Table of Contents
API Documentation: | Groovydoc |
Generates HTML API documentation for Groovy source, and optionally, Java source.
This task uses Groovy's Groovydoc tool to generate the API documentation. Please note that the Groovydoc tool has some limitations at the moment. The version of the Groovydoc that is used, is the one from the Groovy dependency defined in the build script.
Property | Description |
classpath | The classpath used to locate classes referenced by the documented sources. |
destinationDir | The directory to generate the documentation into. |
docTitle | The title for the package index(first) page. Set to |
excludes | The set of exclude patterns. |
footer | The HTML footer for each page. Set to |
groovyClasspath | The classpath containing the Groovy library to be used. |
header | The HTML header for each page. Set to |
includePrivate | Whether to include all classes and members (i.e. including private ones). |
includes | The set of include patterns. |
links | The links to groovydoc/javadoc output at the given URL. |
noTimestamp | Whether to include timestamp within hidden comment in generated HTML (Groovy >= 2.4.6). |
noVersionStamp | Whether to include version stamp within hidden comment in generated HTML (Groovy >= 2.4.6). |
overviewText | Returns a HTML text to be used for overview documentation. Set to |
source | The source for this task, after the include and exclude patterns have been applied. Ignores source files which do not exist. |
use | Whether to create class and package usage pages. |
windowTitle | The browser window title for the documentation. Set to |
Method | Description |
exclude(excludeSpec) | Adds an exclude spec. This method may be called multiple times to append new specs.The given closure is passed a
exclude(excludes) | Adds an ANT style exclude pattern. This method may be called multiple times to append new patterns and multiple patterns may be specified in a single call. If excludes are not provided, then no files will be excluded. If excludes are provided, then files must not match any exclude pattern to be processed. |
exclude(excludes) | Adds an ANT style exclude pattern. This method may be called multiple times to append new patterns and multiple patterns may be specified in a single call. If excludes are not provided, then no files will be excluded. If excludes are provided, then files must not match any exclude pattern to be processed. |
exclude(excludeSpec) | Adds an exclude spec. This method may be called multiple times to append new specs. If excludes are not provided, then no files will be excluded. If excludes are provided, then files must not match any exclude pattern to be processed. |
include(includeSpec) | Adds an include spec. This method may be called multiple times to append new specs. The given closure is passed a
include(includes) | Adds an ANT style include pattern. This method may be called multiple times to append new patterns and multiple patterns may be specified in a single call. If includes are not provided, then all files in this container will be included. If includes are provided, then a file must match at least one of the include patterns to be processed. |
include(includes) | Adds an ANT style include pattern. This method may be called multiple times to append new patterns and multiple patterns may be specified in a single call. If includes are not provided, then all files in this container will be included. If includes are provided, then a file must match at least one of the include patterns to be processed. |
include(includeSpec) | Adds an include spec. This method may be called multiple times to append new specs. If includes are not provided, then all files in this container will be included. If includes are provided, then a file must match at least one of the include patterns or specs to be included. |
link(url, packages) | Add links to groovydoc/javadoc output at the given URL. |
source(sources) | Adds some source to this task. The given source objects will be evaluated as per |
The classpath used to locate classes referenced by the documented sources.
- Default with
plugin: sourceSets.main.output + sourceSets.main.compileClasspath
The directory to generate the documentation into.
- Default with
plugin: ${project.docsDir}
The title for the package index(first) page. Set to null
when there is no document title.
- Default with
plugin: project.reporting.apiDocTitle
The HTML footer for each page. Set to null
when there is no footer.
- Default with
plugin: null
The classpath containing the Groovy library to be used.
- Default with
plugin: project.configurations.groovy
The HTML header for each page. Set to null
when there is no header.
- Default with
plugin: null
Whether to include all classes and members (i.e. including private ones).
- Default with
plugin: false
Whether to include timestamp within hidden comment in generated HTML (Groovy >= 2.4.6).
- Default with
plugin: false
Whether to include version stamp within hidden comment in generated HTML (Groovy >= 2.4.6).
- Default with
plugin: false
Returns a HTML text to be used for overview documentation. Set to null
when there is no overview text.
- Default with
plugin: null
The source for this task, after the include and exclude patterns have been applied. Ignores source files which do not exist.
The PathSensitivity
for the sources is configured to be PathSensitivity.ABSOLUTE
If your sources are less strict, please change it accordingly by overriding this method in your subclass.
- Default with
plugin: sourceSets.main.groovy
The browser window title for the documentation. Set to null
when there is no window title.
- Default with
plugin: project.reporting.apiDocTitle
Adds an exclude spec. This method may be called multiple times to append new specs.The given closure is passed a
as its parameter. The closure should return true or false. Example:
copySpec { from 'source' into 'destination' //an example of excluding files from certain configuration: exclude { it.file in configurations.someConf.files } }
If excludes are not provided, then no files will be excluded. If excludes are provided, then files must not match any exclude pattern to be processed.
>Adds an ANT style exclude pattern. This method may be called multiple times to append new patterns and multiple patterns may be specified in a single call. If excludes are not provided, then no files will be excluded. If excludes are provided, then files must not match any exclude pattern to be processed.
...Adds an ANT style exclude pattern. This method may be called multiple times to append new patterns and multiple patterns may be specified in a single call. If excludes are not provided, then no files will be excluded. If excludes are provided, then files must not match any exclude pattern to be processed.
>Adds an exclude spec. This method may be called multiple times to append new specs. If excludes are not provided, then no files will be excluded. If excludes are provided, then files must not match any exclude pattern to be processed.
Adds an include spec. This method may be called multiple times to append new specs. The given closure is passed a
as its parameter.
If includes are not provided, then all files in this container will be included. If includes are provided, then a
file must match at least one of the include patterns or specs to be included.
>Adds an ANT style include pattern. This method may be called multiple times to append new patterns and multiple patterns may be specified in a single call. If includes are not provided, then all files in this container will be included. If includes are provided, then a file must match at least one of the include patterns to be processed.
...Adds an ANT style include pattern. This method may be called multiple times to append new patterns and multiple patterns may be specified in a single call. If includes are not provided, then all files in this container will be included. If includes are provided, then a file must match at least one of the include patterns to be processed.
>Adds an include spec. This method may be called multiple times to append new specs. If includes are not provided, then all files in this container will be included. If includes are provided, then a file must match at least one of the include patterns or specs to be included.
Adds some source to this task. The given source objects will be evaluated as per Project.files(java.lang.Object[])