MonoTouch.Metal Namespace

GPU-accelerated 3D rendering and data-parallel computation.


The Metal framework, introduced in iOS 8, provides low-level control of Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) accelerated rendering and data-parallel computation (GPGPU).

The Metal framework provides low-level access to the A7 GPU. Metal provides precompiled shaders, state objects, and explicit command scheduling. Its facilities can be used for either 3D rendering or General-Purpose GPU computation.


IMTLBlitCommandEncoderDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
IMTLBufferDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
IMTLCommandBufferDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
IMTLCommandEncoderDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
IMTLCommandQueueDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
IMTLComputeCommandEncoderDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
IMTLComputePipelineStateDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
IMTLDepthStencilStateDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
IMTLDeviceDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
IMTLDrawableDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
IMTLFunctionDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
IMTLLibraryDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
IMTLParallelRenderCommandEncoderDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
IMTLRenderCommandEncoderDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
IMTLRenderPipelineStateDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
IMTLResourceDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
IMTLSamplerStateDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
IMTLTextureDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
MTLArgumentEncapsulates a single parameter to a Metal function.
MTLArgumentAccessFunction access restrictions of argument data in the shader code.
MTLArgumentTypeThe resource type of an argument of a function.
MTLArrayTypeEncapsulates the details of an array argument to a Metal function.
MTLBlendFactorArgument values for use with MonoTouch.Metal.MTLBlendOperation.
MTLBlendOperationHow the source and destination values are combined.
MTLClearColorAn RGBA color representing a clear pixel.
MTLClearValueDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
MTLColorWriteMaskPermits or restricts writing to specific color channels.
MTLCommandBufferErrorEnumeration of error codes describing why a command buffer has failed.
MTLCommandBufferStatusThe state of the command-buffer state-machine. Enqueued->Committed->Scheduled->Completed.
MTLCompareFunctionHolds a comparison test. When the comparison test passes, the incoming fragment is compared to the stored data at the specified location.
MTLCompileOptionsConfigures the compilation of a Metal shader library.
MTLComputePipelineReflectionEncapsulates the details of the arguments of the compute function used to create an MonoTouch.Metal.MTLComputePipelineState object.
MTLCpuCacheModeEnumerates what cache mode is used for CPU mapping of a resource.
MTLCullModeEnumerates modes for culling and which types of primitives are culled.
MTLDataTypeThe data type of a function argument, as used in the shader language code.
MTLDeallocatorDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
MTLDepthStencilDescriptorConfigures a depth stencil test operation.
MTLDeviceRepresents a single GPU.
MTLDevice_ExtensionsExtension methods to the MonoTouch.Metal.IMTLDevice interface to support all the methods from the MonoTouch.Metal.MTLDevice protocol.
MTLDrawableInterface definition for objects that can receive rendering commands.
MTLFeatureSetThe hardware feature set available on the device.
MTLFunctionTypeThe type of a Metal function.
MTLIndexTypeThe index type for an index buffer.
MTLLibraryErrorEnumerates errors possible in the creation of an MTLLibrary or MTLFunction object.
MTLLoadActionAn action performed at the start of a rendering pass.
MTLOriginThe location of a pixel in an image or texture.
MTLPipelineOptionOptions relating to argument information in the creation of a pipeline.
MTLPixelFormatThe format used by pixels, including color, depth, compression technigue, and data type for components.
MTLPrimitiveTypeEnumerates the primitive geometry used for drawing commands.
MTLPurgeableStateThe purgeable state of the resource.
MTLRegionA rectangle of pixels in an image or texture.
MTLRenderPassAttachmentDescriptorConfigures a render target of a framebuffer.
MTLRenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptorA MonoTouch.Metal.MTLRenderPassAttachmentDescriptor that holds the clear color for the rendering pass.
MTLRenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptorArrayHolds an array of MonoTouch.Metal.MTLRenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor objects.
MTLRenderPassDepthAttachmentDescriptorA MonoTouch.Metal.MTLRenderPassAttachmentDescriptor that holds the clear depth for a rendering pass.
MTLRenderPassDescriptorDefines the rendering target for pixels generated by a rendering pass.
MTLRenderPassStencilAttachmentDescriptorA MonoTouch.Metal.MTLRenderPassAttachmentDescriptor that holds the clear stencil for a rendering pass.
MTLRenderPipelineColorAttachmentDescriptorConfigures a color attachment associated with a rendering pipeline.
MTLRenderPipelineColorAttachmentDescriptorArrayAn array of MonoTouch.Metal.MTLRenderPipelineColorAttachmentDescriptor objects.
MTLRenderPipelineDescriptorConfigures a rendering pipeline with rasterization properties, visibility, blending, and shader functions.
MTLRenderPipelineErrorEnumerates errors possible in the creation of a MTLRenderPipelineState.
MTLRenderPipelineReflectionThe arguments (see MonoTouch.Metal.MTLArgument) of a vertex or fragment function within a MonoTouch.Metal.MTLRenderPipelineState.
MTLResourceOptionsHolds options used by buffer and texture objects.
MTLSamplerAddressModeThe wrapping mode. Used when a fetch falls outside the bounds of a texture.
MTLSamplerDescriptorConfigures a sampler (see MonoTouch.Metal.MTLSamplerState).
MTLSamplerMinMagFilterOptions for calculating the pixel value returned within a mipmap level.
MTLSamplerMipFilterOptions for calculating the pixel value returned with multiple mipmap levels.
MTLScissorRectThe retangle used for the scissor fragment test.
MTLSizeThe dimensions of a grid, image, texture, or threadgroup.
MTLStencilDescriptorConfigures a stencil test operation.
MTLStencilOperationWhat to do if a stencil value passes or fails a comparison test.
MTLStoreActionThe action to be performed at the end of a rendering pass.
MTLStructMemberDescribes a single field within a MonoTouch.Metal.MTLStructType struct.
MTLStructTypeDefines a type representing a struct, which can be passed as an argument to Metal functions.
MTLTextureDescriptorConfiguration for MonoTouch.Metal.MTLTexture objects.
MTLTextureTypeThe dimensionality of each texture and how multiple images are arranged.
MTLTriangleFillModeHow to rasterize triangle and triangle-strip primitives.
MTLVertexAttributeAn attribute for per-vertex input to a vertex shader function.
MTLVertexAttributeDescriptorAn attribute for per-vertex input for a vertex shader function.
MTLVertexAttributeDescriptorArrayHolds an array of MonoTouch.Metal.MTLVertexAttributeDescriptor objects.
MTLVertexBufferLayoutDescriptorConfigures how vertex and attribute data are fetched by a vertex shader function.
MTLVertexBufferLayoutDescriptorArrayHolds an array of MonoTouch.Metal.MTLVertexBufferLayoutDescriptor objects.
MTLVertexDescriptorMaps vertex data in memory to attributes in a vertex shader.
MTLVertexFormatEnumerates vertex data formats (type and number).
MTLVertexStepFunctionThe frequency at which the vertex shader function should fetch attribute data.
MTLViewportDefines the clipping viewport.
MTLVisibilityResultModeWhether to monitor samples that pass depth and stencil tests.
MTLWindingVertex winding rule for front-facing primitives.