CocosSharp.CCLabelAtlas Class
is a subclass of .

See Also: CCLabelAtlas Members


public class CCLabelAtlas : CCAtlasNode, ICCTextContainer


It can be as a replacement of Label since it is MUCH faster.

CocosSharp.CCLabelAtlas versus Label:


A more flexible class is CocosSharp.CCLabelBMFont. It supports variable width characters and it also has a nice editor.

CocosSharp.CCLabelBMFont LabelAtlas is MUCH faster than Label LabelAtlas is MUCH faster than Label LabelAtlas "characters" have a fixed height and width LabelAtlas "characters" have a fixed height and width LabelAtlas "characters" can be anything you want since they are taken from an image file LabelAtlas "characters" can be anything you want since they are taken from an image file


Namespace: CocosSharp
Assembly: CocosSharp (in CocosSharp.dll)