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Subscribe and listen to push notifications from the Service Worker.

      class SwPush {
  messages: Observable<object>
  notificationClicks: Observable<{...}
  subscription: Observable<PushSubscription | null>
  isEnabled: boolean
  requestSubscription(options: { serverPublicKey: string; }): Promise<PushSubscription>
  unsubscribe(): Promise<void>


Property Description
messages: Observable<object> Read-only.

Emits the payloads of the received push notification messages.

notificationClicks: Observable<{ action: string; notification: NotificationOptions & { title: string; }; }> Read-only.

Emits the payloads of the received push notification messages as well as the action the user interacted with. If no action was used the action property will be an empty string ''.

Note that the notification property is not a Notification object but rather a NotificationOptions object that also includes the title of the Notification object.

subscription: Observable<PushSubscription | null> Read-only.

Emits the currently active PushSubscription associated to the Service Worker registration or null if there is no subscription.

isEnabled: boolean Read-only.

True if the Service Worker is enabled (supported by the browser and enabled via ServiceWorkerModule).


requestSubscription(options: { serverPublicKey: string; }): Promise<PushSubscription>
      requestSubscription(options: { serverPublicKey: string; }): Promise<PushSubscription>
options object


unsubscribe(): Promise<void>
      unsubscribe(): Promise<void>

There are no parameters.

