Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more
% <flag> [#0- +] <minimum field width> (*|*[1-9]*$|[1-9]*) <precision>.(*|*[0-9]*$|[0-9]*|)? #<length modifier>(hh|h|l|ll|L|q|j|z|t) <conversion specifier>
# File irb/output-method.rb, line 43 def parse_printf_format(format, opts) return format, opts if $1.size % 2 == 1 end
# File irb/output-method.rb, line 54 def pp(*objs) puts(*objs.collect{|obj| obj.inspect}) end
# File irb/output-method.rb, line 58 def ppx(prefix, *objs) puts(*objs.collect{|obj| prefix+obj.inspect}) end
# File irb/output-method.rb, line 21 def print(*opts) IRB.fail NotImplementError, "print" end
extend printf
# File irb/output-method.rb, line 30 def printf(format, *opts) if /(%*)%I/ =~ format format, opts = parse_printf_format(format, opts) end print sprintf(format, *opts) end
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