Known subclasses: twisted.trial.test.test_tests.AsynchronousStrictTodoTests, twisted.trial.test.test_tests.SynchronousStrictTodoTests

Tests for the expected failure features of twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase in which the exact failure which is expected is indicated.

Method setUp Setup our test case
Method test_counting Assert there are seven test cases
Method test_results A test method which is marked as expected to fail with a particular exception is only counted as an expected failure if it does fail with that exception, not if it fails with some other exception.
Method test_expectedFailures Ensure that expected failures are handled properly.
Method test_unexpectedSuccesses Ensure that unexpected successes are caught.

Inherited from ResultsTestMixin:

Method loadSuite Load tests from the given test case class and create a new reporter to use for running it.
Method test_setUp test the setup
Method assertCount Asserts that the test count is plausible
def setUp(self):

Setup our test case

def test_counting(self):

Assert there are seven test cases

def test_results(self):

A test method which is marked as expected to fail with a particular exception is only counted as an expected failure if it does fail with that exception, not if it fails with some other exception.

def test_expectedFailures(self):

Ensure that expected failures are handled properly.

def test_unexpectedSuccesses(self):

Ensure that unexpected successes are caught.

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.