Package support for AIX
If you feel that Salt should be using this module to manage filesets or rpm packages on a minion, and it is using a different module (or gives an error similar to 'pkg.install' is not available), see here.
(*names, **kwargs)¶This function is an alias of latest_version
Return the latest version of the named fileset/rpm package available for upgrade or installation. If more than one fileset/rpm package name is specified, a dict of name/version pairs is returned.
If the latest version of a given fileset/rpm package is already installed, an empty string will be returned for that package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name> salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...NOTE: Repositories are not presently supported for AIX. This function will always return an empty string for a given fileset/rpm package.
(name=None, refresh=False, pkgs=None, version=None, test=False, **kwargs)¶Install the named fileset(s)/rpm package(s).
The name of the fileset or rpm package to be installed.
Whether or not to update the yum database before executing.
Multiple Package Installation Options:
A list of filesets and/or rpm packages to install.
Must be passed as a python list. The name
parameter will be
ignored if this option is passed.
Install a specific version of a fileset/rpm package. (Unused at present).
Verify that command functions correctly:
Returns a dict containing the new fileset(s)/rpm package(s) names and versions:
- {'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>',
'new': '<new-version>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install /stage/middleware/AIX/bash-4.2-3.aix6.1.ppc.rpm
salt '*' pkg.install /stage/middleware/AIX/bash-4.2-3.aix6.1.ppc.rpm refresh=True
salt '*' pkg.install /stage/middleware/AIX/VIOS2211_update/tpc_4.1.1.85.bff
salt '*' pkg.install /stage/middleware/AIX/Xlc/usr/sys/inst.images/xlC.rte
salt '*' pkg.install /stage/middleware/AIX/Firefox/ppc-AIX53/Firefox.base
salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
(*names, **kwargs)¶Return the latest version of the named fileset/rpm package available for upgrade or installation. If more than one fileset/rpm package name is specified, a dict of name/version pairs is returned.
If the latest version of a given fileset/rpm package is already installed, an empty string will be returned for that package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name>
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
NOTE: Repositories are not presently supported for AIX. This function will always return an empty string for a given fileset/rpm package.
(versions_as_list=False, **kwargs)¶List the filesets/rpm packages currently installed as a dict:
{'<package_name>': '<version>'}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs
(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)¶Remove specified fileset(s)/rpm package(s).
The name of the fileset or rpm package to be deleted.
Multiple Package Options:
A list of filesets and/or rpm packages to delete.
Must be passed as a python list. The name
parameter will be
ignored if this option is passed.
Returns a list containing the removed packages.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove <fileset/rpm package name>
salt '*' pkg.remove tcsh
salt '*' pkg.remove xlC.rte
salt '*' pkg.remove Firefox.base.adt
salt '*' pkg.remove pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
(name, **kwargs)¶Check whether or not an upgrade is available for a given package
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade_available <package name>
(*names, **kwargs)¶Common interface for obtaining the version of installed fileset/rpm package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.version vim
salt '*' pkg.version foo bar baz