Known subclasses: twisted.trial.test.test_runner.ExcInfoHoldingErrorHolderTests, twisted.trial.test.test_runner.FailureHoldingErrorHolderTests

This mixin defines test methods which can be applied to a runner.ErrorHolder constructed with either a Failure or a exc_info-style tuple.

Subclass this and implement setUp to create self.holder referring to a runner.ErrorHolder instance and self.error referring to a Failure which the holder holds.

Class TestResultStub Stub for TestResult.
Method test_runsWithStandardResult A runner.ErrorHolder can run against the standard Python TestResult.
Method test_run runner.ErrorHolder adds an error to the result when run.
Method test_call runner.ErrorHolder adds an error to the result when called.
Method test_countTestCases runner.ErrorHolder.countTestCases always returns 0.
Method test_repr runner.ErrorHolder.__repr__ returns a string describing the error it holds.
def test_runsWithStandardResult(self):

A runner.ErrorHolder can run against the standard Python TestResult.

def test_run(self):

runner.ErrorHolder adds an error to the result when run.

def test_call(self):

runner.ErrorHolder adds an error to the result when called.

def test_countTestCases(self):

runner.ErrorHolder.countTestCases always returns 0.

def test_repr(self):

runner.ErrorHolder.__repr__ returns a string describing the error it holds.

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.