Known subclasses: twisted.internet.test.test_tcp.AdoptStreamConnectionTestsBuilder, twisted.internet.test.test_tcp.TCPTransportTestsBuilder

Test mixing for TCP server address building and log prefix.

Method getConnectedClientAndServer Helper method returnine a Deferred firing with a tuple of a client protocol, a server protocol, and a running TCP port.
Method test_serverAddressTCP4 Server instances have a string representation indicating on which port they're running, and the connected address is stored on the peerAddresses attribute of the factory.
Method test_serverAddressTCP6 IPv6 Server instances have a string representation indicating on which port they're running, and the connected address is stored on the peerAddresses attribute of the factory.
Method _testServerAddress Helper method to test TCP server addresses on either IPv4 or IPv6.
def getConnectedClientAndServer(self, reactor, interface, addressFamily):

Helper method returnine a Deferred firing with a tuple of a client protocol, a server protocol, and a running TCP port.

def _testServerAddress(self, interface, addressFamily, adressClass):

Helper method to test TCP server addresses on either IPv4 or IPv6.

def test_serverAddressTCP4(self):

Server instances have a string representation indicating on which port they're running, and the connected address is stored on the peerAddresses attribute of the factory.

def test_serverAddressTCP6(self):

IPv6 Server instances have a string representation indicating on which port they're running, and the connected address is stored on the peerAddresses attribute of the factory.

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.