MLflow Plugins

As a framework-agnostic tool for machine learning, the MLflow Python API provides developer APIs for writing plugins that integrate with different ML frameworks and backends.

Plugins provide a powerful mechanism for customizing the behavior of the MLflow Python client and integrating third-party tools, allowing you to:

  • Integrate with third-party storage solutions for experiment data, artifacts, and models

  • Integrate with third-party authentication providers, e.g. read HTTP authentication credentials from a special file

  • Use the MLflow client to communicate with other REST APIs, e.g. your organization’s existing experiment-tracking APIs

  • Automatically capture additional metadata as run tags, e.g. the git repository associated with a run

The MLflow Python API supports several types of plugins:

  • Tracking Store: override tracking backend logic, e.g. to log to a third-party storage solution

  • ArtifactRepository: override artifact logging logic, e.g. to log to a third-party storage solution

  • Run context providers: specify context tags to be set on runs created via the mlflow.start_run() fluent API.

  • Model Registry Store: override model registry backend logic, e.g. to log to a third-party storage solution

Using an MLflow Plugin

MLflow plugins are Python packages that you can install using PyPI or conda. This example installs a Tracking Store plugin from source and uses it within an example script.

Install the Plugin

To get started, clone MLflow and install this example plugin:

git clone
cd mlflow
pip install -e tests/resources/mlflow-test-plugin

Run Code Using the Plugin

This plugin defines a custom Tracking Store for tracking URIs with the file-plugin scheme. The plugin implementation delegates to MLflow’s built-in file-based run storage. To use the plugin, you can run any code that uses MLflow, setting the tracking URI to one with a file-plugin:// scheme:

MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=file-plugin:$(PWD)/mlruns python examples/quickstart/

Launch the MLflow UI:

cd ..
mlflow server --backend-store-uri ./mlflow/mlruns

View results at http://localhost:5000. You should see a newly-created run with a param named “param1” and a metric named “foo”:


Writing Your Own MLflow Plugins

Defining a Plugin

You define an MLflow plugin as a standalone Python package that can be distributed for installation via PyPI or conda. See for an example package that implements all available plugin types.

The example package contains a that declares a number of entry points:

    # Require MLflow as a dependency of the plugin, so that plugin users can simply install
    # the plugin and then immediately use it with MLflow
        # Define a Tracking Store plugin for tracking URIs with scheme 'file-plugin'
        "mlflow.tracking_store": "file-plugin=mlflow_test_plugin:PluginFileStore",
        # Define a ArtifactRepository plugin for artifact URIs with scheme 'file-plugin'
        # Define a RunContextProvider plugin. The entry point name for run context providers
        # is not used, and so is set to the string "unused" here
        "mlflow.run_context_provider": "unused=mlflow_test_plugin:PluginRunContextProvider",
        # Define a Model Registry Store plugin for tracking URIs with scheme 'file-plugin'

Each element of this entry_points dictionary specifies a single plugin. You can choose to implement one or more plugin types in your package, and need not implement them all. The type of plugin defined by each entry point and its corresponding reference implementation in MLflow are described below. You can work from the reference implementations when writing your own plugin:


Entry-point group

Entry-point name and value

Reference Implementation

Plugins for overriding definitions of tracking APIs like mlflow.log_metric, mlflow.start_run for a specific tracking URI scheme.


The entry point value (e.g. mlflow_test_plugin:PluginFileStore) specifies a custom subclass of (e.g., the PluginFileStore class within the mlflow_test_plugin module).

The entry point name (e.g. file-plugin) is the tracking URI scheme with which to associate the custom AbstractStore implementation.

Users who install the example plugin and set a tracking URI of the form file-plugin://<path> will use the custom AbstractStore implementation defined in PluginFileStore. The full tracking URI is passed to the PluginFileStore constructor.


Plugins for defining artifact read/write APIs like mlflow.log_artifact, MlflowClient.download_artifacts for a specified artifact URI scheme (e.g. the scheme used by your in-house blob storage system).


The entry point value (e.g. mlflow_test_plugin:PluginLocalArtifactRepository) specifies a custom subclass of (e.g., the PluginLocalArtifactRepository class within the mlflow_test_plugin module).

The entry point name (e.g. file-plugin) is the artifact URI scheme with which to associate the custom ArtifactRepository implementation.

Users who install the example plugin and log to a run whose artifact URI is of the form file-plugin://<path> will use the custom ArtifactRepository implementation defined in PluginLocalArtifactRepository. The full artifact URI is passed to the PluginLocalArtifactRepository constructor.


Plugins for specifying custom context tags at run creation time, e.g. tags identifying the git repository associated with a run.


The entry point name is unused. The entry point value (e.g. mlflow_test_plugin:PluginRunContextProvider) specifies a custom subclass of mlflow.tracking.context.abstract_context.RunContextProvider (e.g., the PluginRunContextProvider class within the mlflow_test_plugin module) to register.

GitRunContext, DefaultRunContext

Plugins for overriding definitions of Model Registry APIs like mlflow.register_model.



The Model Registry is in beta (as of MLflow 1.5). Model Registry APIs are not guaranteed to be stable, and Model Registry plugins may break in the future.

The entry point value (e.g. mlflow_test_plugin:PluginRegistrySqlAlchemyStore) specifies a custom subclass of mlflow.tracking.model_registry.AbstractStore (e.g., the PluginRegistrySqlAlchemyStore class within the mlflow_test_plugin module)

The entry point name (e.g. file-plugin) is the tracking URI scheme with which to associate the custom AbstractStore implementation.

Users who install the example plugin and set a tracking URI of the form file-plugin://<path> will use the custom AbstractStore implementation defined in PluginFileStore. The full tracking URI is passed to the PluginFileStore constructor.


Testing Your Plugin

We recommend testing your plugin to ensure that it follows the contract expected by MLflow. For example, a Tracking Store plugin should contain tests verifying correctness of its log_metric, log_param, … etc implementations. See also the tests for MLflow’s reference implementations as an example:

Distributing Your Plugin

Assuming you’ve structured your plugin similarly to the example plugin, you can distribute it via PyPI.

Congrats, you’ve now written and distributed your own MLflow plugin!

Community Plugins

SQL Server Plugin

The mlflow-dbstore plugin allows MLflow to use a relational database as an artifact store. As of now, it has only been tested with SQL Server as the artifact store.

You can install MLflow with the SQL Server plugin via:

pip install mlflow[sqlserver]

and then use MLflow as normal. The SQL Server artifact store support will be provided automatically.

The plugin implements all of the MLflow artifact store APIs. To use SQL server as an artifact store, a database URI must be provided, as shown in the example below:

db_uri = "mssql+pyodbc://username:password@host:port/database?driver=ODBC+Driver+17+for+SQL+Server"

client.create_experiment(exp_name, artifact_location=db_uri)

mlflow.onnx.log_model(onnx, "model")

The first time an artifact is logged in the artifact store, the plugin automatically creates an artifacts table in the database specified by the database URI and stores the artifact there as a BLOB. Subsequent logged artifacts are stored in the same table.

In the example provided above, the log_model operation creates three entries in the database table to store the ONNX model, the MLmodel file and the conda.yaml file associated with the model.