Known subclasses: twisted.trial.test.test_runner.DryRunTests, twisted.trial.test.test_runner.PyUnitDryRunTests, twisted.trial.test.test_runner.SynchronousDryRunTests

Mixin for testing that 'dry run' mode works with various pyunit.TestCase subclasses.

Method setUp Undocumented
Method makeTestFixtures Set self.test and self.suite, where self.suite is an empty TestSuite.
Method test_empty If there are no tests, the reporter should not receive any events to report.
Method test_singleCaseReporting If we are running a single test, check the reporter starts, passes and then stops the test during a dry run.
Method test_testsNotRun When we are doing a dry run, the tests should not actually be run.
def setUp(self):
def makeTestFixtures(self):
def test_empty(self):

If there are no tests, the reporter should not receive any events to report.

def test_singleCaseReporting(self):

If we are running a single test, check the reporter starts, passes and then stops the test during a dry run.

def test_testsNotRun(self):

When we are doing a dry run, the tests should not actually be run.

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.