class documentationtwisted.trial.test.test_suppression
(View In Hierarchy)
Known subclasses: twisted.trial.test.test_suppression.SynchronousSuppressionTests, twisted.trial.test.test_tests.AsynchronousSuppressionTests
Tests for the warning suppression features of twisted.trial.unittest.SynchronousTestCase
Method | runTests | Undocumented |
Method | test_setUpSuppression | Suppressions defined by the test method being run are applied to any
warnings emitted while running the setUp fixture. |
Method | test_tearDownSuppression | Suppressions defined by the test method being run are applied to any
warnings emitted while running the tearDown fixture. |
Method | test_suppressMethod | A suppression set on a test method prevents warnings emitted by that test method which the suppression matches from being emitted. |
Method | test_suppressClass | A suppression set on a SynchronousTestCase
subclass prevents warnings emitted by any test methods defined on that
class which match the suppression from being emitted. |
Method | test_suppressModule | A suppression set on a module prevents warnings emitted by any test mewthods defined in that module which match the suppression from being emitted. |
Method | test_overrideSuppressClass | The suppression set on a test method completely overrides a suppression with wider scope; if it does not match a warning emitted by that test method, the warning is emitted, even if a wider suppression matches. |
Method | _load | Return a new unittest.TestSuite
with a single test method in it. |
Method | _assertWarnings | Assert that a certain number of warnings with certain messages were emitted in a certain order. |
Return a new unittest.TestSuite
with a single test method in it.
Parameters | cls | A TestCase
subclass defining a test method. |
methodName | The name of the test method from cls . |
Assert that a certain number of warnings with certain messages were emitted in a certain order.
Parameters | warnings | A list of emitted warnings, as returned by flushWarnings . |
which | A list of strings giving warning messages that should appear in
warnings . | |
Raises | self.failureException | If the warning messages given by which do not match the
messages in the warning information in warnings , or if they do
not appear in the same order. |
Suppressions defined by the test method being run are applied to any
warnings emitted while running the setUp
Suppressions defined by the test method being run are applied to any
warnings emitted while running the tearDown
A suppression set on a test method prevents warnings emitted by that test method which the suppression matches from being emitted.
A suppression set on a SynchronousTestCase
subclass prevents warnings emitted by any test methods defined on that
class which match the suppression from being emitted.