Known subclasses: twisted.internet.test.test_tcp.ListenTCPMixin, twisted.internet.test.test_tcp.SocketTCPMixin, twisted.internet.test.test_tls.TLSPortTestsBuilder

Provides connectToListener for TCP transports.

See Also
Instance Variable LISTENER_HOST The host on which the port is expected to be listening. This is specific to avoid compatibility issues with Windows, which cannot connect to the wildcard host. (type: str)
Method connectToListener Connect to the given listening TCP port.
The host on which the port is expected to be listening. This is specific to avoid compatibility issues with Windows, which cannot connect to the wildcard host. (type: str)
def connectToListener(self, reactor, address, factory):

Connect to the given listening TCP port.

ParametersreactorThe reactor under test. (type: IReactorTCP)
addressThe listening port's address. Only the port component is used; see LISTENER_HOST. (type: IPv4Address or IPv6Address)
factoryThe client factory. (type: ClientFactory)
ReturnsThe connector
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.