IEx View Source
Elixir's interactive shell.
Some of the functionalities described here will not be available depending on your terminal. In particular, if you get a message saying that the smart terminal could not be run, some of the features described here won't work.
IEx provides a bunch of helpers. They can be accessed by typing
into the shell or as a documentation for the IEx.Helpers
To discover a module's public functions or other modules, type the module name followed by a dot, then press tab to trigger autocomplete. For example:
A module may export functions that are not meant to be used directly: these
functions won't be autocompleted by IEx. IEx will not autocomplete functions
annotated with @doc false
, @impl true
, or functions that aren't explicitly
documented and where the function name is in the form of __foo__
Autocomplete may not be available on some Windows shells. You may need
to pass the --werl
option when starting IEx, as in iex --werl
for it
to work. --werl
may be permanently enabled by setting the IEX_WITH_WERL
environment variable.
Shell history
It is possible to get shell history by passing some options that enable it in the VM. This can be done on a per-need basis when starting IEx:
iex --erl "-kernel shell_history enabled"
If you would rather enable it on your system as a whole, you can use
environment variable and make sure that it is set
accordingly on your terminal/shell configuration.
On Unix-like / Bash:
export ERL_AFLAGS="-kernel shell_history enabled"
On Windows:
set ERL_AFLAGS "-kernel shell_history enabled"
On Windows 10 / PowerShell:
$env:ERL_AFLAGS = "-kernel shell_history enabled"
Expressions in IEx
As an interactive shell, IEx evaluates expressions. This has some interesting consequences that are worth discussing.
The first one is that the code is truly evaluated and not compiled. This means that any benchmarking done in the shell is going to have skewed results. So never run any profiling nor benchmarks in the shell.
Second, IEx allows you to break an expression into many lines, since this is common in Elixir. For example:
iex(1)> "ab
...(1)> c"
In the example above, the shell will be expecting more input until it finds the closing quote. Sometimes it is not obvious which character the shell is expecting, and the user may find themselves trapped in the state of incomplete expression with no ability to terminate it other than by exiting the shell.
For such cases, there is a special break-trigger (#iex:break
) that when
encountered on a line by itself will force the shell to break out of any
pending expression and return to its normal state:
iex(1)> ["ab
...(1)> c"
...(1)> "
...(1)> ]
...(1)> #iex:break
** (TokenMissingError) iex:1: incomplete expression
Pasting multiline expressions into IEx
IEx evaluates its input line by line in an eagerly fashion which means
that if at the end of a line the code seen so far is a complete expression
IEx will evaluate it at that point. This behaviour may produce errors for
expressions that have been formatted across multiple lines which is often
the case for piped expressions. Consider the following expression using
the |>/2
iex(1)> [1, [2], 3] |> List.flatten()
[1, 2, 3]
When written in multiline form and pasted into IEx this valid expression produces a syntax error:
iex(1)> [1, [2], 3]
[1, [2], 3]
iex(2)> |> List.flatten()
** (SyntaxError) iex:2: syntax error before: '|>'
As IEx evaluates its input line by line, it will first encounter
[1, [2], 3]
. As a list is a valid expression, IEx will evaluate
it immediately before looking at the next input line. Only then
will IEx attempt to evaluate the now incomplete expression
|> List.flatten()
, which on its own is missing its left operand.
The evaluation thus fails with the above syntax error.
In order to help IEx understand that an expression consists of multiple lines we can wrap it into parentheses:
iex(1)> (
...(1)> [1, [2], 3]
...(1)> |> List.flatten()
...(1)> )
[1, 2, 3]
Note that this not only works with single expressions but also with arbitrary code blocks.
The BREAK menu
Inside IEx, hitting Ctrl+C
will open up the BREAK
menu. In this
menu you can quit the shell, see process and ETS tables information
and much more.
Exiting the shell
There are a few ways to quit the IEx shell:
- via the
menu (available viaCtrl+C
) by typingq
, pressing enter - by hitting
- by hitting
If you are connected to remote shell, it remains alive after disconnection.
Prying and breakpoints
IEx also has the ability to set breakpoints on Elixir code and "pry" into running processes. This allows the developer to have an IEx session run inside a given function.
can be used when you are able to modify the source
code directly and recompile it:
def my_fun(arg1, arg2) do
require IEx; IEx.pry()
... implementation ...
When the code is executed, it will ask you for permission to be introspected.
Alternatively, you can use IEx.break!/4
to setup a breakpoint
on a given module, function and arity you have no control of.
While IEx.break!/4
is more flexible, it does not contain
information about imports and aliases from the source code.
The User switch command
Besides the BREAK
menu, one can type Ctrl+G
to get to the
User switch command
menu. When reached, you can type h
get more information.
In this menu, developers are able to start new shells and alternate between them. Let's give it a try:
User switch command
--> s 'Elixir.IEx'
--> c
The command above will start a new shell and connect to it.
Create a new variable called hello
and assign some value to it:
hello = :world
Now, let's roll back to the first shell:
User switch command
--> c 1
Now, try to access the hello
variable again:
** (UndefinedFunctionError) undefined function hello/0
The command above fails because we have switched shells. Since shells are isolated from each other, you can't access the variables defined in one shell from the other one.
The User switch command
can also be used to terminate an existing
session, for example when the evaluator gets stuck in an infinite
loop or when you are stuck typing an expression:
User switch command
--> i
--> c
The User switch command
menu also allows developers to connect to
remote shells using the r
command. A topic which we will discuss next.
Remote shells
IEx allows you to connect to another node in two fashions. First of all, we can only connect to a shell if we give names both to the current shell and the shell we want to connect to.
Let's give it a try. First start a new shell:
$ iex --sname foo
The string between the parentheses in the prompt is the name
of your node. We can retrieve it by calling the node/0
iex(foo@HOST)1> node()
iex(foo@HOST)2> Node.alive?()
For fun, let's define a simple module in this shell too:
iex(foo@HOST)3> defmodule Hello do
...(foo@HOST)3> def world, do: "it works!"
...(foo@HOST)3> end
Now, let's start another shell, giving it a name as well:
$ iex --sname bar
If we try to dispatch to
, it won't be available
as it was defined only in the other shell:
** (UndefinedFunctionError) undefined function
However, we can connect to the other shell remotely. Open up
the User switch command
prompt (Ctrl+G) and type:
User switch command
--> r 'foo@HOST' 'Elixir.IEx'
--> c
Now we are connected into the remote node, as the prompt shows us, and we can access the information and modules defined over there:
"it works!"
In fact, connecting to remote shells is so common that we provide a shortcut via the command line as well:
$ iex --sname baz --remsh foo@HOST
Where "remsh" means "remote shell". In general, Elixir supports:
- remsh from an Elixir node to an Elixir node
- remsh from a plain Erlang node to an Elixir node (through the ^G menu)
- remsh from an Elixir node to a plain Erlang node (and get an
shell there)
Connecting an Elixir shell to a remote node without Elixir is not supported.
The .iex.exs file
When starting, IEx looks for a local .iex.exs
file (located in the current
working directory), then a global one (located at ~/.iex.exs
) and loads the
first one it finds (if any). The code in the loaded .iex.exs
file is
evaluated in the shell's context. So, for instance, any modules that are
loaded or variables that are bound in the .iex.exs
file will be available in the
shell after it has booted.
For example, take the following .iex.exs
# Load another ".iex.exs" file
import_file "~/.iex.exs"
# Import some module from lib that may not yet have been defined
import_if_available MyApp.Mod
# Print something before the shell starts
IO.puts "hello world"
# Bind a variable that'll be accessible in the shell
value = 13
Running IEx in the directory where the above .iex.exs
file is located
results in:
$ iex
Erlang/OTP 20 [...]
hello world
Interactive Elixir - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)
iex(1)> value
It is possible to load another file by supplying the --dot-iex
option to IEx. See iex --help
Configuring the shell
There are a number of customization options provided by IEx. Take a look
at the docs for the IEx.configure/1
function by typing h IEx.configure/1
Those options can be configured in your project configuration file or globally
by calling IEx.configure/1
from your ~/.iex.exs
file. For example:
# .iex.exs
IEx.configure(inspect: [limit: 3])
Now run the shell:
$ iex
Erlang/OTP 20 [...]
Interactive Elixir - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)
iex(1)> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[1, 2, 3, ...]
Link to this section Summary
Returns registered after_spawn
Registers a function to be invoked after the IEx process is spawned
Macro-based shortcut for IEx.break!/4
Sets up a breakpoint in module
, function
and arity
the given number of stops
Returns string
escaped using the specified color
Returns IEx configuration
Configures IEx
Gets the options used for inspecting
Pries into the process environment
Returns true
if IEx was started
Gets the IEx width for printing
Link to this section Functions
after_spawn() View Source
Returns registered after_spawn
after_spawn(fun) View Source
Registers a function to be invoked after the IEx process is spawned.
break!(ast, stops \\ 1) View Source (macro) (since 1.5.0)
Macro-based shortcut for IEx.break!/4
break!(module, function, arity, stops \\ 1) View Source (since 1.5.0)
Sets up a breakpoint in module
, function
and arity
the given number of stops
This function will instrument the given module and load a new version in memory with breakpoints at the given function and arity. If the module is recompiled, all breakpoints are lost.
When a breakpoint is reached, IEx will ask if you want to pry
the given function and arity. In other words, this works similar
to IEx.pry/0
as the running process becomes the evaluator of
IEx commands and is temporarily changed to have a custom group
leader. However, differently from IEx.pry/0
, aliases and imports
from the source code won't be available in the shell.
IEx helpers includes many conveniences related to breakpoints.
Below they are listed with the full module, such as IEx.Helpers.breaks/0
but remember it can be called directly as breaks()
inside IEx.
They are:
- sets up a breakpoint for a
- sets up a breakpoint for the given module, function, arityIEx.Helpers.breaks/0
- prints all breakpoints and their idsIEx.Helpers.continue/0
- continues until the next breakpoint in the same
- opens editor on the current breakpointIEx.Helpers.remove_breaks/0
- removes all breakpoints in all modulesIEx.Helpers.remove_breaks/1
- removes all breakpoints in a given moduleIEx.Helpers.reset_break/1
- sets the number of stops on the given id to zeroIEx.Helpers.reset_break/3
- sets the number of stops on the given module, function, arity to zeroIEx.Helpers.respawn/0
- starts a new shell (breakpoints will ask for permission once more)IEx.Helpers.whereami/1
- shows the current location
By default, the number of stops in a breakpoint is 1. Any follow-up call won't stop the code execution unless another breakpoint is set.
Alternatively, the number of stops can be increased by passing the stops
argument. IEx.Helpers.reset_break/1
and IEx.Helpers.reset_break/3
can be used to reset the number back to zero. Note the module remains
"instrumented" even after all stops on all breakpoints are consumed.
You can remove the instrumentation in a given module by calling
and on all modules by calling
To exit a breakpoint, the developer can either invoke continue()
which will block the shell until the next breakpoint is found or
the process terminates, or invoke respawn()
, which starts a new IEx
shell, freeing up the pried one.
The examples below will use break!
, assuming that you are setting
a breakpoint directly from your IEx shell. But you can set up a break
from anywhere by using the fully qualified name IEx.break!
The following sets up a breakpoint on URI.decode_query/2
break! URI, :decode_query, 2
This call will setup a breakpoint that stops once. To set a breakpoint that will stop 10 times:
break! URI, :decode_query, 2, 10
is a convenience macro that allows breakpoints
to be given in the
break! URI.decode_query/2
Or to set a breakpoint that will stop 10 times:
break! URI.decode_query/2, 10
This function returns the breakpoint ID and will raise if there is an error setting up the breakpoint.
Patterns and guards
allows patterns to be given, triggering the
breakpoint only in some occasions. For example, to trigger
the breakpoint only when the first argument is the "foo=bar"
break! URI.decode_query("foo=bar", _)
Or to trigger it whenever the second argument is a map with more than one element:
break! URI.decode_query(_, map) when map_size(map) > 0
Only a single break point can be set per function. So if you call
multiple times with different patterns, only the last
pattern is kept.
Notice that, while patterns may be given to macros, remember that macros receive ASTs as arguments, and not values. For example, if you try to break on a macro with the following pattern:
break! MyModule.some_macro(pid) when pid == self()
This breakpoint will never be reached, because a macro never receives
a PID. Even if you call the macro as MyModule.some_macro(self())
the macro will receive the AST representing the self()
call, and not
the PID itself.
Breaks and mix test
To use IEx.break!/4
during tests, you need to run mix
the iex
command and pass the --trace
to mix test
to avoid running
into timeouts:
iex -S mix test --trace
iex -S mix test path/to/file:line --trace
color(color, string) View Source
Returns string
escaped using the specified color
ANSI escapes in string
are not processed in any way.
configuration() View Source
Returns IEx configuration.
configure(options) View Source
Configures IEx.
The supported options are:
They are discussed individually in the sections below.
A keyword list that encapsulates all color settings used by the
shell. See documentation for the IO.ANSI
module for the list of
supported colors and attributes.
List of supported keys in the keyword list:
- boolean value that allows for switching the coloring on and off:eval_result
- color for an expression's resulting value:eval_info
- ... various informational messages:eval_error
- ... error messages:eval_interrupt
- ... interrupt messages:stack_info
- ... the stacktrace color:blame_diff
- ... when blaming source with no match:ls_directory
- ... for directory entries (ls helper):ls_device
- ... device entries (ls helper)
When printing documentation, IEx will convert the Markdown documentation to ANSI as well. Colors for this can be configured via:
- the attributes for code blocks (cyan, bright):doc_inline_code
- inline code (cyan):doc_headings
- h1 and h2 (yellow, bright):doc_title
- the overall heading for the output (reverse, yellow, bright):doc_bold
- (bright):doc_underline
- (underline)
IEx will also color inspected expressions using the :syntax_colors
option. Such can be disabled with:
IEx.configure [colors: [syntax_colors: false]]
You can also configure the syntax colors, however, as desired:
IEx.configure [colors: [syntax_colors: [atom: :red]]]
Configuration for most built-in data types are supported: :atom
, :binary
, :list
, :number
, :boolean
, :nil
, etc.
The default is:
[number: :magenta, atom: :cyan, string: :green,
boolean: :magenta, nil: :magenta]
A keyword list containing inspect options used by the shell when printing results of expression evaluation. Default to pretty formatting with a limit of 50 entries.
To show all entries, configure the limit to :infinity
IEx.configure [inspect: [limit: :infinity]]
See Inspect.Opts
for the full list of options.
An integer indicating the maximum number of columns to use in output.
The default value is 80 columns. The actual output width is the minimum
of this number and result of :io.columns
. This way you can configure IEx
to be your largest screen size and it should always take up the full width
of your current terminal screen.
History size
Number of expressions and their results to keep in the history. The value is an integer. When it is negative, the history is unlimited.
This is an option determining the prompt displayed to the user when awaiting input.
The value is a keyword list with two possible keys representing prompt types:
- used whenNode.alive?/0
- used whenNode.alive?/0
The following values in the prompt string will be replaced appropriately:
- the index of the history%prefix
- a prefix given byIEx.Server
- the name of the local node
inspect_opts() View Source
Gets the options used for inspecting.
pry() View Source (macro)
Pries into the process environment.
This is useful for debugging a particular chunk of code
when executed by a particular process. The process becomes
the evaluator of IEx commands and is temporarily changed to
have a custom group leader. Those values are reverted by
calling IEx.Helpers.respawn/0
, which starts a new IEx shell,
freeing up the pried one.
When a process is pried, all code runs inside IEx and has
access to all imports and aliases from the original code.
However, the code is evaluated and therefore cannot access
private functions of the module being pried. Module functions
still need to be accessed via
Alternatively, you can use IEx.break!/4
to setup a breakpoint
on a given module, function and arity you have no control of.
While IEx.break!/4
is more flexible, it does not contain
information about imports and aliases from the source code.
Let's suppose you want to investigate what is happening
with some particular function. By invoking IEx.pry/0
the function, IEx will allow you to access its binding
(variables), verify its lexical information and access
the process information. Let's see an example:
import Enum, only: [map: 2]
defmodule Adder do
def add(a, b) do
c = a + b
require IEx; IEx.pry()
When invoking Adder.add(1, 2)
, you will receive a message in
your shell to pry the given environment. By allowing it,
the shell will be reset and you gain access to all variables
and the lexical scope from above:
pry(1)> map([a, b, c], &IO.inspect(&1))
Keep in mind that IEx.pry/0
runs in the caller process,
blocking the caller during the evaluation cycle. The caller
process can be freed by calling respawn/0
, which starts a
new IEx evaluation cycle, letting this one go:
pry(2)> respawn()
Interactive Elixir - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)
Setting variables or importing modules in IEx does not affect the caller's environment. However, sending and receiving messages will change the process state.
Pry and macros
When setting up Pry inside a code defined by macros, such as:
defmacro __using__(_) do
quote do
def add(a, b) do
c = a + b
require IEx; IEx.pry()
The variables defined inside quote
won't be available during
prying due to the hygiene mechanism in quoted expressions. The
hygiene mechanism changes the variable names in quoted expressions
so they don't collide with variables defined by the users of the
macros. Therefore the original names are not available.
Pry and mix test
To use IEx.pry/0
during tests, you need to run mix
the iex
command and pass the --trace
to mix test
to avoid running
into timeouts:
iex -S mix test --trace
iex -S mix test path/to/file:line --trace
started?() View Source
Returns true
if IEx was started.
width() View Source
Gets the IEx width for printing.
Used by helpers and it has a default maximum cap of 80 chars.