class documentationtwisted.internet.test.test_socket
(View In Hierarchy)
Builder for testing IReactorSocket.adoptStreamConnection
Generally only tests for failure cases are found here. Success cases
for this interface are tested elsewhere. For example, the success case for
AF_INET is in twisted.internet.test.test_tcp
since that case should behave exactly the same as IReactorTCP.listenTCP
Method | test_invalidAddressFamily | An implementation of IReactorSocket.adoptStreamConnection
raises UnsupportedAddressFamily
if passed an address family it does not support. |
Inherited from ReactorBuilder:
Class Variable | skippedReactors | A dict mapping FQPN strings of reactors for which the tests defined by this class will be skipped to strings giving the skip message. |
Class Variable | requiredInterfaces | A list of interfaces which the reactor must provide or these
tests will be skipped. The default, None ,
means that no interfaces are required. |
Instance Variable | reactorFactory | A no-argument callable which returns the reactor to use for testing. |
Instance Variable | originalHandler | The SIGCHLD handler which was installed when setUp ran and which will be re-installed when tearDown runs. |
Method | setUp | Clear the SIGCHLD handler, if there is one, to ensure an environment
like the one which exists prior to a call to . |
Method | tearDown | Restore the original SIGCHLD handler and reap processes as long as there seem to be any remaining. |
Method | unbuildReactor | Clean up any resources which may have been allocated for the given reactor by its creation or by a test which used it. |
Method | buildReactor | Create and return a reactor using self.reactorFactory . |
Method | getTimeout | Determine how long to run the test before considering it failed. |
Method | runReactor | Run the reactor for at most the given amount of time. |
Class Method | makeTestCaseClasses | Create a SynchronousTestCase
subclass which mixes in cls for each known reactor and return
a dict mapping their names to them. |
Instance Variable | _reactors | A list of FQPN strings giving the reactors for which SynchronousTestCase s
will be created. |
An implementation of IReactorSocket.adoptStreamConnection
raises UnsupportedAddressFamily
if passed an address family it does not support.