
The Accept request HTTP header advertises which content types, expressed as MIME types, the client is able to understand. Using content negotiation, the server then selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header. Browsers set adequate values for this header depending of the context where the request is done: when fetching a CSS stylesheet a different value is set for the request than when fetching an image, video or a script.

Header type Request header
Forbidden header name no
CORS-safelisted request-header yes


Accept: <MIME_type>/<MIME_subtype>
Accept: <MIME_type>/*
Accept: */*

// Multiple types, weighted with the quality value syntax:
Accept: text/html, application/xhtml+xml, application/xml;q=0.9, */*;q=0.8


A single, precise MIME type, like text/html.
A MIME type, but without any subtype. image/* will match image/png, image/svg, image/gif and any other image types.
Any MIME type
;q= (q-factor weighting)
Any value used is placed in an order of preference expressed using relative quality value called the weight.


Accept: text/html

Accept: image/*

Accept: text/html, application/xhtml+xml, application/xml;q=0.9, */*;q=0.8


Specification Title
RFC 7231, section 5.3.2: Accept Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Context

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Edge Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Safari Servo

See also

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: fscholz, deadtrickster, MrJadaml, teoli
 Last updated by: fscholz,