
< cpp‎ | utility‎ | functional
Utilities library
Type support (basic types, RTTI, type traits)
Dynamic memory management
Error handling
Program utilities
Variadic functions
Date and time
Function objects
Relational operators
Optional and any
Pairs and tuples
Swap, forward and move
Type operations
Function objects
Function wrappers
Reference wrappers
Operator wrappers
Old binders and adaptors
(until C++17)
(until C++17)
(until C++17)
(until C++17)
(until C++17)(until C++17)(until C++17)(until C++17)
(until C++17)
(until C++17)(until C++17)(until C++17)(until C++17)
(until C++17)(until C++17)
(until C++17)(until C++17)
Defined in header <functional>
template< class Res, class T >
std::mem_fun_ref_t<Res,T> mem_fun_ref( Res (T::*f)() );
(1) (until C++17)
(deprecated since C++11)
template< class Res, class T >
std::const_mem_fun_ref_t<Res,T> mem_fun_ref( Res (T::*f)() );
(1) (until C++17)
(deprecated since C++11)
template< class Res, class T, class Arg >
std::mem_fun1_ref_t<Res,T,Arg> mem_fun_ref( Res (T::*f)(Arg) );
(2) (until C++17)
(deprecated since C++11)
template< class Res, class T, class Arg >
std::const_mem_fun1_ref_t<Res,T,Arg> mem_fun_ref( S (T::*f)(Arg) );
(2) (until C++17)
(deprecated since C++11)

Creates a member function wrapper object, deducing the target type from the template arguments. The wrapper object expects a reference to an object of type T as the first parameter to its operator().

1) Effectively calls std::mem_fun_ref_t<S,T>(f) or std::const_mem_fun_ref_t<S,T>(f).

2) Effectively calls std::mem_fun1_ref_t<S,T>(f) or std::const_mem_fun1_ref_t<S,T>(f).

This function and the related types were deprecated in C++11 and removed in C++17 in favor of the more general std::mem_fn and std::bind, both of which create callable adapter-compatible function objects from member functions.


[edit] Parameters

f - pointer to a member function to create a wrapper for

[edit] Return value

A function object wrapping f.

[edit] Exceptions


[edit] Notes

The difference between std::mem_fun and std::mem_fun_ref is that the former produces an function wrapper that expects a pointer to an object, whereas the latter -- a reference.

[edit] Example

uses std::mem_fun_ref to bind std::string's member function .size()

#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
int main()
    std::vector<std::string> v = {"once", "upon", "a", "time"};
    std::transform(v.begin(), v.end(),
                   std::ostream_iterator<std::size_t>(std::cout, " "),


4 4 1 4

[edit] See also

(until C++17)
creates a wrapper from a pointer to member function, callable with a pointer to object
(function template)