Fake reporter that does *not* implement done() but *does* implement printErrors, separator, printSummary, stream, write and writeln without deprecations.

Method printErrors Deprecated in Twisted 8.0, use done instead.
Method printSummary Deprecated in Twisted 8.0, use done instead.
Method write Deprecated in Twisted 8.0, use done instead.
Method writeln Deprecated in Twisted 8.0, use done instead.

Inherited from Reporter:

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method startTest Called when a test begins to run. Records the time when it was first called and resets the warning cache.
Method addFailure Called when a test fails. If realtime is set, then it prints the error to the stream.
Method addError Called when a test raises an error. If realtime is set, then it prints the error to the stream.
Method upDownError Deprecated in Twisted 8.0.
Method cleanupErrors Deprecated in Twisted 8.0.
Method done Summarize the result of the test run.
Instance Variable _startTime The time when the first test was started. It defaults to None, which means that no test was actually launched. (type: float or None)
Instance Variable _warningCache A set of tuples of warning message (file, line, text, category) which have already been written to the output stream during the currently executing test. This is used to avoid writing duplicates of the same warning to the output stream. (type: set)
Instance Variable _publisher The log publisher which will be observed for warning events. (type: twisted.python.log.LogPublisher)
Method _observeWarnings Observe warning events and write them to self._stream.
Method _write Safely write to the reporter's stream.
Method _writeln Safely write a line to the reporter's stream. Newline is appended to the format string.
Method _trimFrames Trim frames to remove internal paths.
Method _formatFailureTraceback Undocumented
Method _groupResults Group tests together based on their results.
Method _printResults Print a group of errors to the stream.
Method _printExpectedFailure Undocumented
Method _printUnexpectedSuccess Undocumented
Method _printErrors Print all of the non-success results to the stream in full.
Method _getSummary Return a formatted count of tests status results.
Method _printSummary Print a line summarising the test results to the stream.

Inherited from TestResult (via Reporter):

Instance Variable successes count the number of successes achieved by the test run. (type: int)
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method stopTest This must be called after the given test is completed.
Method addSkip Report that the given test was skipped.
Method addUnexpectedSuccess Report that the given test succeeded against expectations.
Method addExpectedFailure Report that the given test failed, and was expected to do so.
Method addSuccess Report that the given test succeeded.
Method wasSuccessful Report whether or not this test suite was successful or not.
Method _getTime Undocumented
Method _getFailure Convert a sys.exc_info()-style tuple to a Failure, if necessary.
def printErrors(self, *args):

Deprecated in Twisted 8.0, use done instead.

Present the errors that have occurred during the test run. This method will be called after all tests have been run.

def printSummary(self, *args):

Deprecated in Twisted 8.0, use done instead.

Present a summary of the test results.

def write(self, *args):

Deprecated in Twisted 8.0, use done instead.

Display a string to the user, without appending a new line.

def writeln(self, *args):

Deprecated in Twisted 8.0, use done instead.

Display a string to the user, appending a new line.

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.