

appPackage app lets you write portable all-Go apps for Android and iOS.
app/internal/apptestPackage apptest provides utilities for testing an app.
app/internal/testappSmall test app used by app/app_test.go.
assetPackage asset provides access to application-bundled assets.
bindPackage bind implements a code generator for gobind.
bind/benchmarkPackage benchmark contains benchmarking bound functions for internal use.
bind/javaPackage java implements the Java language bindings.
bind/objcPackage objc implements the Objective-C language bindings.
bind/seqPackage seq implements the machine-dependent seq serialization format.
bind/testpkgPackage testpkg contains bound functions for testing the cgo-JNI interface.
bind/testpkg/secondpkgPackage secondpkg is imported by bind tests that verify that a bound package can reference another bound package.
bind/testpkg/simplepkgPackage simplepkg is imported from testpkg and tests two corner cases.
bind/testpkg/unboundpkgPackage simplepkg is imported from testpkg and tests that references to other, unbound packages, are ignored.
cmd/gobindGobind generates language bindings that make it possible to call Go functions from Java and Objective-C.
cmd/gomobileGomobile is a tool for building and running mobile apps written in Go.
event/keyPackage key defines an event for physical keyboard keys.
event/lifecyclePackage lifecycle defines an event for an app's lifecycle.
event/mousePackage mouse defines an event for mouse input.
event/paintPackage paint defines an event for the app being ready to paint.
event/sizePackage size defines an event for the dimensions, physical resolution and orientation of the app's window.
event/touchPackage touch defines an event for touch input.
example/audioAn app that makes a sound as the gopher hits the walls of the screen.
example/basicAn app that draws a green triangle on a red background.
example/bind/helloPackage hello is a trivial package for gomobile bind example.
example/flappyFlappy Gopher is a simple one-button game that uses the mobile framework and the experimental sprite engine.
example/networkAn app that paints green if is reachable when the app first starts, or red otherwise.
exp/app/debugPackage debug provides GL-based debugging tools for apps.
exp/audioPackage audio provides a basic audio player.
exp/audio/alPackage al provides OpenAL Soft bindings for Go.
exp/f32Package f32 implements some linear algebra and GL helpers for float32s.
exp/fontPackage font provides platform independent access to system fonts.
exp/gl/glutilPackage glutil implements OpenGL utility functions.
exp/sensorPackage sensor provides sensor events from various movement sensors.
exp/spritePackage sprite provides a 2D scene graph for rendering and animation.
exp/sprite/clockPackage clock provides a clock and time functions for a sprite engine.
exp/sprite/glspritePackage glsprite implements a sprite Engine using OpenGL ES 2.
exp/sprite/portablePackage portable implements a sprite Engine using the image package.
geomPackage geom defines a two-dimensional coordinate system.
glPackage gl implements Go bindings for OpenGL ES 2.
internal/binresPackage binres implements encoding and decoding of android binary resources.
internal/mobileinitPackage mobileinit contains common initialization logic for mobile platforms that is relevant to both all-Go apps and gobind-based apps.

Updated 2016-04-20. Refresh now. Tools for package owners.