class documentationtwisted.web.test.test_http
(View In Hierarchy)
Like DummyHTTPHandler
but doesn't respond immediately.
Method | process | Override in subclasses. |
Method | delayedProcess | Undocumented |
Inherited from Request (via DummyHTTPHandler):
Instance Variable | method | The HTTP method that was used, e.g. b'GET' . (type: bytes ) |
Instance Variable | uri | The full encoded URI which was requested (including query arguments), e.g.
b'/a/b%20/c?q=v' . (type: bytes ) |
Instance Variable | path | The encoded path of the request URI (not including query arguments), e.g.
b'/a/b%20/c' . (type: bytes ) |
Instance Variable | args | A mapping of decoded query argument names as bytes
to corresponding query argument values as list s
of bytes .
For example, for a URI with foo=bar&foo=baz&quux=spam
as its query part args will be {b'foo': [b'bar',
b'baz'], b'quux': [b'spam']} . (type: dict
of bytes
to list
of bytes ) |
Instance Variable | content | A file-like object giving the request body. This may be a file on disk, an
io.BytesIO ,
or some other type. The implementation is free to decide on a per-request
basis. (type: typing.BinaryIO ) |
Instance Variable | cookies | The cookies that will be sent in the response. (type: list
of bytes ) |
Instance Variable | requestHeaders | All received HTTP request headers. (type: http_headers.Headers ) |
Instance Variable | responseHeaders | All HTTP response headers to be sent. (type: http_headers.Headers ) |
Instance Variable | notifications | A list
of Deferred s
which are waiting for notification that the response to this request has
been finished (successfully or with an error). Don't use this attribute
directly, instead use the Request.notifyFinish
method. |
Method | __init__ | |
Method | noLongerQueued | Notify the object that it is no longer queued. |
Method | gotLength | Called when HTTP channel got length of content in this request. |
Method | parseCookies | Parse cookie headers. |
Method | handleContentChunk | Write a chunk of data. |
Method | requestReceived | Called by channel when all data has been received. |
Method | __repr__ | Return a string description of the request including such information as the request method and request URI. |
Method | registerProducer | Register a producer. |
Method | unregisterProducer | Unregister the producer. |
Method | getHeader | Get an HTTP request header. |
Method | getCookie | Get a cookie that was sent from the network. |
Method | notifyFinish | Notify when the response to this request has finished. |
Method | finish | Indicate that all response data has been written to this Request . |
Method | write | Write some data as a result of an HTTP request. The first time this is called, it writes out response data. |
Method | addCookie | Set an outgoing HTTP cookie. |
Method | setResponseCode | Set the HTTP response code. |
Method | setHeader | Set an HTTP response header. Overrides any previously set values for this header. |
Method | redirect | Utility function that does a redirect. |
Method | setLastModified | Set the Last-Modified time for the response to this
request. |
Method | setETag | Set an entity tag for the outgoing response. |
Method | getAllHeaders | Return dictionary mapping the names of all received headers to the last value received for each. |
Method | getRequestHostname | Get the hostname that the user passed in to the request. |
Method | getHost | Get my originally requesting transport's host. |
Method | setHost | Change the host and port the request thinks it's using. |
Method | getClientIP | Return the IP address of the client who submitted this request. |
Method | getClientAddress | Return the address of the client who submitted this request. |
Method | isSecure | Return True
if this request is using a secure transport. |
Method | getUser | Return the HTTP user sent with this request, if any. |
Method | getPassword | Return the HTTP password sent with this request, if any. |
Method | connectionLost | There is no longer a connection for this request to respond over. Clean up anything which can't be useful anymore. |
Method | loseConnection | Pass the loseConnection through to the underlying channel. |
Method | __eq__ | Determines if two requests are the same object. |
Method | __ne__ | Determines if two requests are not the same object. |
Method | __hash__ | A Request is hashable so that it can be used as a mapping
key. |
Instance Variable | _disconnected | A flag which is False until the connection over which this
request was received is closed and which is True after that. (type: bool ) |
Instance Variable | _log | A logger instance for request related messages. (type: twisted.logger.Logger ) |
Method | _cleanup | Called when have finished responding and are no longer queued. |
Method | _authorize | Undocumented |