
This feature has been removed from the Web standards. Though some browsers may still support it, it is in the process of being dropped. Do not use it in old or new projects. Pages or Web apps using it may break at any time.


The HTML Center Element (<center>) is a block-level element that can contain paragraphs and other block-level and inline elements. The entire content of this element is centered horizontally within its containing element (typically, the <body>).

This tag has been deprecated in HTML 4 (and XHTML 1) in favor of the CSS text-align property, which can be applied to the <div> element or to an individual <p>. For centering blocks, use other CSS properties like margin-left and margin-right and set them to auto (or set margin to 0 auto).

DOM Interface

This element implements the HTMLElement interface.

Implementation note: up to Gecko 1.9.2 inclusive, Firefox implements the HTMLSpanElement interface for this element.

Example 1

<center>This text will be centered.
<p>So will this paragraph.</p></center>

Example 2 (CSS alternative)

<div style="text-align:center">This text will be centered.
<p>So will this paragraph.</p></div>

Example 3 (CSS alternative)

<p style="text-align:center">This line will be centered.<br>
And so will this line.</p>


Applying text-align:center to a <div> or <p> element centers the contents of those elements while leaving their overall dimensions unchanged.

See also

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: teoli, kscarfone, tregagnon, Sheppy, ethertank, lmt_swallow, cers, George3, Jscher2000
 Last updated by: teoli,