Tests for implementations of IReactorTCP and the TCP parts of IReactorSocket.

Function getLinkLocalIPv6Address Find and return a configured link local IPv6 address including a scope identifier using the % separation syntax. If the system has no link local IPv6 addresses, raise SkipTest instead.
Function connect Connect a socket to the given destination.
Class FakeSocket A fake for socket.socket objects.
Class FakeSocketTests Test that the FakeSocket can be used by the doRead method of Connection
Class FakeProtocol An IProtocol that returns a value from its dataReceived method.
Class TCPServerTests Whitebox tests for twisted.internet.tcp.Server.
Class TCPConnectionTests Whitebox tests for twisted.internet.tcp.Connection.
Class TCPCreator Create IPv4 TCP endpoints for runProtocolsWithReactor-based tests.
Class TCP6Creator Create IPv6 TCP endpoints for ReactorBuilder.runProtocolsWithReactor-based tests.
Class FakeResolver A resolver implementation based on a dict mapping names to addresses.
Class TCPClientTestsBase No summary
Class TCP4ClientTestsBuilder Builder configured with IPv4 parameters for tests related to IReactorTCP.connectTCP.
Class TCP6ClientTestsBuilder Builder configured with IPv6 parameters for tests related to IReactorTCP.connectTCP.
Class TCPConnectorTestsBuilder Tests for the IConnector provider returned by IReactorTCP.connectTCP.
Class TCP4ConnectorTestsBuilder Undocumented
Class TCP6ConnectorTestsBuilder Undocumented
Function createTestSocket Create a socket for the duration of the given test.
Class ExhaustsFileDescriptorsTests Tests for _ExhaustsFileDescriptors.
Function assertPeerClosedOnEMFILE Assert that an IListeningPort immediately closes an accepted peer socket when the number of open file descriptors exceeds the soft resource limit.
Class AssertPeerClosedOnEMFILETests Tests for assertPeerClosedOnEMFILE.
Class StreamTransportTestsMixin Mixin defining tests which apply to any port/connection based transport.
Class ConnectToTCPListenerMixin Provides connectToListener for TCP transports.
Class ListenTCPMixin Mixin which uses IReactorTCP.listenTCP to hand out listening TCP ports.
Class SocketTCPMixin Mixin which uses IReactorSocket.adoptStreamPort to hand out listening TCP ports.
Class TCPPortTestsMixin Tests for IReactorTCP.listenTCP
Class TCPPortTestsBuilder Undocumented
Class TCPFDPortTestsBuilder Undocumented
Class StopStartReadingProtocol Protocol that pauses and resumes the transport a few times
Function oneTransportTest No summary
Function assertReading Use the given test to assert that the given transport is actively reading in the given reactor.
Function assertNotReading Use the given test to assert that the given transport is not actively reading in the given reactor.
Class TCPConnectionTestsBuilder Builder defining tests relating to twisted.internet.tcp.Connection.
Class WriteSequenceTestsMixin Test for twisted.internet.abstract.FileDescriptor.writeSequence.
Class TCPTransportServerAddressTestMixin Test mixing for TCP server address building and log prefix.
Class TCPTransportTestsBuilder Test standard ITCPTransports built with listenTCP and connectTCP.
Class AdoptStreamConnectionTestsBuilder Test server transports built using adoptStreamConnection.
Class ServerAbortsTwice Call abortConnection() twice.
Class ServerAbortsThenLoses Call abortConnection() followed by loseConnection().
Class AbortServerWritingProtocol Protocol that writes data upon connection.
Class ReadAbortServerProtocol Server that should never receive any data, except 'X's which are written by the other side of the connection before abortConnection, and so might possibly arrive.
Class NoReadServer Stop reading immediately on connection.
Class EventualNoReadServer Like NoReadServer, except we Wait until some bytes have been delivered before stopping reading. This means TLS handshake has finished, where applicable.
Class BaseAbortingClient Base class for abort-testing clients.
Class WritingButNotAbortingClient Write data, but don't abort.
Class AbortingClient Call abortConnection() after writing some data.
Class AbortingTwiceClient Call abortConnection() twice, after writing some data.
Class AbortingThenLosingClient Call abortConnection() and then loseConnection().
Class ProducerAbortingClient Call abortConnection from doWrite, via resumeProducing.
Class StreamingProducerClient Call abortConnection() when the other side has stopped reading.
Class StreamingProducerClientLater Call abortConnection() from dataReceived, after bytes have been exchanged.
Class ProducerAbortingClientLater Call abortConnection from doWrite, via resumeProducing.
Class DataReceivedRaisingClient Call abortConnection(), and then throw exception, from dataReceived.
Class ResumeThrowsClient Call abortConnection() and throw exception from resumeProducing().
Class AbortConnectionMixin Unit tests for ITransport.abortConnection.
Class AbortConnectionTests TCP-specific AbortConnectionMixin tests.
Class SimpleUtilityTests Simple, direct tests for helpers within twisted.internet.tcp.
Class BuffersLogsTests Tests for _BuffersLogs.
Class FileDescriptorReservationTests Tests for _FileDescriptorReservation.
Class NullFileDescriptorReservationTests Tests for _NullFileDescriptorReservation.
Class _FakeFDSetReactor An in-memory implementation of IReactorFDSet, which records the current sets of active IReadDescriptor and IWriteDescriptors.
Interface _IExhaustsFileDescriptors A way to trigger EMFILE.
Class _ExhaustsFileDescriptors A class that triggers EMFILE by creating as many file descriptors as necessary.
def getLinkLocalIPv6Address():

Find and return a configured link local IPv6 address including a scope identifier using the % separation syntax. If the system has no link local IPv6 addresses, raise SkipTest instead.

Returnsa str giving the address
RaisesSkipTestif no link local address can be found or if the netifaces module is not available.
def connect(client, destination):

Connect a socket to the given destination.

ParametersclientA socket.socket.
destinationA tuple of (host, port). The host is a str, the port a int. If the host is an IPv6 IP, the address is resolved using getaddrinfo and the first version found is used.
def createTestSocket(test, addressFamily, socketType):

Create a socket for the duration of the given test.

Parameterstestthe test to add cleanup to.
addressFamilyan AF_* constant
socketTypea SOCK_* constant.
Returnsa socket object.
def assertPeerClosedOnEMFILE(testCase, exhauster, reactor, runReactor, listen, connect):

Assert that an IListeningPort immediately closes an accepted peer socket when the number of open file descriptors exceeds the soft resource limit.

ParameterstestCaseThe test case under which to run this assertion. (type: trial.unittest.SynchronousTestCase)
exhausterThe file descriptor exhauster. (type: _ExhaustsFileDescriptors)
reactorThe reactor under test.
runReactorA callable that will synchronously run the provided reactor.
listenA callback to bind to a port. (type: A callable that accepts two arguments: the provided reactor; and a ServerFactory. It must return an IListeningPort provider.)
connectA callback to connect a client to the listening port. (type: A callable that accepts three arguments: the provided reactor; the address returned by IListeningPort.getHost; and a ClientFactory. Its return value is ignored.)
def oneTransportTest(testMethod):

Decorate a ReactorBuilder test function which tests one reactor and one connected transport. Run that test method in the context of connectionMade, and immediately drop the connection (and end the test) when that completes.

ParameterstestMethodA unit test method on a ReactorBuilder test suite; taking two additional parameters; a reactor as built by the ReactorBuilder, and an ITCPTransport provider. (type: 3-argument function)
Returnsa no-argument test method. (type: 1-argument function)
def assertReading(testCase, reactor, transport):

Use the given test to assert that the given transport is actively reading in the given reactor.

ParameterstestCasea test case to perform the assertion upon. (type: TestCase)
reactorA reactor, possibly one providing IReactorFDSet, or an IOCP reactor.
transportAn ITCPTransport
NoteMaintainers; for more information on why this is a function rather than a method on a test case, see this document on how we structure test tools
def assertNotReading(testCase, reactor, transport):

Use the given test to assert that the given transport is not actively reading in the given reactor.

ParameterstestCasea test case to perform the assertion upon. (type: TestCase)
reactorA reactor, possibly one providing IReactorFDSet, or an IOCP reactor.
transportAn ITCPTransport
NoteMaintainers; for more information on why this is a function rather than a method on a test case, see this document on how we structure test tools
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.