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'OpenSSL for Ruby 2' project Copyright (C) 2002 Michal Rokos <m.rokos@sh.cvut.cz> All rights reserved.
This program is licenced under the same licence as Ruby. (See the file 'LICENCE'.)
$Id: x509-internal.rb 32663 2011-07-25 04:51:26Z nahi $
OpenSSL provides SSL, TLS and general purpose cryptography. It wraps the OpenSSL library.
All examples assume you have loaded OpenSSL with:
require 'openssl'
These examples build atop each other. For example the key created in the next is used in throughout these examples.
This example creates a 2048 bit RSA keypair and writes it to the current directory.
key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new 2048 open 'private_key.pem', 'w' do |io| io.write key.to_pem end open 'public_key.pem', 'w' do |io| io.write key.public_key.to_pem end
Keys saved to disk without encryption are not secure as anyone who gets ahold of the key may use it unless it is encrypted. In order to securely export a key you may export it with a pass phrase.
cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new 'AES-128-CBC' pass_phrase = 'my secure pass phrase goes here' key_secure = key.export cipher, pass_phrase open 'private.secure.pem', 'w' do |io| io.write key_secure end
OpenSSL::Cipher.ciphers returns a list of available ciphers.
A key can also be loaded from a file.
key2 = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new File.read 'private_key.pem' key2.public? # => true
key3 = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new File.read 'public_key.pem' key3.private? # => false
OpenSSL will prompt you for your pass phrase when loading an encrypted key. If you will not be able to type in the pass phrase you may provide it when loading the key:
key4_pem = File.read 'private.secure.pem' key4 = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new key4_pem, pass_phrase
RSA provides ecryption and decryption using the public and private keys. You can use a variety of padding methods depending upon the intended use of encrypted data.
Documents encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted with the private key.
public_encrypted = key.public_encrypt 'top secret document'
Documents encrypted with the private key can only be decrypted with the public key.
private_encrypted = key.private_encrypt 'public release document'
Use the opposite key type do decrypt the document
top_secret = key.public_decrypt public_encrypted public_release = key.private_decrypt private_encrypted
PKCS #5 is a password-based encryption standard documented at RFC2898. It allows a short password or passphrase to be used to create a secure encryption key.
PKCS #5 uses a Cipher, a pass phrase and a salt to generate an encryption key.
pass_phrase = 'my secure pass phrase goes here' salt = '8 octets'
First set up the cipher for encryption
encrypter = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new 'AES-128-CBC' encrypter.encrypt encrypter.pkcs5_keyivgen pass_phrase, salt
Then pass the data you want to encrypt through
encrypted = encrypter.update 'top secret document' encrypted << encrypter.final
Use a new Cipher instance set up for decryption
decrypter = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new 'AES-128-CBC' decrypter.decrypt decrypter.pkcs5_keyivgen pass_phrase, salt
Then pass the data you want to decrypt through
plain = decrypter.update encrypted plain << decrypter.final
This example creates a self-signed certificate using an RSA key and a SHA1 signature.
name = OpenSSL::X509::Name.parse 'CN=nobody/DC=example' cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new cert.version = 2 cert.serial = 0 cert.not_before = Time.now cert.not_after = Time.now + 3600 cert.public_key = key.public_key cert.subject = name
You can add extensions to the certificate with OpenSSL::SSL::ExtensionFactory to indicate the purpose of the certificate.
extension_factory = OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory.new nil, cert extension_factory.create_extension 'basicConstraints', 'CA:FALSE' extension_factory.create_extension 'keyUsage', 'keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment,digitalSignature' extension_factory.create_extension 'subjectKeyIdentifier', 'hash'
To sign a certificate set the issuer and use OpenSSL::X509::Certificate#sign with a digest algorithm. This creates a self-signed cert because we’re using the same name and key to sign the certificate as was used to create the certificate.
cert.issuer = name cert.sign key, OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.new open 'certificate.pem', 'w' do |io| io.write cert.to_pem end
Like a key, a cert can also be loaded from a file.
cert2 = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new File.read 'certificate.pem'
Certificate#verify will return true when a certificate was signed with the given public key.
raise 'certificate can not be verified' unless cert2.verify key
A certificate authority (CA) is a trusted third party that allows you to verify the ownership of unknown certificates. The CA issues key signatures that indicate it trusts the user of that key. A user encountering the key can verify the signature by using the CA’s public key.
CA keys are valuable, so we encrypt and save it to disk and make sure it is not readable by other users.
ca_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new 2048 cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new 'AES-128-CBC' open 'ca_key.pem', 'w', 0400 do |io| io.write key.export(cipher, pass_phrase) end
A CA certificate is created the same way we created a certificate above, but with different extensions.
ca_name = OpenSSL::X509::Name.parse 'CN=ca/DC=example' ca_cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new ca_cert.serial = 0 ca_cert.version = 2 ca_cert.not_before = Time.now ca_cert.not_after = Time.now + 86400 ca_cert.public_key = ca_key.public_key ca_cert.subject = ca_name ca_cert.issuer = ca_name extension_factory = OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory.new extension_factory.subject_certificate = ca_cert extension_factory.issuer_certificate = ca_cert extension_factory.create_extension 'subjectKeyIdentifier', 'hash'
This extension indicates the CA’s key may be used as a CA.
extension_factory.create_extension 'basicConstraints', 'CA:TRUE', true
This extension indicates the CA’s key may be used to verify signatures on both certificates and certificate revocations.
extension_factory.create_extension 'keyUsage', 'cRLSign,keyCertSign', true
Root CA certificates are self-signed.
ca_cert.sign ca_key, OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.new
The CA certificate is saved to disk so it may be distributed to all the users of the keys this CA will sign.
open 'ca_cert.pem', 'w' do |io| io.write ca_cert.to_pem end
The CA signs keys through a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). The CSR contains the information necessary to identify the key.
csr = OpenSSL::X509::Request.new csr.version = 0 csr.subject = name csr.public_key = key.public_key csr.sign key, OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.new
A CSR is saved to disk and sent to the CA for signing.
open 'csr.pem', 'w' do |io| io.write csr.to_pem end
Upon receiving a CSR the CA will verify it before signing it. A minimal verification would be to check the CSR’s signature.
csr = OpenSSL::X509::Request.new File.read 'csr.pem' raise 'CSR can not be verified' unless csr.verify csr.public_key
After verification a certificate is created, marked for various usages, signed with the CA key and returned to the requester.
csr_cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new csr_cert.serial = 0 csr_cert.version = 2 csr_cert.not_before = Time.now csr_cert.not_after = Time.now + 600 csr_cert.subject = csr.subject csr_cert.public_key = csr.public_key csr_cert.issuer = ca_cert.subject extension_factory = OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory.new extension_factory.subject_certificate = csr_cert extension_factory.issuer_certificate = ca_cert extension_factory.create_extension 'basicConstraints', 'CA:FALSE' extension_factory.create_extension 'keyUsage', 'keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment,digitalSignature' extension_factory.create_extension 'subjectKeyIdentifier', 'hash' csr_cert.sign ca_key, OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.new open 'csr_cert.pem', 'w' do |io| io.write csr_cert.to_pem end
Using our created key and certificate we can create an SSL or TLS connection. An SSLContext is used to set up an SSL session.
context = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new
An SSL server requires the certificate and private key to communicate securely with its clients:
context.cert = cert context.key = key
Then create an SSLServer with a TCP server socket and the context. Use the SSLServer like an ordinary TCP server.
require 'socket' tcp_server = TCPServer.new 5000 ssl_server = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLServer.new tcp_server, context loop do ssl_connection = ssl_server.accept data = connection.gets response = "I got #{data.dump}" puts response connection.puts "I got #{data.dump}" connection.close end
An SSL client is created with a TCP socket and the context. SSLSocket#connect must be called to initiate the SSL handshake and start encryption. A key and certificate are not required for the client socket.
require 'socket' tcp_client = TCPSocket.new 'localhost', 5000 ssl_client = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.new client_socket, context ssl_client.connect ssl_client.puts "hello server!" puts ssl_client.gets
An unverified SSL connection does not provide much security. For enhanced security the client or server can verify the certificate of its peer.
The client can be modified to verify the server’s certificate against the certificate authority’s certificate:
context.ca_file = 'ca_cert.pem' context.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER require 'socket' tcp_client = TCPSocket.new 'localhost', 5000 ssl_client = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.new client_socket, context ssl_client.connect ssl_client.puts "hello server!" puts ssl_client.gets
If the server certificate is invalid or context.ca_file
is not
set when verifying peers an OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError will be raised.
Version of OpenSSL the ruby OpenSSL extension was built with
Version number of OpenSSL the ruby OpenSSL extension was built with (base 16)
OpenSSL ruby extension version
static VALUE ossl_debug_get(VALUE self) { return dOSSL; }
Turns on or off CRYPTO_MEM_CHECK. Also shows some debugging message on stderr.
static VALUE ossl_debug_set(VALUE self, VALUE val) { VALUE old = dOSSL; dOSSL = val; if (old != dOSSL) { if (dOSSL == Qtrue) { CRYPTO_mem_ctrl(CRYPTO_MEM_CHECK_ON); fprintf(stderr, "OSSL_DEBUG: IS NOW ON!\n"); } else if (old == Qtrue) { CRYPTO_mem_ctrl(CRYPTO_MEM_CHECK_OFF); fprintf(stderr, "OSSL_DEBUG: IS NOW OFF!\n"); } } return val; }
See any remaining errors held in queue.
Any errors you see here are probably due to a bug in ruby’s OpenSSL implementation.
VALUE ossl_get_errors() { VALUE ary; long e; ary = rb_ary_new(); while ((e = ERR_get_error()) != 0){ rb_ary_push(ary, rb_str_new2(ERR_error_string(e, NULL))); } return ary; }
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