
Global variables and functions.

Defined By

Config options

true to automatically load the related store from a remote source when instantiated. ...

true to automatically load the related store from a remote source when instantiated.

Defaults to: false

true to automatically synchronize the related store with the remote source ...

true to automatically synchronize the related store with the remote source

Defaults to: false

Optional configuration object that will be passed to the generated Store. ...

Optional configuration object that will be passed to the generated Store. Defaults to an empty Object.

Optional The name of the store by which you can reference it on this class as a property.

Optional The name of the store by which you can reference it on this class as a property.

Defined By


Exports an SVG document to an image. ...

Exports an SVG document to an image. To do this, the SVG string must be sent to a remote server and processed.

Sending the data

A post request is made to the URL. The following fields are sent:

  • width: The width of the image
  • height: The height of the image
  • type: The image type to save as, see supportedTypes
  • svg: The svg string for the surface

The response

It is expected that the user will be prompted with an image download. As such, the following options should be set on the server:

  • Content-Disposition: 'attachment, filename="chart.png"'
  • Content-Type: 'image/png'

Important: By default, chart data is sent to a server operated by Sencha to do data processing. You may change this default by setting the defaultUrl of this class. In addition, please note that this service only creates PNG images.

The default URL to submit the form request. ...

The default URL to submit the form request.

Defaults to: ""

The name of the height parameter to be sent to the server. ...

The name of the height parameter to be sent to the server. The Sencha IO server expects it to be the default value.

Defaults to: "height"

A list of export types supported by the server ...

A list of export types supported by the server

Defaults to: ["image/png", "image/jpeg"]

The name of the svg parameter to be sent to the server. ...

The name of the svg parameter to be sent to the server. The Sencha IO server expects it to be the default value.

Defaults to: "svg"

The name of the type parameter to be sent to the server. ...

The name of the type parameter to be sent to the server. The Sencha IO server expects it to be the default value.

Defaults to: "type"

The name of the width parameter to be sent to the server. ...

The name of the width parameter to be sent to the server. The Sencha IO server expects it to be the default value.

Defaults to: "width"

Defined By


( storeConfig ) : Functiondeprecatedprivate

This method has been deprecated

as of v2.0.0 on an association. Instead use the store configuration.

Creates a function that returns an which is configured to load a set of data filtered by the owner model's primary key - e.g. in a hasMany association where Group hasMany Users, this function returns a Store configured to return the filtered set of a single Group's Users.




    ( svg, [config] ) : Boolean
    Exports the surface to an image ...

    Exports the surface to an image


    • svg : String

      The SVG document.

    • config : Object (optional)

      The following config options are supported:

      • width : Number

        A width to send to the server to for configuring the image width (required)

      • height : Number

        A height to send to the server for configuring the image height (required)

      • url : String

        The url to post the data to. Defaults to the defaultUrl configuration on the class.

      • type : String

        The type of image to export. See the supportedTypes

      • widthParam : String

        The name of the width parameter to send to the server. Defaults to widthParam

      • heightParam : String

        The name of the height parameter to send to the server. Defaults to heightParam

      • typeParam : String

        The name of the type parameter to send to the server. Defaults to typeParam

      • svgParam : String

        The name of the svg parameter to send to the server. Defaults to svgParam


    • Boolean

      True if the surface was successfully sent to the server.

    ( record, reader, associationData )private
    Read associated data ...

    Read associated data



      ( fieldName, value )
      Sets the given field to the given value, marks the instance as dirty. ...

      Sets the given field to the given value, marks the instance as dirty.


      • fieldName : String/Object

        The field to set, or an object containing key/value pairs.

      • value : Object

        The value to set.


      • dirty
      • fieldupdate