
abstract class StashBuffer[T] extends AnyRef

A non thread safe mutable message buffer that can be used to buffer messages inside actors and then unstash them.

The buffer can hold at most the given capacity number of messages.

Not for user extension.

Linear Supertypes
Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. StashBuffer
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new StashBuffer()

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def forEach(f: Consumer[T]): Unit

    Iterate over all elements of the buffer and apply a function to each element, without removing them.

    Iterate over all elements of the buffer and apply a function to each element, without removing them.


    the function to apply to each element

  2. abstract def head: T

    Return the first element of the message buffer without removing it.

    Return the first element of the message buffer without removing it.


    the first element or throws NoSuchElementException if the buffer is empty

    Exceptions thrown

    `NoSuchElementException` if the buffer is empty

  3. abstract def isEmpty: Boolean

    Check if the message buffer is empty.

    Check if the message buffer is empty.


    if the buffer is empty

  4. abstract def isFull: Boolean


    true if no more messages can be added, i.e. size equals the capacity of the stash buffer

  5. abstract def nonEmpty: Boolean

    Check if the message buffer is not empty.

    Check if the message buffer is not empty.


    if the buffer is not empty

  6. abstract def size: Int

    How many elements are in the message buffer.

    How many elements are in the message buffer.


    the number of elements in the message buffer

  7. abstract def stash(message: T): StashBuffer[T]

    Add one element to the end of the message buffer.

    Add one element to the end of the message buffer.

    StashOverflowException is thrown if the buffer StashBuffer#isFull.


    the message to buffer


    this message buffer

    Exceptions thrown

    `StashOverflowException` is thrown if the buffer StashBuffer#isFull.

  8. abstract def unstash(ctx: ActorContext[T], behavior: Behavior[T], numberOfMessages: Int, wrap: Function[T, T]): Behavior[T]

    Process numberOfMessages of the stashed messages with the behavior and the returned Behavior from each processed message.

    Process numberOfMessages of the stashed messages with the behavior and the returned Behavior from each processed message.

    The purpose of this method, compared to unstashAll, is to unstash a limited number of messages and then send a message to self before continuing unstashing more. That means that other new messages may arrive in-between and those must be stashed to keep the original order of messages. To differentiate between unstashed and new incoming messages the unstashed messages can be wrapped in another message with the wrap.

    If an exception is thrown by processing a message a proceeding messages and the message causing the exception have been removed from the StashBuffer, but unprocessed messages remain.

    It's allowed to stash messages while unstashing. Those newly added messages will not be processed by this call and have to be unstashed in another call.

  9. abstract def unstashAll(ctx: ActorContext[T], behavior: Behavior[T]): Behavior[T]

    Process all stashed messages with the behavior and the returned Behavior from each processed message.

    Process all stashed messages with the behavior and the returned Behavior from each processed message. The StashBuffer will be empty after processing all messages, unless an exception is thrown or messages are stashed while unstashing.

    If an exception is thrown by processing a message a proceeding messages and the message causing the exception have been removed from the StashBuffer, but unprocessed messages remain.

    It's allowed to stash messages while unstashing. Those newly added messages will not be processed by this call and have to be unstashed in another call.