dojox/dtl/_Templated (version 1.10)



The base-class for DTL-templated widgets.


var foo = new _Templated(params,srcNodeRef);
Parameter Type Description
params Object | null

Hash of initialization parameters for widget, including scalar values (like title, duration etc.) and functions, typically callbacks like onClick. The hash can contain any of the widget's properties, excluding read-only properties.

srcNodeRef DOMNode | String

If a srcNodeRef (DOM node) is specified, replace srcNodeRef with my generated DOM tree.

See the dojox/dtl/_Templated reference documentation for more information.

Property Summary

  • _attachEventsList of connections associated with data-dojo-attach-event=... in the template
  • _attachPointsList of widget attribute names associated with data-dojo-attach-point=... in the template, ex: ["containerNode", "labelNode"]
  • _dijitTemplateCompat
  • _renderedNot normally use, but this flag can be set by the app if the server has already rendered the template, i.e. already inlining the template for the widget into the main page.
  • _skipNodeCache
  • _templateCache
  • attachScopeObject to which attach points and events will be scoped.
  • searchContainerNode
  • templatePathPath to template (HTML file) for this widget relative to dojo.baseUrl.
  • templateStringA string that represents the widget template.

Method Summary

  • _attach(node,type,func) Roughly corresponding to dojo/on, this is the default function for processing a data-dojo-attach-event.
  • _attachTemplateNodes(rootNode) Iterate through the dom nodes and attach functions and nodes accordingly.
  • _beforeFillContent()
  • _detachTemplateNodes() Detach and clean up the attachments made in _attachtempalteNodes.
  • _escapeValue(val) Escape a value to be inserted into the template, either into an attribute value (ex: foo="${bar}") or as inner text of an element (ex: ${foo})
  • _fillContent(source) Relocate source contents to templated container node. this.containerNode must be able to receive children, or exceptions will be thrown.
  • _processTemplateNode(baseNode,getAttrFunc,attachFunc)
  • _stringRepl(tmpl) Does substitution of ${foo} type properties in template string
  • buildRendering()
  • destroyRendering()
  • getCachedTemplate(templatePath,templateString,alwaysUseString) Layer for dijit._Templated.getCachedTemplate
  • render() Renders the widget.
  • startup()


Defined by: dijit/_AttachMixin

List of connections associated with data-dojo-attach-event=... in the template

Defined by: dijit/_AttachMixin

List of widget attribute names associated with data-dojo-attach-point=... in the template, ex: ["containerNode", "labelNode"]

Defined by: dojox/dtl/_Templated
Defined by: dijit/_TemplatedMixin

Not normally use, but this flag can be set by the app if the server has already rendered the template, i.e. already inlining the template for the widget into the main page. Reduces _TemplatedMixin to just function like _AttachMixin.

Defined by: dijit/_TemplatedMixin
Defined by: dojox/dtl/_Templated
Defined by: dijit/_AttachMixin

Object to which attach points and events will be scoped. Defaults to 'this'.

Defined by: dijit/_TemplatedMixin
Defined by: dijit/_TemplatedMixin

Path to template (HTML file) for this widget relative to dojo.baseUrl. Deprecated: use templateString with require([... "dojo/text!..."], ...) instead

Defined by: dijit/_TemplatedMixin

A string that represents the widget template. Use in conjunction with dojo.cache() to load from a file.


Defined by dijit/_AttachMixin

Roughly corresponding to dojo/on, this is the default function for processing a data-dojo-attach-event. Meant to attach to DOMNodes, not to widgets.

Parameter Type Description
node DOMNode

The node to setup a listener on.

type String

Event name like "click".

func undefined
Defined by dijit/_AttachMixin

Iterate through the dom nodes and attach functions and nodes accordingly.

Map widget properties and functions to the handlers specified in the dom node and it's descendants. This function iterates over all nodes and looks for these properties:

  • dojoAttachPoint/data-dojo-attach-point
  • dojoAttachEvent/data-dojo-attach-event
Parameter Type Description
rootNode DomNode

The node to search for properties. All descendants will be searched.

Defined by dijit/_AttachMixin
Defined by dijit/_AttachMixin

Detach and clean up the attachments made in _attachtempalteNodes.


Escape a value to be inserted into the template, either into an attribute value (ex: foo="${bar}") or as inner text of an element (ex: ${foo})

Parameter Type Description
val String

Relocate source contents to templated container node. this.containerNode must be able to receive children, or exceptions will be thrown.

Parameter Type Description
source DomNode
Parameter Type Description
baseNode DOMNode | Widget
getAttrFunc undefined
attachFunc undefined

Does substitution of ${foo} type properties in template string

Parameter Type Description
tmpl undefined
Defined by dijit/_AttachMixin

Layer for dijit._Templated.getCachedTemplate

Parameter Type Description
templatePath undefined
templateString undefined
alwaysUseString undefined
Returns:undefined | instance

Renders the widget.

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