine(self.historyForward())
631  return True
632  elif event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Tab:
633  if not self.getCurrentLine().strip():
634  return False
635  completed, possibilities = self.complete(self.getCurrentLine())
636  if len(possibilities) > 1:
637  slice = self.getCurrentLine()
638  self.write('\n')
639  for symbol in possibilities:
640  self.write(symbol+'\n')
641  self.showPrompt(self.prompt)
642  self.changeLine(completed or slice)
643  return True
645  def _processLine(self):
646  """!
647  Process current command line.
648  @return none
649  """
650  self.history_pos = 0
651  self.execute()
652  rv = self.cout.getvalue()
653  if rv: rv = rv.strip('\n')
654  self.showReturned(rv)
655  self.cout.truncate(0)
656  self.cout.seek(0)
658 if __name__ == "__main__":
659  window = Gtk.Window()
660  window.set_default_size(640, 320)
661  window.connect('delete-event', lambda x, y: Gtk.main_quit())
662  window.add(IPythonView())
663  window.show_all()
664  Gtk.main()
def onKeyPressExtend(self, event)
For some reason we can&#39;t extend onKeyPress directly (bug #500900).
def onKeyPressExtend(self, event)
Key press callback with plenty of shell goodness, like history, autocompletions, etc.
def __init__(self, argv=None, user_ns=None, user_global_ns=None, cin=None, cout=None, cerr=None, input_func=None)
Definition: ipython_view.py:75
def raw_input(self, prompt='')
Custom raw_input() replacement.
def getCurrentLine(self)
Get text in current command line.
def _processLine(self)
Process current command line.
def execute(self)
Executes the current line provided by the shell object.
def _getHistory(self)
Gets the command string of the current history level.
def changeLine(self, text)
Replace currently entered command line with given text.
#define list
def _showReturned(self, text)
Show returned text from last command and print new prompt.
def _write(self, text, editable=False)
Write given text to buffer.
#define delete
def onKeyPress(self, widget, event)
Key press callback used for correcting behavior for console-like interfaces.
dictionary ANSI_COLORS
color list
def shell(self, cmd, verbose=0, debug=0, header='')
Replacement method to allow shell commands without them blocking.
def __update_namespace(self)
Update self.IP namespace for autocompletion with sys.modules.
def historyBack(self)
Provides one history command back.
def write(self, text, editable=False)
Write given text to buffer.
def generatePrompt(self, is_continuation)
Generate prompt depending on is_continuation value.
def _changeLine(self, text)
Replace currently entered command line with given text.
def historyForward(self)
Provides one history command forward.
def updateNamespace(self, ns_dict)
Add the current dictionary to the shell namespace.
def _showPrompt(self, prompt)
Prints prompt at start of line.
def showPrompt(self, prompt)
Prints prompt at start of line.
def complete(self, line)
Returns an auto completed line and/or possibilities for completion.
def showReturned(self, text)
Show returned text from last command and print new prompt.