



class AssociationRegistry extends AnyRef

Shared state among akka.remote.transport.TestTransport instances. Coordinates the transports and the means of communication between them.

Linear Supertypes
Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. AssociationRegistry
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new AssociationRegistry()

Value Members

  1. def clearLog(): Unit

    Clears the activity log.

  2. def deregisterAssociation(key: (Address, Address)): Option[(HandleEventListener, HandleEventListener)]

    Removes an association.

    Removes an association.


    Ordered pair of addresses representing an association. First element is the address of the initiator.


    The original entries.

  3. def existsAssociation(initiatorAddress: Address, remoteAddress: Address): Boolean

    Tests if an association was registered.

    Tests if an association was registered.


    The initiator of the association.


    The other address of the association.


    True if there is an association for the given addresses.

  4. def getRemoteReadHandlerFor(localHandle: TestAssociationHandle): Option[HandleEventListener]

    Returns the event handler corresponding to the remote endpoint of the given local handle.

    Returns the event handler corresponding to the remote endpoint of the given local handle. In other words it returns the listener that will receive InboundPayload events when


    is called on the given handle.

    write() }}}


    The handle


    The option that contains the Future for the listener if exists.

  5. def logActivity(activity: Activity): Unit

    Logs a transport activity.

    Logs a transport activity.


    Activity to be logged.

  6. def logSnapshot: Seq[Activity]

    Takes a thread-safe snapshot of the current state of the activity log.

    Takes a thread-safe snapshot of the current state of the activity log.


    Collection containing activities ordered left-to-right according to time (first element is earliest).

  7. def registerListenerPair(key: (Address, Address), listeners: (HandleEventListener, HandleEventListener)): Unit

    Registers a Future of two handle event listeners corresponding to the two endpoints of an association.

    Registers a Future of two handle event listeners corresponding to the two endpoints of an association.


    Ordered pair of addresses representing an association. First element must be the address of the initiator.


    The future containing the listeners that will be responsible for handling the events of the two endpoints of the association. Elements in the pair must be in the same order as the addresses in the key parameter.

  8. def registerTransport(transport: TestTransport, associationEventListenerFuture: Future[AssociationEventListener]): Unit

    Records a mapping between an address and the corresponding (transport, associationEventListener) pair.

    Records a mapping between an address and the corresponding (transport, associationEventListener) pair.


    The transport that is to be registered. The address of this transport will be used as key.


    The future that will be completed with the listener that will handle the events for the given transport.

  9. def remoteListenerRelativeTo(handle: TestAssociationHandle, listenerPair: (HandleEventListener, HandleEventListener)): HandleEventListener

    Returns the remote endpoint for a pair of endpoints relative to the owner of the supplied handle.

    Returns the remote endpoint for a pair of endpoints relative to the owner of the supplied handle.


    the reference handle to determine the remote endpoint relative to


    pair of listeners in initiator, receiver order.

  10. def reset(): Unit

    Resets the state of the registry.

    Resets the state of the registry. Warning! This method is not atomic.

  11. def transportFor(address: Address): Option[(TestTransport, Future[AssociationEventListener])]

    Returns the Transport bound to the given address.

    Returns the Transport bound to the given address.


    The address bound to the transport.


    The transport if exists.

  12. def transportsReady(addresses: Address*): Boolean

    Indicates if all given transports were successfully registered.

    Indicates if all given transports were successfully registered. No associations can be established between transports that are not yet registered.


    The listen addresses of transports that participate in the test case.


    True if all transports are successfully registered.