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phoenix_title wx.lib.agw.labelbook.ImageContainerBase

Base class for FlatImageBook image container.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class ImageContainerBase:

super_classes Known Superclasses


method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default class constructor.
AddPage Adds a page to the container.
AssignImageList Assigns an image list to the wx.ImageContainerBase.
CanDoBottomStyle Allows the parent to examine the children type. Some implementation
ClearAll Deletes all the pages in the container.
ClearFlag Removes flag from the style.
DoDeletePage Does the actual page deletion.
DrawPin Draw a pin button, that allows collapsing of the image panel.
EnableTab Enables or disables a tab.
FixTextSize Fixes the text, to fit maxWidth value. If the text length exceeds
GetEnabled Returns whether a tab is enabled or not.
GetImageList Return the image list for wx.ImageContainerBase.
GetImageSize Returns the image size inside the wx.ImageContainerBase image list.
GetPageImage Returns the image index for the given page.
GetPageText Returns the tab caption for the given page.
HasAGWFlag Tests for existence of flag in the style.
HitTest Returns the index of the tab at the specified position or wx.NOT_FOUND
InsertPage Inserts a page into the container at the specified position.
OnEraseBackground Handles the wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND event for wx.ImageContainerBase.
OnMouseLeaveWindow Handles the wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW event for wx.ImageContainerBase.
OnMouseLeftDown Handles the wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN event for wx.ImageContainerBase.
OnMouseLeftUp Handles the wx.EVT_LEFT_UP event for wx.ImageContainerBase.
OnMouseMove Handles the wx.EVT_MOTION event for wx.ImageContainerBase.
OnSize Handles the wx.EVT_SIZE event for wx.ImageContainerBase.
PointOnSash Tests whether pt is located on the sash.
SetPageImage Sets the image for the given page.
SetPageText Sets the tab caption for the given page.

api Class API

class ImageContainerBase(wx.Panel)

Base class for FlatImageBook image container.


__init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, agwStyle=0, name="ImageContainerBase")

Default class constructor.

  • parent – parent window. Must not be None;
  • id – window identifier. A value of -1 indicates a default value;
  • pos – the control position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default position, chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
  • size – the control size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default size, chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
  • style – the underlying Panel window style;
  • agwStyle – the AGW-specific window style. This can be a combination of the following bits:
    Window Styles Hex Value Description
    INB_BOTTOM 0x1 Place labels below the page area. Available only for FlatImageBook.
    INB_LEFT 0x2 Place labels on the left side. Available only for FlatImageBook.
    INB_RIGHT 0x4 Place labels on the right side.
    INB_TOP 0x8 Place labels above the page area.
    INB_BORDER 0x10 Draws a border around LabelBook or FlatImageBook.
    INB_SHOW_ONLY_TEXT 0x20 Shows only text labels and no images. Available only for LabelBook.
    INB_SHOW_ONLY_IMAGES 0x40 Shows only tab images and no label texts. Available only for LabelBook.
    INB_FIT_BUTTON 0x80 Displays a pin button to show/hide the book control.
    INB_DRAW_SHADOW 0x100 Draw shadows below the book tabs. Available only for LabelBook.
    INB_USE_PIN_BUTTON 0x200 Displays a pin button to show/hide the book control.
    INB_GRADIENT_BACKGROUND 0x400 Draws a gradient shading on the tabs background. Available only for LabelBook.
    INB_WEB_HILITE 0x800 On mouse hovering, tabs behave like html hyperlinks. Available only for LabelBook.
    INB_NO_RESIZE 0x1000 Don’t allow resizing of the tab area.
    INB_FIT_LABELTEXT 0x2000 Will fit the tab area to the longest text (or text+image if you have images) in all the tabs.
    INB_BOLD_TAB_SELECTION 0x4000 Show the selected tab text using a bold font.
  • name – the window name.

AddPage(self, caption, selected=False, imgIdx=-1)

Adds a page to the container.

  • caption – specifies the text for the new tab;
  • selected – specifies whether the page should be selected;
  • imgIdx – specifies the optional image index for the new tab.

AssignImageList(self, imglist)

Assigns an image list to the wx.ImageContainerBase.

Parameters:imglist – an instance of wx.ImageList.


Allows the parent to examine the children type. Some implementation (such as LabelBook), does not support top/bottom images, only left/right.


Deletes all the pages in the container.

ClearFlag(self, flag)

Removes flag from the style.

Parameters:flag – a window style flag.

See also

HasAGWFlag for a list of possible window style flags.

DoDeletePage(self, page)

Does the actual page deletion.

Parameters:page – the index of the tab.

DrawPin(self, dc, rect, downPin)

Draw a pin button, that allows collapsing of the image panel.

  • dc – an instance of wx.DC;
  • rect – the pin button client rectangle;
  • downPinTrue if the pin button is facing downwards, False if it is facing leftwards.

EnableTab(self, page, enabled=True)

Enables or disables a tab.

  • page – an integer specifying the page index;
  • enabledTrue to enable a tab, False to disable it.

FixTextSize(self, dc, text, maxWidth)

Fixes the text, to fit maxWidth value. If the text length exceeds maxWidth value this function truncates it and appends two dots at the end. (“Long Long Long Text” might become “Long Long...”).

  • dc – an instance of wx.DC;
  • text – the text to fix/truncate;
  • maxWidth – the maximum allowed width for the text, in pixels.

GetEnabled(self, page)

Returns whether a tab is enabled or not.

Parameters:page – an integer specifying the page index.


Return the image list for wx.ImageContainerBase.


Returns the image size inside the wx.ImageContainerBase image list.

GetPageImage(self, page)

Returns the image index for the given page.

Parameters:page – the index of the tab.

GetPageText(self, page)

Returns the tab caption for the given page.

Parameters:page – the index of the tab.

HasAGWFlag(self, flag)

Tests for existence of flag in the style.

Parameters:flag – a window style. This can be a combination of the following bits:
Window Styles Hex Value Description
INB_BOTTOM 0x1 Place labels below the page area. Available only for FlatImageBook.
INB_LEFT 0x2 Place labels on the left side. Available only for FlatImageBook.
INB_RIGHT 0x4 Place labels on the right side.
INB_TOP 0x8 Place labels above the page area.
INB_BORDER 0x10 Draws a border around LabelBook or FlatImageBook.
INB_SHOW_ONLY_TEXT 0x20 Shows only text labels and no images. Available only for LabelBook.
INB_SHOW_ONLY_IMAGES 0x40 Shows only tab images and no label texts. Available only for LabelBook.
INB_FIT_BUTTON 0x80 Displays a pin button to show/hide the book control.
INB_DRAW_SHADOW 0x100 Draw shadows below the book tabs. Available only for LabelBook.
INB_USE_PIN_BUTTON 0x200 Displays a pin button to show/hide the book control.
INB_GRADIENT_BACKGROUND 0x400 Draws a gradient shading on the tabs background. Available only for LabelBook.
INB_WEB_HILITE 0x800 On mouse hovering, tabs behave like html hyperlinks. Available only for LabelBook.
INB_NO_RESIZE 0x1000 Don’t allow resizing of the tab area.
INB_FIT_LABELTEXT 0x2000 Will fit the tab area to the longest text (or text+image if you have images) in all the tabs.
INB_BOLD_TAB_SELECTION 0x4000 Show the selected tab text using a bold font.

HitTest(self, pt)

Returns the index of the tab at the specified position or wx.NOT_FOUND if None, plus the flag style of HitTest.

Parameters:pt – an instance of wx.Point, to test for hits.
Returns:The index of the tab at the specified position plus the hit test flag, which can be one of the following bits:
HitTest Flags Value Description
IMG_OVER_IMG 0 The mouse is over the tab icon
IMG_OVER_PIN 1 The mouse is over the pin button
IMG_OVER_EW_BORDER 2 The mouse is over the east-west book border
IMG_NONE 3 Nowhere

InsertPage(self, page_idx, caption, selected=False, imgIdx=-1)

Inserts a page into the container at the specified position.

  • page_idx – specifies the position for the new tab;
  • caption – specifies the text for the new tab;
  • selected – specifies whether the page should be selected;
  • imgIdx – specifies the optional image index for the new tab.

OnEraseBackground(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND event for wx.ImageContainerBase.

Parameters:event – a EraseEvent event to be processed.


This method is intentionally empty to reduce flicker.

OnMouseLeaveWindow(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW event for wx.ImageContainerBase.

Parameters:event – a MouseEvent event to be processed.

OnMouseLeftDown(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN event for wx.ImageContainerBase.

Parameters:event – a MouseEvent event to be processed.

OnMouseLeftUp(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_LEFT_UP event for wx.ImageContainerBase.

Parameters:event – a MouseEvent event to be processed.

OnMouseMove(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_MOTION event for wx.ImageContainerBase.

Parameters:event – a MouseEvent event to be processed.

OnSize(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_SIZE event for wx.ImageContainerBase.

Parameters:event – a wx.SizeEvent event to be processed.

PointOnSash(self, pt)

Tests whether pt is located on the sash.

Parameters:pt – an instance of wx.Point, to test for hits.

SetPageImage(self, page, imgIdx)

Sets the image for the given page.

  • page – the index of the tab;
  • imgIdx – specifies the optional image index for the tab.

SetPageText(self, page, text)

Sets the tab caption for the given page.

  • page – the index of the tab;
  • text – the new tab caption.