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phoenix_title wx.aui.AuiDefaultDockArt

This is the default art provider for wx.aui.AuiManager.

Dock art can be customized by creating a class derived from this one, or replacing this class entirely.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class AuiDefaultDockArt:

method_summary Methods Summary

DrawBackground Draws a background.
DrawBorder Draws a border.
DrawCaption Draws a caption.
DrawGripper Draws a gripper.
DrawPaneButton Draws a button in the pane’s title bar.
DrawSash Draws a sash between two windows.
GetColour Get the colour of a certain setting.
GetFont Get a font setting.
GetMetric Get the value of a certain setting.
SetColour Set a certain setting with the value colour.
SetFont Set a font setting.
SetMetric Set a certain setting with the value new_val.

api Class API

class wx.aui.AuiDefaultDockArt(AuiDockArt)

Possible constructors:


This is the default art provider for AuiManager.



DrawBackground(self, dc, window, orientation, rect)

Draws a background.


DrawBorder(self, dc, window, rect, pane)

Draws a border.


DrawCaption(self, dc, window, text, rect, pane)

Draws a caption.


DrawGripper(self, dc, window, rect, pane)

Draws a gripper.


DrawIcon(self, dc, rect, pane)

DrawPaneButton(self, dc, window, button, button_state, rect, pane)

Draws a button in the pane’s title bar.

button can be one of the values of AuiButtonId. button_state can be one of the values of AuiPaneButtonState.


DrawSash(self, dc, window, orientation, rect)

Draws a sash between two windows.


GetColour(self, id)

Get the colour of a certain setting.

id can be one of the colour values of AuiPaneDockArtSetting.

Parameters:id (int) –
Return type:Colour

GetFont(self, id)

Get a font setting.

Parameters:id (int) –
Return type:Font

GetMetric(self, id)

Get the value of a certain setting.

id can be one of the size values of AuiPaneDockArtSetting.

Parameters:id (int) –
Return type:int

SetColour(self, id, colour)

Set a certain setting with the value colour.

id can be one of the colour values of AuiPaneDockArtSetting.


SetFont(self, id, font)

Set a font setting.


SetMetric(self, id, new_val)

Set a certain setting with the value new_val.

id can be one of the size values of AuiPaneDockArtSetting.

  • id (int) –
  • new_val (int) –