
< cpp‎ | memory‎ | auto ptr
Utilities library
Type support (basic types, RTTI, type traits)
Dynamic memory management
Error handling
Program utilities
Variadic functions
Date and time
Function objects
Relational operators
Optional and any
Pairs and tuples
Swap, forward and move
Type operations
explicit auto_ptr( X* p = 0 );
(1) (deprecated)
auto_ptr( auto_ptr& r );
(2) (deprecated)
template< class Y >
auto_ptr( auto_ptr<Y>& r );
(3) (deprecated)
template< class Y >
auto_ptr( auto_ptr_ref<Y> m );
(4) (deprecated)

Constructs the auto_ptr from a pointer that refers to the object to manage.

1) Constructs the auto_ptr with pointer p.
2) Constructs the auto_ptr with the pointer held in r. r.release() is called to acquire the ownership of the object.
3) Same as (2). Y* must be implicitly convertible to T*.
4) Constructs the auto_ptr with the pointer held in the auto_ptr instance referred to by m. p.release() is called for the auto_ptr p that m holds to acquire the ownership of the object.
auto_ptr_ref is an implementation-defined type that holds a reference to auto_ptr. std::auto_ptr is implicitly convertible to and assignable from this type. The implementation is allowed to provide the template with a different name or implement equivalent functionality in other ways.

[edit] Parameters

p - a pointer to an object to manage
r - another auto_ptr to transfer the ownership of the object from
m - an implementation-defined type that holds a reference to auto_ptr

[edit] Exceptions


[edit] Notes

The constructor and the copy assignment operator from auto_ptr_ref is provided to allow copy-constructing and assigning std::auto_ptr from nameless temporaries. Since its copy constructor and copy assignment operator take the argument as non-const reference, they cannot bind rvalue arguments directly. However, a user-defined conversion can be executed (which releases the original auto_ptr), followed by a call to the constructor or copy-assignment operator that take auto_ptr_ref by value. This is an early implementation of move semantics.