# File irb/ext/multi-irb.rb, line 45 def main_irb @jobs[0][1] end
Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more
job management class
# File irb/ext/multi-irb.rb, line 86 def delete(key) case key when Integer IRB.fail NoSuchJob, key unless @jobs[key] @jobs[key] = nil else catch(:EXISTS) do @jobs.each_index do |i| if @jobs[i] and (@jobs[i][0] == key || @jobs[i][1] == key || @jobs[i][1].context.main.equal?(key)) @jobs[i] = nil throw :EXISTS end end IRB.fail NoSuchJob, key end end until assoc = @jobs.pop; end unless @jobs.empty? @jobs.push assoc end
# File irb/ext/multi-irb.rb, line 49 def insert(irb) @jobs.push [Thread.current, irb] end
# File irb/ext/multi-irb.rb, line 109 def inspect ary = [] @jobs.each_index do |i| th, irb = @jobs[i] next if th.nil? if th.alive? if th.stop? t_status = "stop" else t_status = "running" end else t_status = "exited" end ary.push format("#%d->%s on %s (%s: %s)", i, irb.context.irb_name, irb.context.main, th, t_status) end ary.join("\n") end
# File irb/ext/multi-irb.rb, line 36 def irb(key) _, irb = search(key) irb end
# File irb/ext/multi-irb.rb, line 63 def kill(*keys) for key in keys th, _ = search(key) IRB.fail IrbAlreadyDead unless th.alive? th.exit end end
# File irb/ext/multi-irb.rb, line 41 def main_thread @jobs[0][0] end
# File irb/ext/multi-irb.rb, line 71 def search(key) job = case key when Integer @jobs[key] when Irb @jobs.find{|k, v| v.equal?(key)} when Thread @jobs.assoc(key) else @jobs.find{|k, v| v.context.main.equal?(key)} end IRB.fail NoSuchJob, key if job.nil? job end
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