31 #include <ns3/lte-common.h> 32 #include <ns3/lte-mac-sap.h> 33 #include <ns3/lte-enb-cmac-sap.h> 34 #include <ns3/ff-mac-csched-sap.h> 35 #include <ns3/ff-mac-sched-sap.h> 36 #include <ns3/lte-enb-phy-sap.h> 37 #include "ns3/traced-value.h" 38 #include "ns3/trace-source-accessor.h" 39 #include <ns3/packet.h> 40 #include <ns3/packet-burst.h> 41 #include <ns3/lte-ccm-mac-sap.h> 45 class DlCqiLteControlMessage;
46 class UlCqiLteControlMessage;
47 class PdcchMapLteControlMessage;
169 (
const uint32_t frame,
const uint32_t subframe,
const uint16_t rnti,
170 const uint8_t mcs0,
const uint16_t tbs0Size,
171 const uint8_t mcs1,
const uint16_t tbs1Size,
const uint8_t ccId);
183 (
const uint32_t frame,
const uint32_t subframe,
const uint16_t rnti,
184 const uint8_t mcs,
const uint16_t tbsSize);
Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the component carrier manager (CCM) by MAC to CCM...
void DoConfigureMac(uint8_t ulBandwidth, uint8_t dlBandwidth)
Configure MAC function.
void DoReconfigureLc(LteEnbCmacSapProvider::LcInfo lcinfo)
Reconfigure LC function.
FfMacSchedSapUser * m_schedSapUser
the Sched SAP user
Parameters of the CSCHED_LC_CONFIG_CNF primitive.
AllocateNcRaPreambleReturnValue structure.
void(* UlSchedulingTracedCallback)(const uint32_t frame, const uint32_t subframe, const uint16_t rnti, const uint8_t mcs, const uint16_t tbsSize)
TracedCallback signature for UL scheduling events.
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
void DoDlInfoListElementHarqFeeback(DlInfoListElement_s params)
DL Info List ELements HARQ Feedback function.
EnbMacMemberLteMacSapProvider class.
Smart pointer class similar to boost::intrusive_ptr.
std::vector< FfMacSchedSapProvider::SchedUlCqiInfoReqParameters > m_ulCqiReceived
UL-CQI received.
Parameters of the CSCHED_UE_CONFIG_CNF primitive.
void DoReceivePhyPdu(Ptr< Packet > p)
legacy public for use the Phy callback
Parameters of the CSCHED_CELL_CONFIG_UPDATE_IND primitive.
void DoUlInfoListElementHarqFeeback(UlInfoListElement_s params)
UL Info List ELements HARQ Feedback function.
TracedCallback< uint32_t, uint32_t, uint16_t, uint8_t, uint16_t, uint8_t > m_ulScheduling
Trace information regarding UL scheduling Frame number, Subframe number, RNTI, MCS of TB...
LteEnbCmacSapProvider * m_cmacSapProvider
the CMAC SAP provider
std::map< uint16_t, std::map< uint8_t, LteMacSapUser * > > m_rlcAttached
rnti, lcid, SAP of the RLC instance
void DoAddLc(LteEnbCmacSapProvider::LcInfo lcinfo, LteMacSapUser *msu)
Add LC function.
LteEnbCmacSapProvider::RachConfig DoGetRachConfig()
Get RACH configuration function.
void DoCschedCellConfigUpdateInd(FfMacCschedSapUser::CschedCellConfigUpdateIndParameters params)
CSched Cell Config Update Indication function.
void DoReleaseLc(uint16_t rnti, uint8_t lcid)
Release LC function.
void SetLteEnbCmacSapUser(LteEnbCmacSapUser *s)
Set the control MAC SAP user.
Forward calls to a chain of Callback.
void SetComponentCarrierId(uint8_t index)
Set the component carrier ID.
void DoSchedUlConfigInd(FfMacSchedSapUser::SchedUlConfigIndParameters params)
Sched UL Config Indication function.
void DoReportMacCeToScheduler(MacCeListElement_s bsr)
Report MAC CE to scheduler.
uint8_t m_preambleTransMax
preamble transmit maximum
void DoTransmitPdu(LteMacSapProvider::TransmitPduParameters params)
Transmit PDU function.
LteCcmMacSapProvider * GetLteCcmMacSapProvider()
Get the eNB-ComponentCarrierManager SAP User.
Parameters of the CSCHED_UE_CONFIG_UPDATE_IND primitive.
void(* DlSchedulingTracedCallback)(const uint32_t frame, const uint32_t subframe, const uint16_t rnti, const uint8_t mcs0, const uint16_t tbs0Size, const uint8_t mcs1, const uint16_t tbs1Size, const uint8_t ccId)
TracedCallback signature for DL scheduling events.
Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the eNB-PHY to the eNB-MAC.
See section 4.3.12 ulInfoListElement.
void DoAddUe(uint16_t rnti)
Add UE function.
uint8_t m_componentCarrierId
component carrier Id used to address sap
void SetLteCcmMacSapUser(LteCcmMacSapUser *s)
Set the ComponentCarrierManager SAP user.
Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the eNB-PHY to the eNB-MAC.
FfMacCschedSapUser * GetFfMacCschedSapUser(void)
Get the control scheduler SAP user.
LteMacSapProvider * GetLteMacSapProvider(void)
Get the MAC SAP provider.
Parameters for LteMacSapProvider::ReportBufferStatus.
std::map< uint8_t, uint32_t > m_receivedRachPreambleCount
received RACH preamble count
FfMacCschedSapUser * m_cschedSapUser
the CSched SAP user
Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the MAC to the RRC See Femto Forum MAC Scheduler Interface Spec...
void SetFfMacCschedSapProvider(FfMacCschedSapProvider *s)
Set the control scheduler SAP provider.
Parameters of the CSCHED_LC_RELEASE_CNF primitive.
LteEnbPhySapProvider * m_enbPhySapProvider
the ENB Phy SAP provider
LteEnbPhySapUser * m_enbPhySapUser
the ENB Phy SAP user
FfMacSchedSapUser * GetFfMacSchedSapUser(void)
Get the scheduler SAP user.
void DoCschedUeConfigCnf(FfMacCschedSapUser::CschedUeConfigCnfParameters params)
CSched UE Config configure function.
EnbMacMemberFfMacSchedSapUser class.
void DoUeUpdateConfigurationReq(LteEnbCmacSapProvider::UeConfig params)
UE Update configuration request function.
Logical Channel information to be passed to CmacSapProvider::ConfigureLc.
std::map< uint8_t, uint32_t > m_rapIdRntiMap
EnbMacMemberFfMacCschedSapUser class.
uint16_t rnti
rnti previously allocated for this non-contention based RA procedure
uint8_t m_macChTtiDelay
delay of MAC, PHY and channel in terms of TTIs
void DoCschedLcReleaseCnf(FfMacCschedSapUser::CschedLcReleaseCnfParameters params)
CSched LC Release configure function.
Parameters of the API primitives.
static TypeId GetTypeId(void)
Get the type ID.
void DoUlCqiReport(FfMacSchedSapProvider::SchedUlCqiInfoReqParameters ulcqi)
UL CQI report.
virtual void DoDispose(void)
Destructor implementation.
void ReceiveBsrMessage(MacCeListElement_s bsr)
Receive a CE element containing the buffer status report.
MemberLteCcmMacSapProvider class.
uint8_t m_raResponseWindowSize
RA response window size.
See section 4.3.23 dlInfoListElement.
void DoReceiveRachPreamble(uint8_t prachId)
Receive RACH Preamble function.
void DoRemoveUe(uint16_t rnti)
Remove UE function.
See section 4.3.14 macCEListElement.
Parameters for [re]configuring the UE.
uint32_t m_subframeNo
subframe number of current subframe indication
LteEnbCmacSapProvider::AllocateNcRaPreambleReturnValue DoAllocateNcRaPreamble(uint16_t rnti)
Allocate NC RA preamble function.
uint8_t m_numberOfRaPreambles
number of RA preambles
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
LteEnbCmacSapProvider * GetLteEnbCmacSapProvider(void)
Get the control MAC SAP provider.
Service Access Point (SAP) offered by MAC to the component carrier manager (CCM). ...
std::vector< UlInfoListElement_s > m_ulInfoListReceived
UL HARQ feedback received.
LteMacSapProvider * m_macSapProvider
the MAC SAP provider
std::vector< CqiListElement_s > m_dlCqiReceived
DL-CQI received.
FfMacCschedSapUser class.
LteCcmMacSapUser * m_ccmMacSapUser
std::vector< MacCeListElement_s > m_ulCeReceived
CE received (BSR up to now)
Parameters of the API primitives.
std::vector< std::vector< Ptr< PacketBurst > > > DlHarqProcessesBuffer_t
DlHarqProcessesBuffer_t typedef.
void DoCschedUeReleaseCnf(FfMacCschedSapUser::CschedUeReleaseCnfParameters params)
CSched UE Release configure function.
EnbMacMemberLteEnbCmacSapProvider class.
std::vector< DlInfoListElement_s > m_dlInfoListReceived
DL HARQ feedback received.
void SetLteEnbPhySapProvider(LteEnbPhySapProvider *s)
Set the PHY SAP Provider.
LteEnbCmacSapUser * m_cmacSapUser
the CMAC SAP user
Parameters of the SCHED_UL_CQI_INFO_REQ primitive.
LteEnbPhySapUser * GetLteEnbPhySapUser()
Get the eNB-PHY SAP User.
Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the MAC to the RLC See Femto Forum MAC Scheduler Interface Spec...
struct defining the RACH configuration of the MAC
FfMacSchedSapProvider * m_schedSapProvider
the Sched SAP provider
void DoReportBufferStatus(LteMacSapProvider::ReportBufferStatusParameters params)
Report Buffer Status function.
LteCcmMacSapProvider * m_ccmMacSapProvider
CCM MAC SAP provider.
void DoCschedUeConfigUpdateInd(FfMacCschedSapUser::CschedUeConfigUpdateIndParameters params)
CSched UE Config Update Indication function.
LteMacSapUser * m_macSapUser
the MAC SAP user
void DoSchedDlConfigInd(FfMacSchedSapUser::SchedDlConfigIndParameters ind)
Sched DL Config Indication function.
Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the MAC to the RLC See Femto Forum MAC Scheduler Interface Spec...
TracedCallback< DlSchedulingCallbackInfo > m_dlScheduling
Trace information regarding DL scheduling Frame number, Subframe number, RNTI, MCS of TB1...
void SetLteMacSapUser(LteMacSapUser *s)
Set the MAC SAP user.
uint32_t m_frameNo
frame number of current subframe indication
void DoCschedLcConfigCnf(FfMacCschedSapUser::CschedLcConfigCnfParameters params)
CSched LC Config configure function.
Parameters of the SCHED_UL_CONFIG_IND primitive.
void DoReceiveLteControlMessage(Ptr< LteControlMessage > msg)
Receive a DL CQI ideal control message.
A base class which provides memory management and object aggregation.
std::map< uint8_t, NcRaPreambleInfo > m_allocatedNcRaPreambleMap
map storing as key the random access preamble IDs allocated for non-contention based access...
Service Access Point (SAP) offered by the eNB MAC to the eNB RRC See Femto Forum MAC Scheduler Interf...
std::map< uint16_t, DlHarqProcessesBuffer_t > m_miDlHarqProcessesPackets
Packet under transmission of the DL HARQ process.
info associated with a preamble allocated for non-contention based RA
a unique identifier for an interface.
void DoSubframeIndication(uint32_t frameNo, uint32_t subframeNo)
Subrame Indication function.
This class implements the MAC layer of the eNodeB device.
Parameters of the CSCHED_UE_RELEASE_CNF primitive.
void SetFfMacSchedSapProvider(FfMacSchedSapProvider *s)
Set the scheduler SAP provider.
FfMacCschedSapProvider * m_cschedSapProvider
the Csched SAP provider
Time expiryTime
value the expiration time of this allocation (so that stale preambles can be reused) ...
void ReceiveDlCqiLteControlMessage(Ptr< DlCqiLteControlMessage > msg)
Receive a DL CQI ideal control message.
void DoCschedCellConfigCnf(FfMacCschedSapUser::CschedCellConfigCnfParameters params)
CSched Cell Config configure function.
Parameters for LteMacSapProvider::TransmitPdu.