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In Files

  • net/http.rb






Address of proxy host. If Net::HTTP does not use a proxy, nil.


User password for accessing proxy. If Net::HTTP does not use a proxy, nil.


Port number of proxy host. If Net::HTTP does not use a proxy, nil.


User name for accessing proxy. If Net::HTTP does not use a proxy, nil.


The DNS host name or IP address to connect to.


Sets path of a CA certification file in PEM format.

The file can contain several CA certificates.


Sets path of a CA certification directory containing certifications in PEM format.


Sets an OpenSSL::X509::Certificate object as client certificate. (This method is appeared in Michal Rokos’s OpenSSL extension).


Sets the X509::Store to verify peer certificate.


Sets the available ciphers. See OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#ciphers=


Seconds to wait for 100 Continue response. If the HTTP object does not receive a response in this many seconds it sends the request body. The default value is nil.


Sets an OpenSSL::PKey::RSA or OpenSSL::PKey::DSA object. (This method is appeared in Michal Rokos’s OpenSSL extension.)


Number of seconds to wait for the connection to open. Any number may be used, including Floats for fractional seconds. If the HTTP object cannot open a connection in this many seconds, it raises a TimeoutError exception. The default value is nil.


The port number to connect to.


Number of seconds to wait for one block to be read (via one read(2) call). Any number may be used, including Floats for fractional seconds. If the HTTP object cannot read data in this many seconds, it raises a TimeoutError exception. The default value is 60 seconds.


Sets the SSL timeout seconds.


Sets the SSL version. See OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#ssl_version=


Sets the verify callback for the server certification verification.


Sets the maximum depth for the certificate chain verification.


Sets the flags for server the certification verification at beginning of SSL/TLS session.

OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE or OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER are acceptable.

Public Class Methods

Proxy(p_addr, p_port = nil, p_user = nil, p_pass = nil) click to toggle source

Creates an HTTP proxy class which behaves like Net::HTTP, but performs all access via the specified proxy.

The arguments are the DNS name or IP address of the proxy host, the port to use to access the proxy, and a username and password if authorization is required to use the proxy.

You can replace any use of the Net::HTTP class with use of the proxy class created.

If p_addr is nil, this method returns self (a Net::HTTP object).

# Example
proxy_class = Net::HTTP::Proxy('proxy.example.com', 8080)

proxy_class.start('www.ruby-lang.org') {|http|
  # connecting proxy.foo.org:8080

You may use them to work with authorization-enabled proxies:

proxy_host = 'your.proxy.example'
proxy_port = 8080
proxy_user = 'user'
proxy_pass = 'pass'

proxy = Net::HTTP::Proxy(proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_user, proxy_pass)
proxy.start('www.example.com') { |http|
  # always connect to your.proxy.example:8080 using specified username
  # and password

Note that net/http does not use the HTTP_PROXY environment variable. If you want to use a proxy, you must set it explicitly.

               # File net/http.rb, line 880
def HTTP.Proxy(p_addr, p_port = nil, p_user = nil, p_pass = nil)
  return self unless p_addr
  delta = ProxyDelta
  proxyclass = Class.new(self)
  proxyclass.module_eval {
    include delta
    # with proxy
    @is_proxy_class = true
    @proxy_address = p_addr
    @proxy_port    = p_port || default_port()
    @proxy_user    = p_user
    @proxy_pass    = p_pass
default_port() click to toggle source

The default port to use for HTTP requests; defaults to 80.

               # File net/http.rb, line 492
def HTTP.default_port
get(uri_or_host, path = nil, port = nil) click to toggle source

Sends a GET request to the target and returns the HTTP response as a string. The target can either be specified as (uri), or as (host, path, port = 80); so:

print Net::HTTP.get(URI('http://www.example.com/index.html'))


print Net::HTTP.get('www.example.com', '/index.html')
               # File net/http.rb, line 430
def HTTP.get(uri_or_host, path = nil, port = nil)
  get_response(uri_or_host, path, port).body
get_print(uri_or_host, path = nil, port = nil) click to toggle source

Gets the body text from the target and outputs it to $stdout. The target can either be specified as (uri), or as (host, path, port = 80); so:

Net::HTTP.get_print URI('http://www.example.com/index.html')


Net::HTTP.get_print 'www.example.com', '/index.html'
               # File net/http.rb, line 411
def HTTP.get_print(uri_or_host, path = nil, port = nil)
  get_response(uri_or_host, path, port) {|res|
    res.read_body do |chunk|
      $stdout.print chunk
get_response(uri_or_host, path = nil, port = nil, &block) click to toggle source

Sends a GET request to the target and returns the HTTP response as a Net::HTTPResponse object. The target can either be specified as (uri), or as (host, path, port = 80); so:

res = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI('http://www.example.com/index.html'))
print res.body


res = Net::HTTP.get_response('www.example.com', '/index.html')
print res.body
               # File net/http.rb, line 446
def HTTP.get_response(uri_or_host, path = nil, port = nil, &block)
  if path
    host = uri_or_host
    new(host, port || HTTP.default_port).start {|http|
      return http.request_get(path, &block)
    uri = uri_or_host
    new(uri.hostname, uri.port).start {|http|
      return http.request_get(uri.request_uri, &block)
http_default_port() click to toggle source

The default port to use for HTTP requests; defaults to 80.

               # File net/http.rb, line 497
def HTTP.http_default_port
https_default_port() click to toggle source

The default port to use for HTTPS requests; defaults to 443.

               # File net/http.rb, line 502
def HTTP.https_default_port
is_version_1_2?() click to toggle source
Alias for: version_1_2?
new(address, port = nil, p_addr = nil, p_port = nil, p_user = nil, p_pass = nil) click to toggle source

Creates a new Net::HTTP object without opening a TCP connection or HTTP session. The address should be a DNS hostname or IP address. If p_addr is given, creates a Net::HTTP object with proxy support.

               # File net/http.rb, line 568
def HTTP.new(address, port = nil, p_addr = nil, p_port = nil, p_user = nil, p_pass = nil)
  Proxy(p_addr, p_port, p_user, p_pass).newobj(address, port)
Also aliased as: newobj
new(address, port = nil) click to toggle source

Creates a new Net::HTTP object for the specified server address, without opening the TCP connection or initializing the HTTP session. The address should be a DNS hostname or IP address.

               # File net/http.rb, line 575
def initialize(address, port = nil)
  @address = address
  @port    = (port || HTTP.default_port)
  @curr_http_version = HTTPVersion
  @no_keepalive_server = false
  @close_on_empty_response = false
  @socket  = nil
  @started = false
  @open_timeout = nil
  @read_timeout = 60
  @continue_timeout = nil
  @debug_output = nil
  @use_ssl = false
  @ssl_context = nil
  @enable_post_connection_check = true
  @compression = nil
  @sspi_enabled = false
  if defined?(SSL_ATTRIBUTES)
    SSL_ATTRIBUTES.each do |name|
      instance_variable_set "@#{name}", nil
newobj(address, port = nil, p_addr = nil, p_port = nil, p_user = nil, p_pass = nil) click to toggle source
Alias for: new
post_form(url, params) click to toggle source

Posts HTML form data to the specified URI object. The form data must be provided as a Hash mapping from String to String. Example:

{ "cmd" => "search", "q" => "ruby", "max" => "50" }

This method also does Basic Authentication iff url.user exists. But userinfo for authentication is deprecated (RFC3986). So this feature will be removed.


require 'net/http'
require 'uri'

HTTP.post_form URI('http://www.example.com/search.cgi'),
               { "q" => "ruby", "max" => "50" }
               # File net/http.rb, line 478
def HTTP.post_form(url, params)
  req = Post.new(url.request_uri)
  req.form_data = params
  req.basic_auth url.user, url.password if url.user
  new(url.hostname, url.port).start {|http|
proxy_class?() click to toggle source

returns true if self is a class which was created by HTTP::Proxy.

               # File net/http.rb, line 898
def proxy_class?
start(address, port, p_addr, p_port, p_user, p_pass, &block) click to toggle source
start(address, port=nil, p_addr=nil, p_port=nil, p_user=nil, p_pass=nil, opt, &block)

Creates a new Net::HTTP object, then additionally opens the TCP connection and HTTP session.

Arguments are the following:


hostname or IP address of the server


port of the server


address of proxy


port of proxy


user of proxy


pass of proxy


optional hash

opt sets following values by its accessor. The keys are #ca_file, #ca_path, cert, #cert_store, ciphers, #close_on_empty_response, key, #open_timeout, #read_timeout, #ssl_timeout, #ssl_version, use_ssl, #verify_callback, #verify_depth and verify_mode. If you set :use_ssl as true, you can use https and default value of #verify_mode is set as OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER.

If the optional block is given, the newly created Net::HTTP object is passed to it and closed when the block finishes. In this case, the return value of this method is the return value of the block. If no block is given, the return value of this method is the newly created Net::HTTP object itself, and the caller is responsible for closing it upon completion using the finish() method.

               # File net/http.rb, line 540
def HTTP.start(address, *arg, &block) # :yield: +http+
  arg.pop if opt = Hash.try_convert(arg[-1])
  port, p_addr, p_port, p_user, p_pass = *arg
  port = https_default_port if !port && opt && opt[:use_ssl]
  http = new(address, port, p_addr, p_port, p_user, p_pass)

  if opt
    if opt[:use_ssl]
      opt = {verify_mode: OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER}.update(opt)
    http.methods.grep(/\A(\w+)=\z/) do |meth|
      key = $1.to_sym
      opt.key?(key) or next
      http.__send__(meth, opt[key])

version_1_2() click to toggle source

Turns on net/http 1.2 (ruby 1.8) features. Defaults to ON in ruby 1.8 or later.

               # File net/http.rb, line 377
def HTTP.version_1_2
version_1_2?() click to toggle source

Returns true if net/http is in version 1.2 mode. Defaults to true.

               # File net/http.rb, line 383
def HTTP.version_1_2?
Also aliased as: is_version_1_2?

Public Instance Methods

active?() click to toggle source
Alias for: started?
continue_timeout=(sec) click to toggle source

Setter for the #continue_timeout attribute.

               # File net/http.rb, line 647
def continue_timeout=(sec)
  @socket.continue_timeout = sec if @socket
  @continue_timeout = sec
copy(path, initheader = nil) click to toggle source

Sends a COPY request to the path and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.

               # File net/http.rb, line 1154
def copy(path, initheader = nil)
  request(Copy.new(path, initheader))
delete(path, initheader = {'Depth' => 'Infinity'}) click to toggle source

Sends a DELETE request to the path and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.

               # File net/http.rb, line 1142
def delete(path, initheader = {'Depth' => 'Infinity'})
  request(Delete.new(path, initheader))
finish() click to toggle source

Finishes the HTTP session and closes the TCP connection. Raises IOError if the session has not been started.

               # File net/http.rb, line 820
def finish
  raise IOError, 'HTTP session not yet started' unless started?
get(path, initheader = {}, dest = nil) click to toggle source

Gets data from path on the connected-to host. initheader must be a Hash like { ‘Accept’ => ‘/’, … }, and it defaults to an empty hash. If initheader doesn’t have the key ‘accept-encoding’, then a value of “gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3” is used, so that gzip compression is used in preference to deflate compression, which is used in preference to no compression. Ruby doesn’t have libraries to support the compress (Lempel-Ziv) compression, so that is not supported. The intent of this is to reduce bandwidth by default. If this routine sets up compression, then it does the decompression also, removing the header as well to prevent confusion. Otherwise it leaves the body as it found it.

This method returns a Net::HTTPResponse object.

If called with a block, yields each fragment of the entity body in turn as a string as it is read from the socket. Note that in this case, the returned response object will not contain a (meaningful) body.

dest argument is obsolete. It still works but you must not use it.

This method never raises an exception.

response = http.get('/index.html')

# using block
File.open('result.txt', 'w') {|f|
  http.get('/~foo/') do |str|
    f.write str
               # File net/http.rb, line 1017
def get(path, initheader = {}, dest = nil, &block) # :yield: +body_segment+
  res = nil
    unless  initheader.keys.any?{|k| k.downcase == "accept-encoding"}
      initheader = initheader.merge({
        "accept-encoding" => "gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3"
      @compression = true
  request(Get.new(path, initheader)) {|r|
    if r.key?("content-encoding") and @compression
      @compression = nil # Clear it till next set.
      the_body = r.read_body dest, &block
      case r["content-encoding"]
      when "gzip"
        r.body= Zlib::GzipReader.new(StringIO.new(the_body), encoding: "ASCII-8BIT").read
      when "deflate"
        r.body= Zlib::Inflate.inflate(the_body);
      when "identity"
        ; # nothing needed
        ; # Don't do anything dramatic, unless we need to later
      r.read_body dest, &block
    res = r
get2(path, initheader = nil) click to toggle source
Alias for: request_get
head(path, initheader = nil) click to toggle source

Gets only the header from path on the connected-to host. header is a Hash like { ‘Accept’ => ‘/’, … }.

This method returns a Net::HTTPResponse object.

This method never raises an exception.

response = nil
Net::HTTP.start('some.www.server', 80) {|http|
  response = http.head('/index.html')
p response['content-type']
               # File net/http.rb, line 1064
def head(path, initheader = nil)
  request(Head.new(path, initheader))
head2(path, initheader = nil, &block) click to toggle source
Alias for: request_head
inspect() click to toggle source
               # File net/http.rb, line 599
def inspect
  "#<#{self.class} #{@address}:#{@port} open=#{started?}>"
lock(path, body, initheader = nil) click to toggle source

Sends a LOCK request to the path and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.

               # File net/http.rb, line 1118
def lock(path, body, initheader = nil)
  request(Lock.new(path, initheader), body)
mkcol(path, body = nil, initheader = nil) click to toggle source

Sends a MKCOL request to the path and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.

               # File net/http.rb, line 1160
def mkcol(path, body = nil, initheader = nil)
  request(Mkcol.new(path, initheader), body)
move(path, initheader = nil) click to toggle source

Sends a MOVE request to the path and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.

               # File net/http.rb, line 1148
def move(path, initheader = nil)
  request(Move.new(path, initheader))
options(path, initheader = nil) click to toggle source

Sends a OPTIONS request to the path and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.

               # File net/http.rb, line 1130
def options(path, initheader = nil)
  request(Options.new(path, initheader))
patch(path, data, initheader = nil, dest = nil) click to toggle source

Sends a PATCH request to the path and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.

               # File net/http.rb, line 1102
def patch(path, data, initheader = nil, dest = nil, &block) # :yield: +body_segment+
  send_entity(path, data, initheader, dest, Patch, &block)
peer_cert() click to toggle source

Returns the X.509 certificates the server presented.

               # File net/http.rb, line 725
def peer_cert
  if not use_ssl? or not @socket
    return nil
post(path, data, initheader = nil, dest = nil) click to toggle source

Posts data (must be a String) to path. header must be a Hash like { ‘Accept’ => ‘/’, … }.

This method returns a Net::HTTPResponse object.

If called with a block, yields each fragment of the entity body in turn as a string as it is read from the socket. Note that in this case, the returned response object will not contain a (meaningful) body.

dest argument is obsolete. It still works but you must not use it.

This method never raises exception.

response = http.post('/cgi-bin/search.rb', 'query=foo')

# using block
File.open('result.txt', 'w') {|f|
  http.post('/cgi-bin/search.rb', 'query=foo') do |str|
    f.write str

You should set Content-Type: header field for POST. If no Content-Type: field given, this method uses “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” by default.

               # File net/http.rb, line 1096
def post(path, data, initheader = nil, dest = nil, &block) # :yield: +body_segment+
  send_entity(path, data, initheader, dest, Post, &block)
post2(path, data, initheader = nil) click to toggle source
Alias for: request_post
propfind(path, body = nil, initheader = {'Depth' => '0'}) click to toggle source

Sends a PROPFIND request to the path and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.

               # File net/http.rb, line 1136
def propfind(path, body = nil, initheader = {'Depth' => '0'})
  request(Propfind.new(path, initheader), body)
proppatch(path, body, initheader = nil) click to toggle source

Sends a PROPPATCH request to the path and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.

               # File net/http.rb, line 1112
def proppatch(path, body, initheader = nil)
  request(Proppatch.new(path, initheader), body)
proxy?() click to toggle source

True if self is a HTTP proxy class.

               # File net/http.rb, line 917
def proxy?
proxy_address() click to toggle source

A convenience method for accessing value of #proxy_address from Net::HTTP.

               # File net/http.rb, line 922
def proxy_address
Also aliased as: proxyaddr
proxy_pass() click to toggle source

A convenience method for accessing value of #proxy_pass from Net::HTTP.

               # File net/http.rb, line 937
def proxy_pass
proxy_port() click to toggle source

A convenience method for accessing value of #proxy_port from Net::HTTP.

               # File net/http.rb, line 927
def proxy_port
Also aliased as: proxyport
proxy_user() click to toggle source

A convenience method for accessing value of #proxy_user from Net::HTTP.

               # File net/http.rb, line 932
def proxy_user
proxyaddr() click to toggle source
Alias for: proxy_address
proxyport() click to toggle source
Alias for: proxy_port
read_timeout=(sec) click to toggle source

Setter for the #read_timeout attribute.

               # File net/http.rb, line 636
def read_timeout=(sec)
  @socket.read_timeout = sec if @socket
  @read_timeout = sec
request(req, body = nil) click to toggle source

Sends an HTTPRequest object req to the HTTP server.

If req is a Net::HTTP::Post or Net::HTTP::Put request containing data, the data is also sent. Providing data for a Net::HTTP::Head or Net::HTTP::Get request results in an ArgumentError.

Returns an HTTPResponse object.

When called with a block, passes an HTTPResponse object to the block. The body of the response will not have been read yet; the block can process it using Net::HTTPResponse#read_body, if desired.

This method never raises Net::* exceptions.

               # File net/http.rb, line 1283
def request(req, body = nil, &block)  # :yield: +response+
  unless started?
    start {
      req['connection'] ||= 'close'
      return request(req, body, &block)
  if proxy_user()
    req.proxy_basic_auth proxy_user(), proxy_pass() unless use_ssl?
  req.set_body_internal body
  res = transport_request(req, &block)
  if sspi_auth?(res)
    res = transport_request(req, &block)
request_get(path, initheader = nil) click to toggle source

Sends a GET request to the path. Returns the response as a Net::HTTPResponse object.

When called with a block, passes an HTTPResponse object to the block. The body of the response will not have been read yet; the block can process it using Net::HTTPResponse#read_body, if desired.

Returns the response.

This method never raises Net::* exceptions.

response = http.request_get('/index.html')
# The entity body is already read in this case.
p response['content-type']
puts response.body

# Using a block
http.request_get('/index.html') {|response|
  p response['content-type']
  response.read_body do |str|   # read body now
    print str
               # File net/http.rb, line 1195
def request_get(path, initheader = nil, &block) # :yield: +response+
  request(Get.new(path, initheader), &block)
Also aliased as: get2
request_head(path, initheader = nil, &block) click to toggle source

Sends a HEAD request to the path and returns the response as a Net::HTTPResponse object.

Returns the response.

This method never raises Net::* exceptions.

response = http.request_head('/index.html')
p response['content-type']
               # File net/http.rb, line 1209
def request_head(path, initheader = nil, &block)
  request(Head.new(path, initheader), &block)
Also aliased as: head2
request_post(path, data, initheader = nil) click to toggle source

Sends a POST request to the path.

Returns the response as a Net::HTTPResponse object.

When called with a block, the block is passed an HTTPResponse object. The body of that response will not have been read yet; the block can process it using Net::HTTPResponse#read_body, if desired.

Returns the response.

This method never raises Net::* exceptions.

# example
response = http.request_post('/cgi-bin/nice.rb', 'datadatadata...')
p response.status
puts response.body          # body is already read in this case

# using block
http.request_post('/cgi-bin/nice.rb', 'datadatadata...') {|response|
  p response.status
  p response['content-type']
  response.read_body do |str|   # read body now
    print str
               # File net/http.rb, line 1239
def request_post(path, data, initheader = nil, &block) # :yield: +response+
  request Post.new(path, initheader), data, &block
Also aliased as: post2
send_request(name, path, data = nil, header = nil) click to toggle source

Sends an HTTP request to the HTTP server. Also sends a DATA string if data is given.

Returns a Net::HTTPResponse object.

This method never raises Net::* exceptions.

response = http.send_request('GET', '/index.html')
puts response.body
               # File net/http.rb, line 1263
def send_request(name, path, data = nil, header = nil)
  r = HTTPGenericRequest.new(name,(data ? true : false),true,path,header)
  request r, data
set_debug_output(output) click to toggle source

WARNING This method opens a serious security hole. Never use this method in production code.

Sets an output stream for debugging.

http = Net::HTTP.new
http.set_debug_output $stderr
http.start { .... }
               # File net/http.rb, line 612
def set_debug_output(output)
  warn 'Net::HTTP#set_debug_output called after HTTP started' if started?
  @debug_output = output
start() click to toggle source

Opens a TCP connection and HTTP session.

When this method is called with a block, it passes the Net::HTTP object to the block, and closes the TCP connection and HTTP session after the block has been executed.

When called with a block, it returns the return value of the block; otherwise, it returns self.

               # File net/http.rb, line 741
def start  # :yield: http
  raise IOError, 'HTTP session already opened' if @started
  if block_given?
      return yield(self)
started?() click to toggle source

Returns true if the HTTP session has been started.

               # File net/http.rb, line 653
def started?
Also aliased as: active?
trace(path, initheader = nil) click to toggle source

Sends a TRACE request to the path and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.

               # File net/http.rb, line 1166
def trace(path, initheader = nil)
  request(Trace.new(path, initheader))
unlock(path, body, initheader = nil) click to toggle source

Sends a UNLOCK request to the path and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.

               # File net/http.rb, line 1124
def unlock(path, body, initheader = nil)
  request(Unlock.new(path, initheader), body)
use_ssl=(flag) click to toggle source

Turn on/off SSL. This flag must be set before starting session. If you change use_ssl value after session started, a Net::HTTP object raises IOError.

               # File net/http.rb, line 670
def use_ssl=(flag)
  flag = flag ? true : false
  if started? and @use_ssl != flag
    raise IOError, "use_ssl value changed, but session already started"
  @use_ssl = flag
use_ssl?() click to toggle source

Returns true if SSL/TLS is being used with HTTP.

               # File net/http.rb, line 662
def use_ssl?

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