Contact Us

If you have any comments or questions regarding Arduino, its products or this web site, please use one of the following methods. If you are unsure, the forum is probably the best place to start:
For your convenience, answers to many frequently asked questions (FAQ) about our products are always available.

User Support
The Arduino forum ( is the best place to get help with your project, or to ask questions when you're just starting out with Arduino.

If you're not sure which is the appropriate board, use the “Project Guidance” section:

If you own an official Arduino product and you believe it is defective, please email support (at) specifying the model, serial number, version of the operating system you use and version of the Arduino software.

Bug Reporting
If you’ve found a bug in the Arduino software, check if it's already known by looking at, and if it's not known, add it to the list.

If you have found an error in the online documentation, please check if it's already known by looking at the github documentation issues, and if it's not known, please add it to the list.

Arduino Development Environment
The “Developers” mailing list (!forum/developers) is a technical discussion of ongoing development of the Arduino IDE and firmware. The focus is on how to maintain and improve the core API and IDE and the features thereof.

If you’re looking for the Arduino source code see

If you are looking to help with translation of the Arduino IDE, please use Transifex :

Arduino Store
If you have purchased products from the Arduino Store and you need customer support please use the Store Support form.

Teaching with and about Arduino
If you are interested in discussing issues related to using Arduino in education, please subscribe to the “Teachers” mailing list:!forum/teachers.

This list is open to anyone interested in this topic, not just to professional educators.

Press Inquiries
If you’re a member of the press looking for information about Arduino or looking to book an interview with us, direct your enquiry to press (at)

Events, Conferences
If you would like to invite us to an event or a conference please contact events (at)

Product Distribution
For information on becoming a distributor of Arduino boards contact: distribution (at)

Trademark Licensing
If you are interested in licensing the Arduino trademark read this page.

Trademark Violations
If you would like to report a trademark violation please contact trademark (at)

Business and Partnerships
If you would like to propose a partnership or a business deal involving Arduino please email bizdev (at)

For any feedback or reporting an issue with the website please email webmaster (at)