Known subclasses: twisted.trial.test.test_runner.TrialRunnerTests, twisted.trial.test.test_runner.TrialRunnerWithUncleanWarningsReporterTests

Mixin defining tests for runner.TrialRunner.

Method tearDown Undocumented
Method test_empty Empty test method, used by the other tests.
Method test_addObservers Any log system observers adds are removed by the time it returns.
Method test_logFileAlwaysActive Test that a new file is opened on each run.
Method test_logFileGetsClosed Test that file created is closed during the run.
Method _getObservers Undocumented
def tearDown(self):
def test_empty(self):

Empty test method, used by the other tests.

def _getObservers(self):
def test_addObservers(self):

Any log system observers adds are removed by the time it returns.

def test_logFileAlwaysActive(self):

Test that a new file is opened on each run.

def test_logFileGetsClosed(self):

Test that file created is closed during the run.

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.