Version: 1.0.1
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Compass Float

This module provides mixins that help you work around the double-margin bug in IE5/6.

This file can be imported using: @import "compass/utilities/general/float"


  1. Browser Support – Provides configuration options for the Compass Browser Support Matrix.

Configurable Variables help


The legacy support threshold for float. Defaults to the $critical-usage-threshold.


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@mixin float-left {
  @include float(left);

Implementation of float:left with fix for the double-margin bug in IE5/6

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@mixin float-right {
  @include float(right);

Implementation of float:right with fix for the double-margin bug in IE5/6

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=float($side: left)
  float: unquote($side)
  @if support-legacy-browser("ie", "6", $threshold: $legacy-float-support-threshold)
    display: inline
@mixin float($side: left) {
  float: unquote($side);
  @if support-legacy-browser("ie", "6", $threshold: $legacy-float-support-threshold) {
    display: inline;

Direction independent float mixin that fixes the double-margin bug in IE5/6

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=reset-float($display: block)
  float: none
  @if support-legacy-browser("ie", "6", $threshold: $legacy-float-support-threshold)
    display: $display
@mixin reset-float($display: block) {
  float: none;
  @if support-legacy-browser("ie", "6", $threshold: $legacy-float-support-threshold) {
    display: $display;

Resets floated elements back to their default of float: none and defaults to display: block unless you pass inline as an argument

Usage Example:

  #footer li
  #footer li