24 #include <ns3/lte-amc.h> 26 #include <ns3/assert.h> 29 #include <ns3/spectrum-value.h> 30 #include <ns3/double.h> 32 #include <ns3/lte-mi-error-model.h> 50 0.15, 0.23, 0.38, 0.6, 0.88, 1.18,
52 2.73, 3.32, 3.9, 4.52, 5.12, 5.55
55 #if 0 // currently unused 64 static const int ModulationSchemeForMcs[32] = {
65 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
67 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,
84 0.15, 0.19, 0.23, 0.31, 0.38, 0.49, 0.6, 0.74, 0.88, 1.03, 1.18,
85 1.33, 1.48, 1.7, 1.91, 2.16, 2.41, 2.57,
86 2.73, 3.03, 3.32, 3.61, 3.9, 4.21, 4.52, 4.82, 5.12, 5.33, 5.55,
96 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15, 16, 17, 18,
97 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
106 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
107 19, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
119 { 16, 24, 32, 40, 56, 72, 88, 104, 120, 136, 144, 176, 208, 224, 256, 280, 328, 336, 376, 408, 440, 488, 520, 552, 584, 616, 712},
120 { 32, 56, 72, 104, 120, 144, 176, 224, 256, 296, 328, 376, 440, 488, 552, 600, 632, 696, 776, 840, 904, 1000, 1064, 1128, 1192, 1256, 1480},
121 { 56, 88, 144, 176, 208, 224, 256, 328, 392, 456, 504, 584, 680, 744, 840, 904, 968, 1064, 1160, 1288, 1384, 1480, 1608, 1736, 1800, 1864, 2216},
122 { 88, 144, 176, 208, 256, 328, 392, 472, 536, 616, 680, 776, 904, 1000, 1128, 1224, 1288, 1416, 1544, 1736, 1864, 1992, 2152, 2280, 2408, 2536, 2984},
123 { 120, 176, 208, 256, 328, 424, 504, 584, 680, 776, 872, 1000, 1128, 1256, 1416, 1544, 1608, 1800, 1992, 2152, 2344, 2472, 2664, 2856, 2984, 3112, 3752},
124 { 152, 208, 256, 328, 408, 504, 600, 712, 808, 936, 1032, 1192, 1352, 1544, 1736, 1800, 1928, 2152, 2344, 2600, 2792, 2984, 3240, 3496, 3624, 3752, 4392},
125 { 176, 224, 296, 392, 488, 600, 712, 840, 968, 1096, 1224, 1384, 1608, 1800, 1992, 2152, 2280, 2536, 2792, 2984, 3240, 3496, 3752, 4008, 4264, 4392, 5160},
126 { 208, 256, 328, 440, 552, 680, 808, 968, 1096, 1256, 1384, 1608, 1800, 2024, 2280, 2472, 2600, 2856, 3112, 3496, 3752, 4008, 4264, 4584, 4968, 5160, 5992},
127 { 224, 328, 376, 504, 632, 776, 936, 1096, 1256, 1416, 1544, 1800, 2024, 2280, 2600, 2728, 2984, 3240, 3624, 3880, 4136, 4584, 4776, 5160, 5544, 5736, 6712},
128 { 256, 344, 424, 568, 696, 872, 1032, 1224, 1384, 1544, 1736, 2024, 2280, 2536, 2856, 3112, 3240, 3624, 4008, 4264, 4584, 4968, 5352, 5736, 5992, 6200, 7480},
129 { 288, 376, 472, 616, 776, 968, 1128, 1320, 1544, 1736, 1928, 2216, 2472, 2856, 3112, 3368, 3624, 4008, 4392, 4776, 5160, 5544, 5992, 6200, 6712, 6968, 8248},
130 { 328, 424, 520, 680, 840, 1032, 1224, 1480, 1672, 1864, 2088, 2408, 2728, 3112, 3496, 3624, 3880, 4392, 4776, 5160, 5544, 5992, 6456, 6968, 7224, 7480, 8760},
131 { 344, 456, 568, 744, 904, 1128, 1352, 1608, 1800, 2024, 2280, 2600, 2984, 3368, 3752, 4008, 4264, 4776, 5160, 5544, 5992, 6456, 6968, 7480, 7992, 8248, 9528},
132 { 376, 488, 616, 808, 1000, 1224, 1480, 1672, 1928, 2216, 2472, 2792, 3240, 3624, 4008, 4264, 4584, 5160, 5544, 5992, 6456, 6968, 7480, 7992, 8504, 8760, 10296},
133 { 392, 520, 648, 872, 1064, 1320, 1544, 1800, 2088, 2344, 2664, 2984, 3368, 3880, 4264, 4584, 4968, 5352, 5992, 6456, 6968, 7480, 7992, 8504, 9144, 9528, 11064},
134 { 424, 568, 696, 904, 1128, 1384, 1672, 1928, 2216, 2536, 2792, 3240, 3624, 4136, 4584, 4968, 5160, 5736, 6200, 6968, 7480, 7992, 8504, 9144, 9912, 10296, 11832},
135 { 456, 600, 744, 968, 1192, 1480, 1736, 2088, 2344, 2664, 2984, 3496, 3880, 4392, 4968, 5160, 5544, 6200, 6712, 7224, 7992, 8504, 9144, 9912, 10296, 10680, 12576},
136 { 488, 632, 776, 1032, 1288, 1544, 1864, 2216, 2536, 2856, 3112, 3624, 4136, 4584, 5160, 5544, 5992, 6456, 7224, 7736, 8248, 9144, 9528, 10296, 11064, 11448, 13536},
137 { 504, 680, 840, 1096, 1352, 1672, 1992, 2344, 2664, 2984, 3368, 3880, 4392, 4968, 5544, 5736, 6200, 6712, 7480, 8248, 8760, 9528, 10296, 11064, 11448, 12216, 14112},
138 { 536, 712, 872, 1160, 1416, 1736, 2088, 2472, 2792, 3112, 3496, 4008, 4584, 5160, 5736, 6200, 6456, 7224, 7992, 8504, 9144, 9912, 10680, 11448, 12216, 12576, 14688},
139 { 568, 744, 936, 1224, 1480, 1864, 2216, 2536, 2984, 3368, 3752, 4264, 4776, 5352, 5992, 6456, 6712, 7480, 8248, 9144, 9912, 10680, 11448, 12216, 12960, 13536, 15264},
140 { 600, 776, 968, 1256, 1544, 1928, 2280, 2664, 3112, 3496, 3880, 4392, 4968, 5736, 6200, 6712, 7224, 7992, 8760, 9528, 10296, 11064, 11832, 12576, 13536, 14112, 16416},
141 { 616, 808, 1000, 1320, 1608, 2024, 2408, 2792, 3240, 3624, 4008, 4584, 5352, 5992, 6456, 6968, 7480, 8248, 9144, 9912, 10680, 11448, 12576, 12960, 14112, 14688, 16992},
142 { 648, 872, 1064, 1384, 1736, 2088, 2472, 2984, 3368, 3752, 4264, 4776, 5544, 6200, 6968, 7224, 7736, 8760, 9528, 10296, 11064, 12216, 12960, 13536, 14688, 15264, 17568},
143 { 680, 904, 1096, 1416, 1800, 2216, 2600, 3112, 3496, 4008, 4392, 4968, 5736, 6456, 7224, 7736, 7992, 9144, 9912, 10680, 11448, 12576, 13536, 14112, 15264, 15840, 18336},
144 { 712, 936, 1160, 1480, 1864, 2280, 2728, 3240, 3624, 4136, 4584, 5352, 5992, 6712, 7480, 7992, 8504, 9528, 10296, 11064, 12216, 12960, 14112, 14688, 15840, 16416, 19080},
145 { 744, 968, 1192, 1544, 1928, 2344, 2792, 3368, 3752, 4264, 4776, 5544, 6200, 6968, 7736, 8248, 8760, 9912, 10680, 11448, 12576, 13536, 14688, 15264, 16416, 16992, 19848},
146 { 776, 1000, 1256, 1608, 1992, 2472, 2984, 3368, 3880, 4392, 4968, 5736, 6456, 7224, 7992, 8504, 9144, 10296, 11064, 12216, 12960, 14112, 15264, 15840, 16992, 17568, 20616},
147 { 776, 1032, 1288, 1672, 2088, 2536, 2984, 3496, 4008, 4584, 5160, 5992, 6712, 7480, 8248, 8760, 9528, 10296, 11448, 12576, 13536, 14688, 15840, 16416, 17568, 18336, 21384},
148 { 808, 1064, 1320, 1736, 2152, 2664, 3112, 3624, 4264, 4776, 5352, 5992, 6712, 7736, 8504, 9144, 9912, 10680, 11832, 12960, 14112, 15264, 16416, 16992, 18336, 19080, 22152},
149 { 840, 1128, 1384, 1800, 2216, 2728, 3240, 3752, 4392, 4968, 5544, 6200, 6968, 7992, 8760, 9528, 9912, 11064, 12216, 13536, 14688, 15840, 16992, 17568, 19080, 19848, 22920},
150 { 872, 1160, 1416, 1864, 2280, 2792, 3368, 3880, 4584, 5160, 5736, 6456, 7224, 8248, 9144, 9912, 10296, 11448, 12576, 13536, 14688, 15840, 16992, 18336, 19848, 20616, 23688},
151 { 904, 1192, 1480, 1928, 2344, 2856, 3496, 4008, 4584, 5160, 5736, 6712, 7480, 8504, 9528, 10296, 10680, 11832, 12960, 14112, 15264, 16416, 17568, 19080, 19848, 20616, 24496},
152 { 936, 1224, 1544, 1992, 2408, 2984, 3496, 4136, 4776, 5352, 5992, 6968, 7736, 8760, 9912, 10296, 11064, 12216, 13536, 14688, 15840, 16992, 18336, 19848, 20616, 21384, 25456},
153 { 968, 1256, 1544, 2024, 2472, 3112, 3624, 4264, 4968, 5544, 6200, 6968, 7992, 9144, 9912, 10680, 11448, 12576, 14112, 15264, 16416, 17568, 19080, 19848, 21384, 22152, 25456},
154 { 1000, 1288, 1608, 2088, 2600, 3112, 3752, 4392, 4968, 5736, 6200, 7224, 8248, 9144, 10296, 11064, 11832, 12960, 14112, 15264, 16992, 18336, 19080, 20616, 22152, 22920, 26416},
155 { 1032, 1352, 1672, 2152, 2664, 3240, 3880, 4584, 5160, 5736, 6456, 7480, 8504, 9528, 10680, 11448, 12216, 13536, 14688, 15840, 16992, 18336, 19848, 21384, 22920, 23688, 27376},
156 { 1032, 1384, 1672, 2216, 2728, 3368, 4008, 4584, 5352, 5992, 6712, 7736, 8760, 9912, 11064, 11832, 12216, 13536, 15264, 16416, 17568, 19080, 20616, 22152, 22920, 24496, 28336},
157 { 1064, 1416, 1736, 2280, 2792, 3496, 4136, 4776, 5544, 6200, 6712, 7736, 8760, 9912, 11064, 11832, 12576, 14112, 15264, 16992, 18336, 19848, 21384, 22152, 23688, 24496, 29296},
158 { 1096, 1416, 1800, 2344, 2856, 3496, 4136, 4968, 5544, 6200, 6968, 7992, 9144, 10296, 11448, 12216, 12960, 14688, 15840, 16992, 18336, 19848, 21384, 22920, 24496, 25456, 29296},
159 { 1128, 1480, 1800, 2408, 2984, 3624, 4264, 4968, 5736, 6456, 7224, 8248, 9528, 10680, 11832, 12576, 13536, 14688, 16416, 17568, 19080, 20616, 22152, 23688, 25456, 26416, 30576},
160 { 1160, 1544, 1864, 2472, 2984, 3752, 4392, 5160, 5992, 6712, 7480, 8504, 9528, 10680, 12216, 12960, 13536, 15264, 16416, 18336, 19848, 21384, 22920, 24496, 25456, 26416, 30576},
161 { 1192, 1544, 1928, 2536, 3112, 3752, 4584, 5352, 5992, 6712, 7480, 8760, 9912, 11064, 12216, 12960, 14112, 15264, 16992, 18336, 19848, 21384, 22920, 24496, 26416, 27376, 31704},
162 { 1224, 1608, 1992, 2536, 3112, 3880, 4584, 5352, 6200, 6968, 7736, 8760, 9912, 11448, 12576, 13536, 14112, 15840, 17568, 19080, 20616, 22152, 23688, 25456, 26416, 28336, 32856},
163 { 1256, 1608, 2024, 2600, 3240, 4008, 4776, 5544, 6200, 6968, 7992, 9144, 10296, 11448, 12960, 13536, 14688, 16416, 17568, 19080, 20616, 22920, 24496, 25456, 27376, 28336, 32856},
164 { 1256, 1672, 2088, 2664, 3240, 4008, 4776, 5736, 6456, 7224, 7992, 9144, 10680, 11832, 12960, 14112, 14688, 16416, 18336, 19848, 21384, 22920, 24496, 26416, 28336, 29296, 34008},
165 { 1288, 1736, 2088, 2728, 3368, 4136, 4968, 5736, 6456, 7480, 8248, 9528, 10680, 12216, 13536, 14688, 15264, 16992, 18336, 20616, 22152, 23688, 25456, 27376, 28336, 29296, 35160},
166 { 1320, 1736, 2152, 2792, 3496, 4264, 4968, 5992, 6712, 7480, 8504, 9528, 11064, 12216, 13536, 14688, 15840, 17568, 19080, 20616, 22152, 24496, 25456, 27376, 29296, 30576, 35160},
167 { 1352, 1800, 2216, 2856, 3496, 4392, 5160, 5992, 6968, 7736, 8504, 9912, 11064, 12576, 14112, 15264, 15840, 17568, 19080, 21384, 22920, 24496, 26416, 28336, 29296, 31704, 36696},
168 { 1384, 1800, 2216, 2856, 3624, 4392, 5160, 6200, 6968, 7992, 8760, 9912, 11448, 12960, 14112, 15264, 16416, 18336, 19848, 21384, 22920, 25456, 27376, 28336, 30576, 31704, 36696},
169 { 1416, 1864, 2280, 2984, 3624, 4584, 5352, 6200, 7224, 7992, 9144, 10296, 11832, 12960, 14688, 15840, 16416, 18336, 19848, 22152, 23688, 25456, 27376, 29296, 31704, 32856, 37888},
170 { 1416, 1864, 2344, 2984, 3752, 4584, 5352, 6456, 7224, 8248, 9144, 10680, 11832, 13536, 14688, 15840, 16992, 19080, 20616, 22152, 24496, 26416, 28336, 29296, 31704, 32856, 37888},
171 { 1480, 1928, 2344, 3112, 3752, 4776, 5544, 6456, 7480, 8248, 9144, 10680, 12216, 13536, 15264, 16416, 16992, 19080, 21384, 22920, 24496, 26416, 28336, 30576, 32856, 34008, 39232},
172 { 1480, 1992, 2408, 3112, 3880, 4776, 5736, 6712, 7480, 8504, 9528, 11064, 12216, 14112, 15264, 16416, 17568, 19848, 21384, 22920, 25456, 27376, 29296, 30576, 32856, 34008, 40576},
173 { 1544, 1992, 2472, 3240, 4008, 4776, 5736, 6712, 7736, 8760, 9528, 11064, 12576, 14112, 15840, 16992, 17568, 19848, 22152, 23688, 25456, 27376, 29296, 31704, 34008, 35160, 40576},
174 { 1544, 2024, 2536, 3240, 4008, 4968, 5992, 6712, 7736, 8760, 9912, 11448, 12576, 14688, 15840, 16992, 18336, 20616, 22152, 24496, 26416, 28336, 30576, 31704, 34008, 35160, 40576},
175 { 1608, 2088, 2536, 3368, 4136, 4968, 5992, 6968, 7992, 9144, 9912, 11448, 12960, 14688, 16416, 17568, 18336, 20616, 22920, 24496, 26416, 28336, 30576, 32856, 35160, 36696, 42368},
176 { 1608, 2088, 2600, 3368, 4136, 5160, 5992, 6968, 7992, 9144, 10296, 11832, 12960, 14688, 16416, 17568, 19080, 20616, 22920, 25456, 27376, 29296, 31704, 32856, 35160, 36696, 42368},
177 { 1608, 2152, 2664, 3496, 4264, 5160, 6200, 7224, 8248, 9144, 10296, 11832, 13536, 15264, 16992, 18336, 19080, 21384, 23688, 25456, 27376, 29296, 31704, 34008, 36696, 37888, 43816},
178 { 1672, 2152, 2664, 3496, 4264, 5352, 6200, 7224, 8504, 9528, 10680, 12216, 13536, 15264, 16992, 18336, 19848, 21384, 23688, 25456, 28336, 30576, 32856, 34008, 36696, 37888, 43816},
179 { 1672, 2216, 2728, 3624, 4392, 5352, 6456, 7480, 8504, 9528, 10680, 12216, 14112, 15840, 17568, 18336, 19848, 22152, 24496, 26416, 28336, 30576, 32856, 35160, 36696, 39232, 45352},
180 { 1736, 2280, 2792, 3624, 4392, 5544, 6456, 7480, 8760, 9912, 11064, 12576, 14112, 15840, 17568, 19080, 19848, 22152, 24496, 26416, 29296, 31704, 34008, 35160, 37888, 39232, 45352},
181 { 1736, 2280, 2856, 3624, 4584, 5544, 6456, 7736, 8760, 9912, 11064, 12576, 14112, 16416, 18336, 19080, 20616, 22920, 24496, 27376, 29296, 31704, 34008, 36696, 37888, 40576, 46888},
182 { 1800, 2344, 2856, 3752, 4584, 5736, 6712, 7736, 9144, 10296, 11448, 12960, 14688, 16416, 18336, 19848, 20616, 22920, 25456, 27376, 29296, 31704, 34008, 36696, 39232, 40576, 46888},
183 { 1800, 2344, 2856, 3752, 4584, 5736, 6712, 7992, 9144, 10296, 11448, 12960, 14688, 16992, 18336, 19848, 21384, 23688, 25456, 28336, 30576, 32856, 35160, 37888, 39232, 40576, 48936},
184 { 1800, 2408, 2984, 3880, 4776, 5736, 6968, 7992, 9144, 10296, 11448, 13536, 15264, 16992, 19080, 20616, 21384, 23688, 26416, 28336, 30576, 32856, 35160, 37888, 40576, 42368, 48936},
185 { 1864, 2472, 2984, 3880, 4776, 5992, 6968, 8248, 9528, 10680, 11832, 13536, 15264, 16992, 19080, 20616, 22152, 24496, 26416, 29296, 31704, 34008, 36696, 37888, 40576, 42368, 48936},
186 { 1864, 2472, 3112, 4008, 4968, 5992, 6968, 8248, 9528, 10680, 11832, 13536, 15264, 17568, 19848, 20616, 22152, 24496, 27376, 29296, 31704, 34008, 36696, 39232, 42368, 43816, 51024},
187 { 1928, 2536, 3112, 4008, 4968, 5992, 7224, 8504, 9528, 11064, 12216, 14112, 15840, 17568, 19848, 21384, 22152, 24496, 27376, 29296, 31704, 35160, 36696, 39232, 42368, 43816, 51024},
188 { 1928, 2536, 3112, 4136, 4968, 6200, 7224, 8504, 9912, 11064, 12216, 14112, 15840, 18336, 19848, 21384, 22920, 25456, 27376, 30576, 32856, 35160, 37888, 40576, 42368, 43816, 52752},
189 { 1992, 2600, 3240, 4136, 5160, 6200, 7480, 8760, 9912, 11064, 12576, 14112, 16416, 18336, 20616, 22152, 22920, 25456, 28336, 30576, 32856, 35160, 37888, 40576, 43816, 45352, 52752},
190 { 1992, 2600, 3240, 4264, 5160, 6200, 7480, 8760, 9912, 11448, 12576, 14688, 16416, 18336, 20616, 22152, 23688, 26416, 28336, 30576, 34008, 36696, 39232, 40576, 43816, 45352, 52752},
191 { 2024, 2664, 3240, 4264, 5160, 6456, 7736, 8760, 10296, 11448, 12960, 14688, 16416, 19080, 20616, 22152, 23688, 26416, 29296, 31704, 34008, 36696, 39232, 42368, 45352, 46888, 55056},
192 { 2088, 2728, 3368, 4392, 5352, 6456, 7736, 9144, 10296, 11832, 12960, 14688, 16992, 19080, 21384, 22920, 24496, 26416, 29296, 31704, 34008, 36696, 40576, 42368, 45352, 46888, 55056},
193 { 2088, 2728, 3368, 4392, 5352, 6712, 7736, 9144, 10680, 11832, 12960, 15264, 16992, 19080, 21384, 22920, 24496, 27376, 29296, 32856, 35160, 37888, 40576, 43816, 45352, 46888, 55056},
194 { 2088, 2792, 3368, 4392, 5544, 6712, 7992, 9144, 10680, 11832, 13536, 15264, 17568, 19848, 22152, 23688, 24496, 27376, 30576, 32856, 35160, 37888, 40576, 43816, 46888, 48936, 55056},
195 { 2152, 2792, 3496, 4584, 5544, 6712, 7992, 9528, 10680, 12216, 13536, 15840, 17568, 19848, 22152, 23688, 25456, 27376, 30576, 32856, 35160, 39232, 42368, 43816, 46888, 48936, 57336},
196 { 2152, 2856, 3496, 4584, 5544, 6968, 8248, 9528, 11064, 12216, 13536, 15840, 17568, 19848, 22152, 23688, 25456, 28336, 30576, 34008, 36696, 39232, 42368, 45352, 46888, 48936, 57336},
197 { 2216, 2856, 3496, 4584, 5736, 6968, 8248, 9528, 11064, 12576, 14112, 15840, 18336, 20616, 22920, 24496, 25456, 28336, 31704, 34008, 36696, 39232, 42368, 45352, 48936, 51024, 57336},
198 { 2216, 2856, 3624, 4776, 5736, 6968, 8248, 9912, 11064, 12576, 14112, 16416, 18336, 20616, 22920, 24496, 26416, 29296, 31704, 34008, 36696, 40576, 43816, 45352, 48936, 51024, 59256},
199 { 2280, 2984, 3624, 4776, 5736, 7224, 8504, 9912, 11448, 12960, 14112, 16416, 18336, 20616, 22920, 24496, 26416, 29296, 31704, 35160, 37888, 40576, 43816, 46888, 48936, 51024, 59256},
200 { 2280, 2984, 3624, 4776, 5992, 7224, 8504, 9912, 11448, 12960, 14688, 16416, 19080, 21384, 23688, 25456, 26416, 29296, 32856, 35160, 37888, 40576, 43816, 46888, 51024, 52752, 59256},
201 { 2280, 2984, 3752, 4776, 5992, 7224, 8760, 10296, 11448, 12960, 14688, 16992, 19080, 21384, 23688, 25456, 27376, 30576, 32856, 35160, 39232, 42368, 45352, 46888, 51024, 52752, 61664},
202 { 2344, 3112, 3752, 4968, 5992, 7480, 8760, 10296, 11832, 13536, 14688, 16992, 19080, 21384, 24496, 25456, 27376, 30576, 32856, 36696, 39232, 42368, 45352, 48936, 51024, 52752, 61664},
203 { 2344, 3112, 3880, 4968, 5992, 7480, 8760, 10296, 11832, 13536, 14688, 16992, 19080, 22152, 24496, 26416, 27376, 30576, 34008, 36696, 39232, 42368, 45352, 48936, 52752, 55056, 61664},
204 { 2408, 3112, 3880, 4968, 6200, 7480, 9144, 10680, 12216, 13536, 15264, 17568, 19848, 22152, 24496, 26416, 28336, 30576, 34008, 36696, 40576, 43816, 46888, 48936, 52752, 55056, 63776},
205 { 2408, 3240, 3880, 5160, 6200, 7736, 9144, 10680, 12216, 13536, 15264, 17568, 19848, 22152, 25456, 26416, 28336, 31704, 34008, 37888, 40576, 43816, 46888, 51024, 52752, 55056, 63776},
206 { 2472, 3240, 4008, 5160, 6200, 7736, 9144, 10680, 12216, 14112, 15264, 17568, 19848, 22920, 25456, 27376, 28336, 31704, 35160, 37888, 40576, 43816, 46888, 51024, 52752, 55056, 63776},
207 { 2472, 3240, 4008, 5160, 6456, 7736, 9144, 11064, 12576, 14112, 15840, 18336, 20616, 22920, 25456, 27376, 29296, 31704, 35160, 37888, 42368, 45352, 48936, 51024, 55056, 57336, 66592},
208 { 2536, 3240, 4008, 5352, 6456, 7992, 9528, 11064, 12576, 14112, 15840, 18336, 20616, 22920, 25456, 27376, 29296, 32856, 35160, 39232, 42368, 45352, 48936, 51024, 55056, 57336, 66592},
209 { 2536, 3368, 4136, 5352, 6456, 7992, 9528, 11064, 12576, 14112, 15840, 18336, 20616, 23688, 26416, 28336, 29296, 32856, 36696, 39232, 42368, 45352, 48936, 52752, 55056, 57336, 66592},
210 { 2536, 3368, 4136, 5352, 6456, 7992, 9528, 11448, 12960, 14688, 16416, 18336, 21384, 23688, 26416, 28336, 30576, 32856, 36696, 39232, 42368, 46888, 48936, 52752, 57336, 59256, 68808},
211 { 2600, 3368, 4136, 5352, 6712, 8248, 9528, 11448, 12960, 14688, 16416, 19080, 21384, 23688, 26416, 28336, 30576, 34008, 36696, 40576, 43816, 46888, 51024, 52752, 57336, 59256, 68808},
212 { 2600, 3496, 4264, 5544, 6712, 8248, 9912, 11448, 12960, 14688, 16416, 19080, 21384, 24496, 27376, 29296, 30576, 34008, 37888, 40576, 43816, 46888, 51024, 55056, 57336, 59256, 68808},
213 { 2664, 3496, 4264, 5544, 6712, 8248, 9912, 11448, 13536, 15264, 16992, 19080, 21384, 24496, 27376, 29296, 30576, 34008, 37888, 40576, 43816, 46888, 51024, 55056, 57336, 61664, 71112},
214 { 2664, 3496, 4264, 5544, 6968, 8504, 9912, 11832, 13536, 15264, 16992, 19080, 22152, 24496, 27376, 29296, 31704, 35160, 37888, 40576, 45352, 48936, 51024, 55056, 59256, 61664, 71112},
215 { 2728, 3496, 4392, 5736, 6968, 8504, 10296, 11832, 13536, 15264, 16992, 19848, 22152, 25456, 28336, 29296, 31704, 35160, 37888, 42368, 45352, 48936, 52752, 55056, 59256, 61664, 71112},
216 { 2728, 3624, 4392, 5736, 6968, 8760, 10296, 11832, 13536, 15264, 16992, 19848, 22152, 25456, 28336, 30576, 31704, 35160, 39232, 42368, 45352, 48936, 52752, 57336, 59256, 61664, 73712},
217 { 2728, 3624, 4392, 5736, 6968, 8760, 10296, 12216, 14112, 15840, 17568, 19848, 22920, 25456, 28336, 30576, 31704, 35160, 39232, 42368, 46888, 48936, 52752, 57336, 61664, 63776, 73712},
218 { 2792, 3624, 4584, 5736, 7224, 8760, 10296, 12216, 14112, 15840, 17568, 19848, 22920, 25456, 28336, 30576, 32856, 36696, 39232, 43816, 46888, 51024, 55056, 57336, 61664, 63776, 75376},
219 { 2792, 3752, 4584, 5992, 7224, 8760, 10680, 12216, 14112, 15840, 17568, 20616, 22920, 26416, 29296, 30576, 32856, 36696, 40576, 43816, 46888, 51024, 55056, 57336, 61664, 63776, 75376},
220 { 2856, 3752, 4584, 5992, 7224, 9144, 10680, 12576, 14112, 16416, 18336, 20616, 23688, 26416, 29296, 31704, 32856, 36696, 40576, 43816, 46888, 51024, 55056, 59256, 61664, 63776, 75376},
221 { 2856, 3752, 4584, 5992, 7480, 9144, 10680, 12576, 14688, 16416, 18336, 20616, 23688, 26416, 29296, 31704, 34008, 36696, 40576, 43816, 48936, 51024, 55056, 59256, 63776, 66592, 75376},
222 { 2856, 3752, 4584, 5992, 7480, 9144, 10680, 12576, 14688, 16416, 18336, 21384, 23688, 26416, 29296, 31704, 34008, 37888, 40576, 45352, 48936, 52752, 57336, 59256, 63776, 66592, 75376},
223 { 2984, 3880, 4776, 6200, 7480, 9144, 11064, 12960, 14688, 16416, 18336, 21384, 23688, 27376, 30576, 31704, 34008, 37888, 42368, 45352, 48936, 52752, 57336, 59256, 63776, 66592, 75376},
224 { 2984, 3880, 4776, 6200, 7480, 9528, 11064, 12960, 14688, 16992, 18336, 21384, 24496, 27376, 30576, 32856, 34008, 37888, 42368, 45352, 48936, 52752, 57336, 61664, 63776, 66592, 75376},
225 { 2984, 3880, 4776, 6200, 7736, 9528, 11064, 12960, 15264, 16992, 19080, 21384, 24496, 27376, 30576, 32856, 35160, 39232, 42368, 46888, 48936, 52752, 57336, 61664, 66592, 68808, 75376},
226 { 2984, 4008, 4776, 6200, 7736, 9528, 11448, 12960, 15264, 16992, 19080, 22152, 24496, 27376, 30576, 32856, 35160, 39232, 42368, 46888, 51024, 55056, 59256, 61664, 66592, 68808, 75376},
227 { 2984, 4008, 4968, 6456, 7736, 9528, 11448, 13536, 15264, 16992, 19080, 22152, 24496, 28336, 31704, 34008, 35160, 39232, 43816, 46888, 51024, 55056, 59256, 61664, 66592, 68808, 75376},
228 { 3112, 4008, 4968, 6456, 7992, 9528, 11448, 13536, 15264, 17568, 19080, 22152, 25456, 28336, 31704, 34008, 35160, 39232, 43816, 46888, 51024, 55056, 59256, 63776, 66592, 71112, 75376}
248 .AddConstructor<
LteAmc> ()
249 .AddAttribute (
250 "The requested BER in assigning MCS (default is 0.00005).",
253 MakeDoubleChecker<double> ())
254 .AddAttribute (
255 "AMC model used to assign CQI",
268 NS_ASSERT_MSG (s >= 0.0,
"negative spectral efficiency = " << s);
283 NS_ASSERT_MSG (cqi >= 0 && cqi <= 15,
"CQI must be in [0..15] = " << cqi);
323 NS_ASSERT_MSG (cqi >= 0 && cqi <= 15,
"CQI must be in [0..15] = " << cqi);
334 std::vector<int> cqi;
335 Values::const_iterator it;
342 double sinr_ = (*it);
357 double s = log2 ( 1 + ( sinr_ / ( (-std::log (5.0 *
m_ber )) / 1.5) ));
362 <<
", sinr = " << sinr_
363 <<
" (=" << 10 * std::log10 (sinr_) <<
" dB)" 364 <<
", spectral efficiency =" << s
365 <<
", CQI = " << cqi_ <<
", BER = " <<
367 cqi.push_back (cqi_);
this <<
" AMC-VIENNA RBG size " << (uint16_t)rbgSize);
374 NS_ASSERT_MSG (rbgSize > 0,
" LteAmc-Vienna: RBG size must be greater than 0");
375 std::vector <int> rbgMap;
379 rbgMap.push_back (rbId++);
388 if (tbStats.
tbler > 0.1)
this <<
"\t RBG " << rbId <<
" MCS " << (uint16_t)mcs <<
" TBLER " << tbStats.
401 if ((tbStats.
tbler > 0.1)&&(mcs==0))
this <<
"\t MCS " << (uint16_t)mcs <<
"-> CQI " << rbgCqi);
420 for (uint8_t j = 0; j < rbgSize; j++)
422 cqi.push_back (rbgCqi);
#define NS_LOG_FUNCTION(parameters)
If log level LOG_FUNCTION is enabled, this macro will output all input parameters separated by "...
Register an Object subclass with the TypeId system.
NS_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Ipv4AddressGenerator::MaskToIndex(): Impossible")
Ptr< const AttributeAccessor > MakeEnumAccessor(T1 a1)
Create an AttributeAccessor for a class data member, or a lone class get functor or set method...
int GetMcsFromCqi(int cqi)
Get the Modulation and Coding Scheme for a CQI value.
Define a Log component with a specific name.
static TbStats_t GetTbDecodificationStats(const SpectrumValue &sinr, const std::vector< int > &map, uint16_t size, uint8_t mcs, HarqProcessInfoList_t miHistory)
run the error-model algorithm for the specified TB
static const int McsToItbsDl[29]
Table of MCS index (IMCS) and its TBS index (ITBS).
int GetUlTbSizeFromMcs(int mcs, int nprb)
Get the Transport Block Size for a selected MCS and number of PRB (table 8.6.1-1 of 36...
Values::const_iterator ConstValuesBegin() const
int GetCqiFromSpectralEfficiency(double s)
Get a proper CQI for the spectral efficiency value.
AmcModel m_amcModel
The AmcModel attribute.
Hold variables of type enum.
double m_ber
The Ber attribute.
Implements the Adaptive Modulation And Coding Scheme.
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
int GetDlTbSizeFromMcs(int mcs, int nprb)
Get the Transport Block Size for a selected MCS and number of PRB (table of 36...
static const double SpectralEfficiencyForMcs[32]
Table of MCS index and its spectral efficiency.
Values::const_iterator ConstValuesEnd() const
NS_LOG_LOGIC("Net device "<< nd<< " is not bridged")
static const int McsToItbsUl[29]
Table of MCS index (IMCS) and its TBS index (ITBS).
Ptr< const AttributeAccessor > MakeDoubleAccessor(T1 a1)
Create an AttributeAccessor for a class data member, or a lone class get functor or set method...
double GetSpectralEfficiencyFromCqi(int cqi)
Get the spectral efficiency value associated to the received CQI.
Ptr< const AttributeChecker > MakeEnumChecker(int v1, std::string n1, int v2, std::string n2, int v3, std::string n3, int v4, std::string n4, int v5, std::string n5, int v6, std::string n6, int v7, std::string n7, int v8, std::string n8, int v9, std::string n9, int v10, std::string n10, int v11, std::string n11, int v12, std::string n12, int v13, std::string n13, int v14, std::string n14, int v15, std::string n15, int v16, std::string n16, int v17, std::string n17, int v18, std::string n18, int v19, std::string n19, int v20, std::string n20, int v21, std::string n21, int v22, std::string n22)
Make an EnumChecker pre-configured with a set of allowed values by name.
#define NS_LOG_DEBUG(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_DEBUG.
static TypeId GetTypeId(void)
Get the type ID.
static const double SpectralEfficiencyForCqi[16]
Table of CQI index and its spectral efficiency.
A base class which provides memory management and object aggregation.
This class can be used to hold variables of floating point type such as 'double' or 'float'...
Set of values corresponding to a given SpectrumModel.
static const int TransportBlockSizeTable[110][27]
Table of number of physical resource blocks (NPRB), TBS index (ITBS), and their associated transport ...
a unique identifier for an interface.
TypeId SetParent(TypeId tid)
Set the parent TypeId.
std::vector< int > CreateCqiFeedbacks(const SpectrumValue &sinr, uint8_t rbgSize=0)
Create a message with CQI feedback.
An AMC model based on 10% of BER according to LteMiErrorModel.
std::vector< HarqProcessInfoElement_t > HarqProcessInfoList_t
HarqProcessInfoList_t typedef.