Alberto Planas <>
(rootfs=None)¶New in version TBD.
Renews certificates for a Kubernetes cluster
The path to the real host root filesystem
CLI Example:
salt '*' kubeadm.alpha_certs_renew
(client_name, apiserver_advertise_address=None, apiserver_bind_port=None, cert_dir=None, org=None, token=None, rootfs=None)¶New in version TBD.
Outputs a kubeconfig file for an additional user
The name of the user. It will be used as the CN if client certificates are created
The IP address the API server is accessible on
The port the API server is accessible on (default 6443)
The path where certificates are stored (default "/etc/kubernetes/pki")
The organization of the client certificate
The token that show be used as the authentication mechanism for this kubeconfig, instead of client certificates
The path to the real host root filesystem
CLI Example:
salt '*' kubeadm.alpha_kubeconfig_user client_name=user
(kubeconfig=None, kubelet_version=None, rootfs=None)¶New in version TBD.
Downloads the kubelet configuration from the cluster ConfigMap kubelet-config-1.X
The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. The default values in /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
The desired version for the kubelet
The path to the real host root filesystem
CLI Example:
salt '*' kubeadm.alpha_kubelet_config_download
salt '*' kubeadm.alpha_kubelet_config_download kubelet_version='1.14.0'
(node_name, kubeconfig=None, kubelet_version=None, rootfs=None)¶New in version TBD.
Enables or updates dynamic kubelet configuration for a node
Name of the node that should enable the dynamic kubelet configuration
The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. The default values in /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
The desired version for the kubelet
The path to the real host root filesystem
CLI Example:
salt '*' kubeadm.alpha_kubelet_config_enable_dynamic node-1
(cert_dir=None, config=None, kubeconfig=None, store_certs_in_secrets=False, rootfs=None)¶New in version TBD.
Converts a static Pod-hosted control plane into a selt-hosted one
The path where certificates are stored (default "/etc/kubernetes/pki")
Path to kubeadm configuration file
The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. The default values in /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
Enable storing certs in secrets
The path to the real host root filesystem
CLI Example:
salt '*' kubeadm.alpha_selfhost_pivot
(config=None, feature_gates=None, kubernetes_version=None, kubeconfig=None, rootfs=None)¶New in version TBD.
Print a list of images kubeadm will use
Path to kubeadm configuration file
A set of key=value pairs that describe feature gates for various features
Choose a specifig Kubernetes version for the control plane (default "stable-1")
The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. The default values in /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
The path to the real host root filesystem
CLI Example:
salt '*' kubeadm.config_images_list
(config=None, cri_socket=None, feature_gates=None, kubernetes_version=None, kubeconfig=None, rootfs=None)¶New in version TBD.
Pull images used by kubeadm
Path to kubeadm configuration file
Path to the CRI socket to connect
A set of key=value pairs that describe feature gates for various features
Choose a specifig Kubernetes version for the control plane (default "stable-1")
The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. The default values in /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
The path to the real host root filesystem
CLI Example:
salt '*' kubeadm.config_images_pull
(old_config, new_config=None, kubeconfig=None, rootfs=None)¶New in version TBD.
Read an older version of the kubeadm configuration API types from a file, and output the similar config object for the newer version
Path to the kubeadm config file that is usin the old API version and should be converted
Path to the resulting equivalent kubeadm config file using the new API version. If not specified the output will be returned
The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. The default values in /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
The path to the real host root filesystem
CLI Example:
salt '*' kubeadm.config_migrate /oldconfig.cfg
(component_configs=None, kubeconfig=None, rootfs=None)¶New in version TBD.
Return default init configuration, that can be used for 'kubeadm init'
A comma-separated list for component config API object to print the default values for (valid values: KubeProxyConfiguration, KubeletConfiguration)
The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. The default values in /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
The path to the real host root filesystem
CLI Example:
salt '*' kubeadm.config_print_init_defaults
(component_configs=None, kubeconfig=None, rootfs=None)¶New in version TBD.
Return default join configuration, that can be used for 'kubeadm join'
A comma-separated list for component config API object to print the default values for (valid values: KubeProxyConfiguration, KubeletConfiguration)
The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. The default values in /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
The path to the real host root filesystem
CLI Example:
salt '*' kubeadm.config_print_join_defaults
(config, kubeconfig=None, rootfs=None)¶New in version TBD.
Upload a configuration file to the in-cluster ConfigMap for kubeadm configuration
Path to a kubeadm configuration file
The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. The default values in /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
The path to the real host root filesystem
CLI Example:
salt '*' kubeadm.config_upload_from_file /config.cfg
(apiserver_advertise_address=None, apiserver_bind_port=None, apiserver_cert_extra_sans=None, cert_dir=None, cri_socket=None, feature_gates=None, kubernetes_version=None, node_name=None, pod_network_cidr=None, service_cidr=None, service_dns_domain=None, kubeconfig=None, rootfs=None)¶New in version TBD.
Create the in-cluster configuration file for the first time using flags
The IP address the API server will advertise it's listening on
The port the API server is accessible on (default 6443)
Optional extra Subject Alternative Names (SANs) to use for the API Server serving certificate
The path where to save and store the certificates (default "/etc/kubernetes/pki")
Path to the CRI socket to connect
A set of key=value pairs that describe feature gates for various features
Choose a specifig Kubernetes version for the control plane (default "stable-1")
Specify the node name
Specify range of IP addresses for the pod network
Use alternative range of IP address for service VIPs (default "")
Use alternative domain for services (default "cluster.local")
The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. The default values in /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
The path to the real host root filesystem
CLI Example:
salt '*' kubeadm.config_upload_from_flags
(kubeconfig=None, rootfs=None)¶New in version TBD.
View the kubeadm configuration stored inside the cluster
The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. The default values in /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
The path to the real host root filesystem
CLI Example:
salt '*' kubeadm.config_view
(apiserver_advertise_address=None, apiserver_bind_port=None, apiserver_cert_extra_sans=None, cert_dir=None, certificate_key=None, config=None, cri_socket=None, experimental_upload_certs=False, feature_gates=None, ignore_preflight_errors=None, image_repository=None, kubernetes_version=None, node_name=None, pod_network_cidr=None, service_cidr=None, service_dns_domain=None, skip_certificate_key_print=False, skip_phases=None, skip_token_print=False, token=None, token_ttl=None, rootfs=None)¶New in version TBD.
Command to set up the Kubernetes control plane
The IP address the API server will advertise it's listening on
The port the API server is accessible on (default 6443)
Optional extra Subject Alternative Names (SANs) to use for the API Server serving certificate
The path where to save and store the certificates (default "/etc/kubernetes/pki")
Key used to encrypt the control-plane certificates in the kubeadm-certs Secret
Path to a kubeadm configuration file
Path to the CRI socket to connect
Upload control-plane certificate to the kubeadm-certs Secret
A set of key=value pairs that describe feature gates for various features
A list of checks whose errors will be shown as warnings
Choose a container registry to pull control plane images from
Choose a specifig Kubernetes version for the control plane (default "stable-1")
Specify the node name
Specify range of IP addresses for the pod network
Use alternative range of IP address for service VIPs (default "")
Use alternative domain for services (default "cluster.local")
Don't print the key used to encrypt the control-plane certificates
List of phases to be skipped
Skip printing of the default bootstrap token generated by 'kubeadm init'
The token to use for establishing bidirectional trust between nodes and control-plane nodes. The token must match a regular expression, that by default is [a-z0-9]{6}.[a-z0-9]{16}
The duration defore the token is automatically deleted (1s, 2m, 3h). If set to '0' the token will never expire. Default value is 24h0m0s
The path to the real host root filesystem
CLI Example:
salt '*' kubeadm.init pod_network_cidr=''
(api_server_endpoint=None, apiserver_advertise_address=None, apiserver_bind_port=None, certificate_key=None, config=None, cri_socket=None, discovery_file=None, discovery_token=None, discovery_token_ca_cert_hash=None, discovery_token_unsafe_skip_ca_verification=False, experimental_control_plane=False, ignore_preflight_errors=None, node_name=None, skip_phases=None, tls_bootstrap_token=None, token=None, rootfs=None)¶New in version TBD.
Command to join to an existing cluster
IP address or domain name and port of the API Server
If the node should host a new control plane instance, the IP address the API Server will advertise it's listening on
If the node should host a new control plane instance, the port the API Server to bind to (default 6443)
Use this key to decrypt the certificate secrets uploaded by init
Path to a kubeadm configuration file
Path to the CRI socket to connect
For file-based discovery, a file or URL from which to load cluster information
For token-based discovery, the token used to validate cluster information fetched from the API Server
For token-based discovery, validate that the root CA public key matches this hash (format: "<type>:<value>")
For token-based discovery, allow joining without 'discovery-token-ca-cert-hash' pinning
Create a new control plane instance on this node
A list of checks whose errors will be shown as warnings
Specify the node name
List of phases to be skipped
Specify the token used to temporarily authenticate with the Kubernetes Control Plane while joining the node
Use this token for both discovery-token and tls-bootstrap-token when those values are not provided
The path to the real host root filesystem
CLI Example:
salt '*' kubeadm.join token='token'
(create_if_needed=False)¶New in version TBD.
Return the parameters required for joining into the cluster
If the token bucket is empty and this parameter is True, a new token will be created.
CLI Example:
salt '*' kubeadm.join_params
salt '*' kubeadm.join_params create_if_needed=True
(cert_dir=None, cri_socket=None, ignore_preflight_errors=None, kubeconfig=None, rootfs=None)¶New in version TBD.
Revert any changes made to this host by 'kubeadm init' or 'kubeadm join'
The path to the directory where the certificates are stored (default "/etc/kubernetes/pki")
Path to the CRI socket to connect
A list of checks whose errors will be shown as warnings
The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. The default values in /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
The path to the real host root filesystem
CLI Example:
salt '*' kubeadm.join token='token'
(token=None, config=None, description=None, groups=None, ttl=None, usages=None, kubeconfig=None, rootfs=None)¶New in version TBD.
Create bootstrap tokens on the server
Token to write, if None one will be generated. The token must match a regular expression, that by default is [a-z0-9]{6}.[a-z0-9]{16}
Path to kubeadm configuration file
A human friendly description of how this token is used
List of extra groups that this token will authenticate, defaut to ['system:bootstrappers:kubeadm:default-node-token']
The duration defore the token is automatically deleted (1s, 2m, 3h). If set to '0' the token will never expire. Default value is 24h0m0s
Describes the ways in wich this token can be used. The default value is ['signing', 'authentication']
The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. The default values in /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
The path to the real host root filesystem
CLI Example:
salt '*' kubeadm.token_create
salt '*' kubeadm.token_create a1b2c.0123456789abcdef
salt '*' kubeadm.token_create ttl='6h'
salt '*' kubeadm.token_create usages="['signing']"
(token, kubeconfig=None, rootfs=None)¶New in version TBD.
Delete bootstrap tokens on the server
Token to write, if None one will be generated. The token must match a regular expression, that by default is [a-z0-9]{6}.[a-z0-9]{16}
The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. The default values in /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
The path to the real host root filesystem
CLI Example:
salt '*' kubeadm.token_delete a1b2c
salt '*' kubeadm.token_create a1b2c.0123456789abcdef
(kubeconfig=None, rootfs=None)¶New in version TBD.
Generate and return a bootstrap token, but do not create it on the server
The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. The default values in /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
The path to the real host root filesystem
CLI Example:
salt '*' kubeadm.token_generate
(kubeconfig=None, rootfs=None)¶New in version TBD.
List bootstrap tokens on the server
The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. The default values in /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
The path to the real host root filesystem
CLI Example:
salt '*' kubeadm.token_list
(kubeconfig=None, rootfs=None)¶New in version TBD.
Return the version of kubeadm
The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. The default values in /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
The path to the real host root filesystem
CLI Example:
salt '*' kubeadm.version