class documentationtwisted.trial.test.test_runner
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Implements interfaces: twisted.trial.itrial.IReporter
Reporter that keeps a log of all actions performed on it.
Method | __init__ | Create a capturing reporter. |
Method | startTest | Report the beginning of a run of a single test method @param method: an object that is adaptable to ITestMethod |
Method | stopTest | Report the status of a single test method @param method: an object that is adaptable to ITestMethod |
Method | cleanupErrors | called when the reactor has been left in a 'dirty' state @param errs: a
list of twisted.python.failure.Failure s |
Method | addSuccess | Record that test passed. |
Method | done | Do nothing. These tests don't care about done. |
Create a capturing reporter.
Report the beginning of a run of a single test method
Parameters | method | an object that is adaptable to ITestMethod |
Report the status of a single test method
Parameters | method | an object that is adaptable to ITestMethod |
called when the reactor has been left in a 'dirty' state
Parameters | errs | a list of twisted.python.failure.Failure s |