
API Documentation:JacocoTaskExtension

Extension for tasks that should run with a Jacoco agent to generate coverage execution data.



IP address or hostname to use with Output.TCP_SERVER or Output.TCP_CLIENT. Defaults to localhost.


Whether or not data should be appended if the JacocoTaskExtension.getDestinationFile() already exists. Defaults to true.


Path to dump all class files the agent sees are dumped to. Defaults to no dumps.


The path for the execution data to be written to.


Whether or not to dump the coverage data at VM shutdown. Defaults to true.


List of classloader names that should be excluded from analysis. Names can use wildcards (* and ?). Defaults to an empty list.


List of class names that should be excluded from analysis. Names can use wildcard (* and ?). Defaults to an empty list.


List of class names that should be included in analysis. Names can use wildcards (* and ?). If left empty, all classes will be included. Defaults to an empty list.


Whether or not to expose functionality via JMX under org.jacoco:type=Runtime. Defaults to false. The configuration of the jmx property is only taken into account if the used JaCoCo version supports this option (JaCoCo version >= 0.6.2)


The type of output to generate. Defaults to Output.FILE.


Port to bind to for Output.TCP_SERVER or Output.TCP_CLIENT. Defaults to 6300.


An identifier for the session written to the execution data. Defaults to an auto-generated identifier.



Gets all properties in the format expected of the agent JVM argument.

Script blocks

No script blocks

Property details

String address

IP address or hostname to use with Output.TCP_SERVER or Output.TCP_CLIENT. Defaults to localhost.

boolean append

Note: This property is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version of Gradle.

Whether or not data should be appended if the JacocoTaskExtension.getDestinationFile() already exists. Defaults to true.

File classDumpDir

Path to dump all class files the agent sees are dumped to. Defaults to no dumps.

File destinationFile

The path for the execution data to be written to.

boolean dumpOnExit

Whether or not to dump the coverage data at VM shutdown. Defaults to true.

List<String> excludeClassLoaders

List of classloader names that should be excluded from analysis. Names can use wildcards (* and ?). Defaults to an empty list.

List<String> excludes

List of class names that should be excluded from analysis. Names can use wildcard (* and ?). Defaults to an empty list.

List<String> includes

List of class names that should be included in analysis. Names can use wildcards (* and ?). If left empty, all classes will be included. Defaults to an empty list.

boolean jmx

Whether or not to expose functionality via JMX under org.jacoco:type=Runtime. Defaults to false. The configuration of the jmx property is only taken into account if the used JaCoCo version supports this option (JaCoCo version >= 0.6.2)

Output output

The type of output to generate. Defaults to Output.FILE.

int port

Port to bind to for Output.TCP_SERVER or Output.TCP_CLIENT. Defaults to 6300.

String sessionId

An identifier for the session written to the execution data. Defaults to an auto-generated identifier.

Method details

String getAsJvmArg()

Gets all properties in the format expected of the agent JVM argument.