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phoenix_title wx.lib.agw.labelbook.LabelContainer

Base class for LabelBook.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class LabelContainer:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default class constructor.
CanDoBottomStyle Allows the parent to examine the children type. Some implementation
DrawBackgroundBitmap Draws a bitmap as the background of the control.
DrawLabel Draws a label using the specified dc.
DrawRegularHover Draws a rounded rectangle around the current tab.
DrawWebHover Draws a web style hover effect (cursor set to hand & text is underlined).
GetColour Returns a colour for a parameter.
GetTabAreaWidth Returns the width of the tab area.
InitializeColours Initializes the colours map to be used for this control.
OnEraseBackground Handles the wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND event for LabelContainer.
OnMouseLeaveWindow Handles the wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW event for LabelContainer.
OnMouseLeftDown Handles the wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN event for LabelContainer.
OnMouseLeftUp Handles the wx.EVT_LEFT_UP event for LabelContainer.
OnMouseMove Handles the wx.EVT_MOTION event for LabelContainer.
OnPaint Handles the wx.EVT_PAINT event for LabelContainer.
OnSize Handles the wx.EVT_SIZE event for LabelContainer.
Resize Actually resizes the tab area.
SetBackgroundBitmap Sets the background bitmap for the control.
SetColour Sets a colour for a parameter.
SetTabAreaWidth Sets the width of the tab area.

api Class API

class LabelContainer(ImageContainerBase)

Base class for LabelBook.


__init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, agwStyle=0, name="LabelContainer")

Default class constructor.

  • parent – parent window. Must not be None;
  • id – window identifier. A value of -1 indicates a default value;
  • pos – the control position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default position, chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
  • size – the control size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default size, chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
  • style – the underlying Panel window style;
  • agwStyle – the AGW-specific window style. This can be a combination of the following bits:
    Window Styles Hex Value Description
    INB_BOTTOM 0x1 Place labels below the page area. Available only for FlatImageBook.
    INB_LEFT 0x2 Place labels on the left side. Available only for FlatImageBook.
    INB_RIGHT 0x4 Place labels on the right side.
    INB_TOP 0x8 Place labels above the page area.
    INB_BORDER 0x10 Draws a border around LabelBook or FlatImageBook.
    INB_SHOW_ONLY_TEXT 0x20 Shows only text labels and no images. Available only for LabelBook.
    INB_SHOW_ONLY_IMAGES 0x40 Shows only tab images and no label texts. Available only for LabelBook.
    INB_FIT_BUTTON 0x80 Displays a pin button to show/hide the book control.
    INB_DRAW_SHADOW 0x100 Draw shadows below the book tabs. Available only for LabelBook.
    INB_USE_PIN_BUTTON 0x200 Displays a pin button to show/hide the book control.
    INB_GRADIENT_BACKGROUND 0x400 Draws a gradient shading on the tabs background. Available only for LabelBook.
    INB_WEB_HILITE 0x800 On mouse hovering, tabs behave like html hyperlinks. Available only for LabelBook.
    INB_NO_RESIZE 0x1000 Don’t allow resizing of the tab area.
    INB_FIT_LABELTEXT 0x2000 Will fit the tab area to the longest text (or text+image if you have images) in all the tabs.
    INB_BOLD_TAB_SELECTION 0x4000 Show the selected tab text using a bold font.
  • name – the window name.


Allows the parent to examine the children type. Some implementation (such as LabelBook), does not support top/bottom images, only left/right.

DrawBackgroundBitmap(self, dc)

Draws a bitmap as the background of the control.

Parameters:dc – an instance of wx.DC.

DrawLabel(self, dc, rect, text, bmp, imgInfo, orientationLeft, imgIdx, selected, hover)

Draws a label using the specified dc.

  • dc – an instance of wx.DC;
  • rect – the text client rectangle;
  • text – the actual text string;
  • bmp – a bitmap to be drawn next to the text;
  • imgInfo – an instance of wx.ImageInfo;
  • orientationLeftTrue if the book has the INB_RIGHT or INB_LEFT style set;
  • imgIdx – the tab image index;
  • selectedTrue if the tab is selected, False otherwise;
  • hoverTrue if the tab is being hovered with the mouse, False otherwise.

DrawRegularHover(self, dc, rect)

Draws a rounded rectangle around the current tab.

  • dc – an instance of wx.DC;
  • rect – the current tab client rectangle.

DrawWebHover(self, dc, caption, xCoord, yCoord, selected)

Draws a web style hover effect (cursor set to hand & text is underlined).

  • dc – an instance of wx.DC;
  • caption – the tab caption text;
  • xCoord – the x position of the tab caption;
  • yCoord – the y position of the tab caption;
  • selectedTrue if the tab is selected, False otherwise.

GetColour(self, which)

Returns a colour for a parameter.

Parameters:which – the colour key.

See also

SetColour for a list of valid colour keys.


Returns the width of the tab area.


Initializes the colours map to be used for this control.

OnEraseBackground(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND event for LabelContainer.

Parameters:event – a EraseEvent event to be processed.

OnMouseLeaveWindow(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW event for LabelContainer.

Parameters:event – a MouseEvent event to be processed.

OnMouseLeftDown(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN event for LabelContainer.

Parameters:event – a MouseEvent event to be processed.

OnMouseLeftUp(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_LEFT_UP event for LabelContainer.

Parameters:event – a MouseEvent event to be processed.

OnMouseMove(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_MOTION event for LabelContainer.

Parameters:event – a MouseEvent event to be processed.

OnPaint(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_PAINT event for LabelContainer.

Parameters:event – a PaintEvent event to be processed.

OnSize(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_SIZE event for LabelContainer.

Parameters:event – a wx.SizeEvent event to be processed.

Resize(self, event)

Actually resizes the tab area.

Parameters:event – an instance of wx.SizeEvent.

SetBackgroundBitmap(self, bmp)

Sets the background bitmap for the control.

Parameters:bmp – a valid wx.Bitmap object.

SetColour(self, which, colour)

Sets a colour for a parameter.

  • which – can be one of the following parameters:
    Colour Key Value Description
    INB_TAB_AREA_BACKGROUND_COLOUR 100 The tab area background colour
    INB_ACTIVE_TAB_COLOUR 101 The active tab background colour
    INB_TABS_BORDER_COLOUR 102 The tabs border colour
    INB_TEXT_COLOUR 103 The tab caption text colour
    INB_ACTIVE_TEXT_COLOUR 104 The active tab caption text colour
    INB_HILITE_TAB_COLOUR 105 The tab caption highlight text colour
  • colour – a valid wx.Colour object.

SetTabAreaWidth(self, width)

Sets the width of the tab area.

Parameters:width – the width of the tab area, in pixels.