Test cases for twisted.internet.defer.

Class DeferredTestsAsync A dummy class to show that this test file was discovered but the tests are unable to be ran in this version of Python.
Class GenericError Undocumented
Function getDivisionFailure Make a failure.Failure of a divide-by-zero error.
Function fakeCallbackCanceller A fake defer.Deferred canceller which callbacks the defer.Deferred with str "Callback Result" when cancelling it.
Class ImmediateFailureMixin Add additional assertion methods.
Class UtilTests Tests for utility functions.
Class DeferredTests No class docstring; 47/69 methods documented
Class FirstErrorTests Tests for FirstError.
Class AlreadyCalledTests Undocumented
Class DeferredCancellerTests No class docstring; 14/19 methods documented
Class LogTests Test logging of unhandled errors.
Class DeferredListEmptyTests No class docstring; 1/4 methods documented
Class OtherPrimitivesTests No class docstring; 7/12 methods documented
Class DeferredFilesystemLockTests Test the behavior of DeferredFilesystemLock
Class DeferredAddTimeoutTests Tests for the function Deferred.addTimeout
Class EnsureDeferredTests Tests for twisted.internet.defer.ensureDeferred.
Class TimeoutErrorTests twisted.internet.defer timeout code.
Function callAllSoonCalls Tickle an asyncio event loop to call all of the things scheduled with call_soon, inasmuch as this can be done via the public API.
Class DeferredFutureAdapterTests No class docstring; 7/7 methods documented
Function _overrideFunc Private function to be used to pass as an alternate onTimeoutCancel value to timeoutDeferred
def getDivisionFailure(*args, **kwargs):

Make a failure.Failure of a divide-by-zero error.

ParametersargsAny *args are passed to Failure's constructor.
kwargsAny **kwargs are passed to Failure's constructor.
def fakeCallbackCanceller(deferred):

A fake defer.Deferred canceller which callbacks the defer.Deferred with str "Callback Result" when cancelling it.

ParametersdeferredThe cancelled defer.Deferred.
def _overrideFunc(v, t):

Private function to be used to pass as an alternate onTimeoutCancel value to timeoutDeferred

def callAllSoonCalls(loop):

Tickle an asyncio event loop to call all of the things scheduled with call_soon, inasmuch as this can be done via the public API.

ParametersloopThe asyncio event loop to flush the previously-called call_soon entries from.
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.