Known subclasses: twisted.trial.test.test_tests.AsynchronousTodoTests, twisted.trial.test.test_tests.SynchronousTodoTests

Tests for the individual test method expected failure features of twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase.

Method setUp Setup our test case
Method test_counting Ensure that we've got three test cases.
Method test_results No summary
Method test_expectedFailures Ensure that expected failures are handled properly.
Method test_unexpectedSuccesses Ensure that unexpected successes are caught.
Method test_expectedSetUpFailure setUp is excluded from the failure expectation defined by a todo attribute on a test method.
Method test_expectedTearDownFailure tearDown is excluded from the failure expectation defined by a todo attribute on a test method.

Inherited from ResultsTestMixin:

Method loadSuite Load tests from the given test case class and create a new reporter to use for running it.
Method test_setUp test the setup
Method assertCount Asserts that the test count is plausible
def setUp(self):

Setup our test case

def test_counting(self):

Ensure that we've got three test cases.

def test_results(self):

Running a suite in which all methods are individually marked as expected to fail produces a successful result with no recorded errors, failures, or skips, all methods which fail and were expected to fail recorded as expectedFailures, and all methods which pass but which were expected to fail recorded as unexpectedSuccesses. Additionally, no tests are recorded as successes.

def test_expectedFailures(self):

Ensure that expected failures are handled properly.

def test_unexpectedSuccesses(self):

Ensure that unexpected successes are caught.

def test_expectedSetUpFailure(self):

setUp is excluded from the failure expectation defined by a todo attribute on a test method.

def test_expectedTearDownFailure(self):

tearDown is excluded from the failure expectation defined by a todo attribute on a test method.

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.