MonoTouch.CoreGraphics Namespace

Binding to the 2D C Graphics API.


This namespace contains a binding to the two-dimensional, bitmap and vector graphic APIs. To learn more about the capabilities of MonoTouch.CoreGraphics you can read Apple's Quartz 2D Programming Guide.

Many graphics use-cases can be addressed using higher-level APIs such as those provided in MonoTouch.UIKit, MonoTouch.GLKit, and MonoTouch.SpriteKit. However, some Core Graphics classes such as MonoTouch.CoreGraphics.CGLayer, MonoTouch.CoreGraphics.CGContext, and MonoTouch.CoreGraphics.CGImage are not uncommonly seen in general UI tasks. In such situations, the Core Graphics class will often have more flexibility in terms of lower-level manipulation but requires more attention from the developer in terms of resource and state management.


CGAffineTransform2D Affine transformation used to convert between coordinate spaces.
CGBitmapContextCGContext backed by an in-memory bitmap.
CGBitmapFlagsBitmap encoding.
CGBlendModeBlending mode used during composition.
CGColorColor structure.
CGColorRenderingIntentDetermines how Quartz maps colors from the source color space to the gamut of the destination.
CGColorSpaceColorspace, determines how Quartz interprets color information.
CGColorSpaceModelColor space model.
CGContextGraphics context and primitives to draw in them.
CGContextPDFPDF Rendering CGContext class. Use this class to create a CGContext that will output the results to a PDF file.
CGDataConsumerData sink for MonoTouch.CoreGraphics.CGContextPDF or MonoTouch.ImageIO.CGImageDestination to store data on.
CGDataProviderA class that wraps a data source and exposes it to the CGImage class.
CGFontFont support.
CGFunctionA callback function to be used with various MonoTouch.CoreGraphics functions.
CGFunction+CGFunctionEvaluateA delegate used to specify the callback function of a MonoTouch.CoreGraphics.CGFunction.
CGGradientGradient definitions.
CGGradientDrawingOptionsDrawing location for gradients.
CGImageRepresents bitmap images and bitmap masks.
CGImageAlphaInfoSpecifies the bitmap layout information.
CGImageColorModelAn enumeration of valid color models.
CGImagePropertiesProperties of bitmap images.
CGImagePropertiesExifStandard Exif metadata of an image.
CGImagePropertiesGpsLocation properties associated with an image.
CGImagePropertiesIptcProperties with IPTC metadata in an image.
CGImagePropertiesJfifProperties associated with JFIF bitmap images.
CGImagePropertiesPngProperties associated with PNG bitmap images.
CGImagePropertiesTiffProperties associated with TIFF images.
CGInterpolationQualityQuality of interpolation for drawing images.
CGLayerA hardware accelerated context.
CGLineCapStyle for line caps.
CGLineJoinJoin type for drawing operations.
CGPathA drawing path is made up of lines, arcs, beziers that can be used to paint.
CGPath+ApplierFunctionA function that can make changes to a CGPathElement.
CGPathDrawingModeDrawing mode.
CGPathElementAn individual element on a CGPath.
CGPathElementTypeThe type of an element in a CGPath.
CGPatternA pattern to draw in a CGContext.
CGPattern+DrawPatternCallback signature used to draw patterns on the screen.
CGPatternTilingPattern styling style.
CGPDFArrayRepresents a PDF array
CGPDFBoxType of box in a PDF document.
CGPDFContentStreamDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
CGPDFDataFormatDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
CGPDFDictionaryRepresents a PDF Dictionary.
CGPDFDocumentPDF Document.
CGPDFInfoAuxiliary parameters for constructing a MonoTouch.CoreGrapics.CGContextPDF.
CGPDFObjectDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
CGPDFObjectTypeDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
CGPDFOperatorTableDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
CGPDFPageA PDF Page in a PDF Document.
CGPDFPageInfoSpecifies various boxes for the MonoTouch.CoreGraphics.CGContextPDF.BeginPage method.
CGPDFScannerDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
CGPDFStreamA PDF Stream.
CGPointStructure defining a 2D point.
CGRectStructure defining a rectangle in terms of location and size.
CGRectEdgeCoordinates used to establish the edge in RectangleFExtensions.Divide.
CGShadingA type that represents a Quartz shading.
CGSizeStructure containing height and width values.
CGTextDrawingModeDrawing mode.
CGTextEncodingText encoding.
CGVectorA mathematical vector, with value equality implemented.
RectangleFExtensionsExtensions to the RectangleF class that are useful when using CoreGraphics.