Known subclasses: twisted.trial.test.test_tests.AsynchronousSkipClassTests, twisted.trial.test.test_tests.SynchronousSkipClassTests

Test the class skipping features of twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase.

Method setUp Setup our test case
Method test_counting Skipped test methods still contribute to the total test count.
Method test_setUpRan The setUp method is not called if the class is set to skip.
Method test_results No summary
Method test_reasons Test methods which raise unittest.SkipTest or have their skip attribute set to something are skipped.

Inherited from ResultsTestMixin:

Method loadSuite Load tests from the given test case class and create a new reporter to use for running it.
Method test_setUp test the setup
Method assertCount Asserts that the test count is plausible
def setUp(self):

Setup our test case

def test_counting(self):

Skipped test methods still contribute to the total test count.

def test_setUpRan(self):

The setUp method is not called if the class is set to skip.

def test_results(self):

Skipped test methods don't cause wasSuccessful to return False, nor do they contribute to the errors or failures of the reporter, or to the count of successes. They do, however, add elements to the reporter's skips list.

def test_reasons(self):

Test methods which raise unittest.SkipTest or have their skip attribute set to something are skipped.

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.