
< cpp‎ | memory
Utilities library
Type support (basic types, RTTI, type traits)
Dynamic memory management
Error handling
Program utilities
Variadic functions
Date and time
Function objects
Relational operators
Optional and any
Pairs and tuples
Swap, forward and move
Type operations
Defined in header <memory>
template< class Ptr > struct pointer_traits;
(1) (since C++11)
template< class T > struct pointer_traits<T*>;
(2) (since C++11)

The pointer_traits class template provides the standardized way to access certain properties of pointer-like types. The standard template std::allocator_traits relies on pointer_traits to determine the defaults for various typedefs required by Allocator.

1) The non-specialized pointer_traits declares the following types:


[edit] Member types

Type Definition
pointer Ptr
element_type Ptr::element_type if present. Otherwise T if Ptr is a template instantiation Template<T, Args...>
difference_type Ptr::difference_type if present, otherwise std::ptrdiff_t

[edit] Member alias templates

Template Definition
template <class U> using rebind Ptr::rebind<U> if exists, otherwise Template<U, Args...> if Ptr is a template instantiation Template<T, Args...>

[edit] Member functions

obtains a dereferencable pointer to its argument
(public static member function)

2) A specialization is provided for pointer types, T*, which declares the following types

[edit] Member types

Type Definition
pointer T*
element_type T
difference_type std::ptrdiff_t

[edit] Member alias templates

Template Definition
template< class U > using rebind U*

[edit] Member functions

obtains a dereferenceable pointer to its argument
(public static member function)

[edit] Notes

The rebind member template alias makes it possible, given a pointer-like type that points to T, to obtain the same pointer-like type that points to U. For example,

typedef std::pointer_traits<std::shared_ptr<int>>::rebind<double> another_pointer;
static_assert(std::is_same<another_pointer, std::shared_ptr<double>>::value, "");

[edit] Example

#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
template <class Ptr>
struct BlockList
   // Predefine a memory block 
   struct block;
   // Define a pointer to a memory block from the kind of pointer Ptr s
   // If Ptr is any kind of T*, block_ptr_t is block*
   // If Ptr is smart_ptr<T>, block_ptr_t is smart_ptr<block>
   typedef typename std::pointer_traits<Ptr>::template rebind<block> block_ptr_t;
   struct block
      std::size_t size;
      block_ptr_t next_block;
   block_ptr_t free_blocks;
int main()
    BlockList<int*> bl1;
    // The type of bl1.free_blocks is block*
    BlockList<std::shared_ptr<char>> bl2;
    // The type of bl2.free_blocks is std::shared_ptr<block>
    std::cout << bl2.free_blocks.use_count() << '\n';



[edit] See also

provides information about allocator types
(class template)
obtains actual address of an object, even if the & operator is overloaded
(function template)