Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more

In Files

  • openssl/ossl.c


Class/Module Index [+]



Defines a file format commonly used to store private keys with accompanying public key certificates, protected with a password-based symmetric key.



Public Class Methods

create(pass, name, key, cert [, ca, [, key_pbe [, cert_pbe [, key_iter [, mac_iter [, keytype]]]]]]) click to toggle source


  • pass - string

  • name - A string describing the key.

  • key - Any PKey.

  • cert - A X509::Certificate.

    • The public_key portion of the certificate must contain a valid public key.

    • The not_before and not_after fields must be filled in.

  • ca - An optional array of X509::Certificate's.

  • key_pbe - string

  • cert_pbe - string

  • key_iter - integer

  • mac_iter - integer

  • keytype - An integer representing an MSIE specific extension.

Any optional arguments may be supplied as nil to preserve the OpenSSL defaults.

See the OpenSSL documentation for PKCS12_create().

               static VALUE
ossl_pkcs12_s_create(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE pass, name, pkey, cert, ca, key_nid, cert_nid, key_iter, mac_iter, keytype;
    VALUE obj;
    char *passphrase, *friendlyname;
    EVP_PKEY *key;
    X509 *x509;
    STACK_OF(X509) *x509s;
    int nkey = 0, ncert = 0, kiter = 0, miter = 0, ktype = 0;
    PKCS12 *p12;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "46", &pass, &name, &pkey, &cert, &ca, &key_nid, &cert_nid, &key_iter, &mac_iter, &keytype);
    passphrase = NIL_P(pass) ? NULL : StringValuePtr(pass);
    friendlyname = NIL_P(name) ? NULL : StringValuePtr(name);
    key = GetPKeyPtr(pkey);
    x509 = GetX509CertPtr(cert);
    x509s = NIL_P(ca) ? NULL : ossl_x509_ary2sk(ca);
/* TODO: make a VALUE to nid function */
    if (!NIL_P(key_nid)) {
        if ((nkey = OBJ_txt2nid(StringValuePtr(key_nid))) == NID_undef)
            ossl_raise(rb_eArgError, "Unknown PBE algorithm %s", StringValuePtr(key_nid));
    if (!NIL_P(cert_nid)) {
        if ((ncert = OBJ_txt2nid(StringValuePtr(cert_nid))) == NID_undef)
            ossl_raise(rb_eArgError, "Unknown PBE algorithm %s", StringValuePtr(cert_nid));
    if (!NIL_P(key_iter))
        kiter = NUM2INT(key_iter);
    if (!NIL_P(mac_iter))
        miter = NUM2INT(mac_iter);
    if (!NIL_P(keytype))
        ktype = NUM2INT(keytype);

    p12 = PKCS12_create(passphrase, friendlyname, key, x509, x509s,
                        nkey, ncert, kiter, miter, ktype);
    sk_X509_pop_free(x509s, X509_free);
    if(!p12) ossl_raise(ePKCS12Error, NULL);
    WrapPKCS12(cPKCS12, obj, p12);

    ossl_pkcs12_set_key(obj, pkey);
    ossl_pkcs12_set_cert(obj, cert);
    ossl_pkcs12_set_ca_certs(obj, ca);

    return obj;
new → pkcs12 click to toggle source
new(str) → pkcs12
new(str, pass) → pkcs12


  • str - Must be a DER encoded PKCS12 string.

  • pass - string

               static VALUE
ossl_pkcs12_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    BIO *in;
    VALUE arg, pass, pkey, cert, ca;
    char *passphrase;
    EVP_PKEY *key;
    X509 *x509;
    STACK_OF(X509) *x509s = NULL;
    int st = 0;
    PKCS12 *pkcs = DATA_PTR(self);

    if(rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &arg, &pass) == 0) return self;
    passphrase = NIL_P(pass) ? NULL : StringValuePtr(pass);
    in = ossl_obj2bio(arg);
    d2i_PKCS12_bio(in, &pkcs);
    DATA_PTR(self) = pkcs;

    pkey = cert = ca = Qnil;
    if(!PKCS12_parse(pkcs, passphrase, &key, &x509, &x509s))
        ossl_raise(ePKCS12Error, "PKCS12_parse");
    pkey = rb_protect((VALUE(*)_((VALUE)))ossl_pkey_new, (VALUE)key,
                      &st); /* NO DUP */
    if(st) goto err;
    cert = rb_protect((VALUE(*)_((VALUE)))ossl_x509_new, (VALUE)x509, &st);
    if(st) goto err;
        ca =
            rb_protect((VALUE(*)_((VALUE)))ossl_x509_sk2ary, (VALUE)x509s, &st);
        if(st) goto err;

    sk_X509_pop_free(x509s, X509_free);
    ossl_pkcs12_set_key(self, pkey);
    ossl_pkcs12_set_cert(self, cert);
    ossl_pkcs12_set_ca_certs(self, ca);
    if(st) rb_jump_tag(st);

    return self;

Public Instance Methods

to_der() click to toggle source
               static VALUE
ossl_pkcs12_to_der(VALUE self)
    PKCS12 *p12;
    VALUE str;
    long len;
    unsigned char *p;

    GetPKCS12(self, p12);
    if((len = i2d_PKCS12(p12, NULL)) <= 0)
        ossl_raise(ePKCS12Error, NULL);
    str = rb_str_new(0, len);
    p = (unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(str);
    if(i2d_PKCS12(p12, &p) <= 0)
        ossl_raise(ePKCS12Error, NULL);
    ossl_str_adjust(str, p);

    return str;

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