IEx.Pry View Source

The low-level API for prying sessions and setting up breakpoints.

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Sets up a breakpoint on the given module/function/arity

Sets up a breakpoint on the given module/function/args with the given guard

Returns all breakpoints

Removes all breakpoints on all modules

Removes breakpoints in the given module

Resets the breaks on a given breakpoint id

Resets the breaks for the given module, function and arity

Formats the location for whereami/3 prying

Link to this section Types

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break() View Source
break() ::
  {id(), module(), {function(), arity()}, pending :: non_neg_integer()}

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break_error() View Source
break_error() ::
  | :no_beam_file
  | :unknown_function_arity
  | :missing_debug_info
  | :outdated_debug_info
  | :non_elixir_module

Link to this section Functions

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break(module, function, arity, breaks \\ 1) View Source
break(module(), function(), arity(), pos_integer()) ::
  {:ok, id()} | {:error, break_error()}

Sets up a breakpoint on the given module/function/arity.

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break(module, function, args, guard, env, breaks \\ 1) View Source
) :: {:ok, id()} | {:error, break_error()}

Sets up a breakpoint on the given module/function/args with the given guard.

It requires an env to be given to make the expansion of the guards.

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break!(module, function, arity, breaks \\ 1) View Source
break!(module(), function(), arity(), pos_integer()) :: id()

Raising variant of break/4.

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break!(module, function, args, guard, env, breaks \\ 1) View Source
) :: id()

Raising variant of break/6.

Returns all breakpoints.

Callback for IEx.pry/0.

You can invoke this function directly when you are not able to invoke IEx.pry/0 as a macro. This function expects the binding (from Kernel.binding/0) and the environment (from __ENV__/0).

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remove_breaks() View Source
remove_breaks() :: :ok

Removes all breakpoints on all modules.

This effectively loads the non-instrumented version of currently instrumented modules into memory.

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remove_breaks(module) View Source
remove_breaks(module()) :: :ok | {:error, :no_beam_file}

Removes breakpoints in the given module.

This effectively loads the non-instrumented version of the module into memory.

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reset_break(id) View Source
reset_break(id()) :: :ok | :not_found

Resets the breaks on a given breakpoint id.

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reset_break(module, function, arity) View Source
reset_break(module(), function(), arity()) :: :ok | :not_found

Resets the breaks for the given module, function and arity.

If the module is not instrumented or if the given function does not have a breakpoint, it is a no-op and it returns :not_found. Otherwise it returns :ok.

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whereami(file, line, radius) View Source

Formats the location for whereami/3 prying.

It receives the file, line and the snippet radius and returns {:ok, lines}, where lines is a list of chardata containing each formatted line, or :error.

The actual line is especially formatted in bold.