golang.org/x/mobile/app | Package app lets you write portable all-Go apps for Android and iOS. |
golang.org/x/mobile/asset | Package asset provides access to application-bundled assets. |
golang.org/x/mobile/event/lifecycle | Package lifecycle defines an event for an app's lifecycle. |
golang.org/x/mobile/event/paint | Package paint defines an event for the app being ready to paint. |
golang.org/x/mobile/event/size | Package size defines an event for the dimensions, physical resolution and orientation of the app's window. |
golang.org/x/mobile/exp/audio | Package audio provides a basic audio player. |
golang.org/x/mobile/exp/f32 | Package f32 implements some linear algebra and GL helpers for float32s. |
golang.org/x/mobile/exp/gl/glutil | Package glutil implements OpenGL utility functions. |
golang.org/x/mobile/exp/sprite | Package sprite provides a 2D scene graph for rendering and animation. |
golang.org/x/mobile/exp/sprite/clock | Package clock provides a clock and time functions for a sprite engine. |
golang.org/x/mobile/exp/sprite/glsprite | Package glsprite implements a sprite Engine using OpenGL ES 2. |
golang.org/x/mobile/gl | Package gl implements Go bindings for OpenGL ES 2. |
image | Package image implements a basic 2-D image library. |
image/jpeg | Package jpeg implements a JPEG image decoder and encoder. |
log | Package log implements a simple logging package. |
time | Package time provides functionality for measuring and displaying time. |